DIet Soda.... Do or DoNot?



  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    For me...
    It's a DO NOT! But this is me. I can't tell you how long it has been since I have had a soda. I drink water (first and foremost), tea, milk, and I use crystal light packets and the walmart knock off (made with stevia).
  • MamaKatel
    MamaKatel Posts: 180
    I can't live without my red bulls, it makes me happy and helps get me through the day! lol
  • tncmom
    tncmom Posts: 79
    I, personally, think life is too damn short to worry about whether one coke zero a day is going to kill me! I have a better chance, GOD FORBID, of getting ran over while running. If you want one, drink it! That's just my opinion...

    PS: I drink anywhere from 100-150 ounces of water a day. The coke zero is my treat to myself.

    One a day is not going to kill you. It's when it is your primary source of liquid that it is bad for you. As always, all things in moderation.
  • Dramatic456
    Dramatic456 Posts: 30 Member
    There are a lot of studies that relate diet soda to overweight people, and claim causation. I don't think a SINGLE one of those studies has proven that diet soda CAUSES anyone to be overweight. I think we overweight people are just drinking it because we ARE overweight ( If I was skinny maybed I'd go for the regular!) at a higher frequency.

    There is some evidence that diet soda can make you feel like you want sugar after you drink it. Like your brain says to your stomach " here comes sugar" and then your stomach is craving the actual sugar it's been promised, and none comes from the diet soda so you seek it elsewhere ( excuse my very scientifict analysis here LOL) and ger hungry after you have a diet soda. If you want to see if this is true-- track what you eat after you drink it, and see if you do tend to eat/ crave more food when you drink it.

    The carbonation ( this goes for any carbonated drink --even seltzer can also cause bloating)

    I've resolved, to drink it in moderation. If I'm just dying for something to have in my hand after I've eaten my 1200 calories, I'll pull out a diet rootbeer in a can and sip it slowly with a straw ( it helps).

    If your dying for it, test out the science on yourself, see what your behavior is when you drink it. If you can't live without it have just some.

    Also for those of you worried about unnatural sweetner, the health food stores have diet soda sweetened with Stevia, an all-natural no calorie sweetener, and though its more expensive, it's JUST as delicious as a diet coke.

    Also Arizona diet green tea is the best! I drink about a gallon jug a week, and I think it boosts my energy and metabolism too!
  • gemma247
    gemma247 Posts: 44 Member
    give the diet pop up, it tastes rubbish anyways.
    i like to drink flavoured water or squash, i at least drink 2 litres of peach squash a day lol xx
  • fitby2012
    fitby2012 Posts: 167 Member
    I personally drink regular soda if I really want soda (maybe 1 every week or two). I find that it makes me think harder about if I want the soda or not.

    As for diet soda, if you want it, go for it.
  • fmbarbuto
    fmbarbuto Posts: 131 Member
    I was a HUGE diet soda fan - especially diet Pepsi! After reading several articles from these message boards, I gave it up too! One article I read said that it makes you gain weight. I've been up and down with my weight so many times - I figured I'd try losing with out it. So far so good! I don't miss it. I will save it for a special treat - like when I go out to dinner or something. :flowerforyou:
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Do what you want.
  • Ajschrader
    i used to drink anywhere from 2-3 cans of diet coke a day. but when i talked to my doctor about my wieght, she suggested trying to give it up. she said even though it has 0 calories, there's something in it to make your body crave food, so you'll get those calories that aren't in the soda somewhere else. i stopped drinking soda about 2 montha ago and surprisingly haven't missed it at all. i feel much better and i dropped almost 10 pounds the first week i stopped drinking it. may have just been a coinsidence, but i would try to give it up or at least cut back from how many u drink now. if you're out to eat or at a friends/family gathering and soda is there don't feel like you can't have one. for some people it is really hard to just stop completely. so if you want to "treat" yourself i say go for it! not sure if i've helped at all, but good luck with whatever you choose!!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    DO NOT! Diet soda not only has high fructose corn syrup (which consumed in high quantities is destructive to your system and messes with your metabolism) but many times is sweetened with Aspartame. Aspartame is EVIL! Do some research for what it does to you. It's yucky!!

    Coke Zero doesn't have high fructose corn syrup.

    And I got this from TimeHealth something I consider a reliable source:

    In 1981, the synthetic compound aspartame was approved for use, and it capitalized on saccharin's bad publicity by becoming the leading additive in diet colas. In 1995 and 1996, misinformation about aspartame that linked the chemical to everything from multiple sclerosis to Gulf War syndrome was widely disseminated on the Internet. While aspartame does adversely effect some people — including those who are unable to metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine — it has been tested more than 200 times, and each test has confirmed that your Diet Coke is safe to drink. Nor have any health risks been detected in more than 100 clinical tests of sucralose, a chemically altered sugar molecule found in food, drinks, chewing gum and Splenda.

    The fear-mongering and misinformation plaguing the faux-sweetener market seems to be rooted in a common misconception. No evidence indicates that sweeteners cause obesity; people with weight problems simply tend to eat more of it. While recent studies have suggested a possible link between artificial sweeteners and obesity, a direct link between additives and weight gain has yet to be found. The general consensus in the scientific community is that saccharin, aspartame and sucralose are harmless when consumed in moderation. And while cyclamate is still banned in the U.S., many other countries still allow it; it can even be found in the Canadian version of Sweet'n Low. Low-calorie additives won't make you thinner or curb your appetite. But they help unsweetened food taste better without harming you. And that's sweet enough.

    Read more:,8599,1931116,00.html#ixzz1S5qI7lOy
  • ninaisaac
    ninaisaac Posts: 11 Member
    I just gave up Diet Coke, only because I'm trying to kick the caffeine. I was consuming WAY too much caffeine each day. I've noticed that I've been drinking so much more water which also helps suppress my appetite. I don't really miss it.
  • hannavasgreen
    hannavasgreen Posts: 27 Member
    Former diet cokeaholic here.....I used to make empty diet coke can castles on my desk at my office. Now I am down to about 2 a week and usually only when I go to a restaraunt. I have no clue about all the "scientific" research about it causing cancer or preventing people from losing weight but I can tell from reading the label that all those chemicals are probably not good for your body. I love the taste of diet coke but in an effort to be healthier I'm trying to eat clean and not eat a bunch of chemicals.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat...
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    I, personally, think life is too damn short to worry about whether one coke zero a day is going to kill me! I have a better chance, GOD FORBID, of getting ran over while running. If you want one, drink it! That's just my opinion...

    PS: I drink anywhere from 100-150 ounces of water a day. The coke zero is my treat to myself.
    I gave it up a few months ago, but this is very well said!! Couldnt agree more.

    I was drinking way too much, but went cold turkey for over 2 months before having one..... it doesnt taste good at all to me now!
  • jstrohs1
    jstrohs1 Posts: 66
    Soooo....What do you drink that's very low in calories that doesn't have any artificial sweeteners in it at all besides water?
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    I've given up all carbonated drink except for a glass here and there. I've heard too many horror stories about what those ingrediant can do to you and how the diet one have worse things in than the regular ones. I do like a glass on occassion as it's nice to have a break from water, but I've cut down from 2L every few days to a can every few days and I actually feel much better for it! I don't know if all the stories are true about the igrediant (poibly because I probably heard it from a guest doctor on Jeremy Vines radio show at some point) but I do feel better without it. I ay drink mostly water and treat yourself to a glass of pop when you feel like one, but go cold turkey on it first for a week so you kick the pop cravings...they're real!
  • bwilcox30
    bwilcox30 Posts: 30 Member
    I say give it up! I used to drink it but now studies show that diet soda makes us fatter plus it is high in sodium (causing bloating)and usually higher in caffeine than regular. Humans cannot digest artifical sweetener and the fake sugars trigger you to eat more which causes the weight gain. I went back to regular sodas for awhile and noticed that I craved less soda and I felt like I had satisfied my sugar craving better than i did with diet sodas. Best of luck, it is hard to give up.
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    so there has been a huge debate over the years if diet coke or any type of soda causes cancer. They found out that those who drink diet sodas get cancer more because they drink more carbonation just because its "diet." In all honestly, they are all bad for you, It messes up your digestive system. The University of Utah did a 5 year study on energy drinks, soda, 5 hour energy, and Gatorade. All ended up to be bad for you.
  • chantel14
    chantel14 Posts: 128
    I drink like five diet cokes a day.... It doesn't make me crave food or sweets and hasn't stunted my weight loss.. but everyone is different. :) I would try giving it up for a week and see how you feel after that.
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    I find myself saying this a lot but I really try not to sweat the small stuff. I may have a 12 oz diet root beer 3-4 times a week, but I work out hard and drink plenty water and dont see any problem with it. I came from 220 lbs down to 113. I gave up a lot but not nearly as much as some people do. According to most experts I have too much sugar and or carbs, but I workout 60-120 minutes a day, with at least an hour of that being cardio. I think balance is the key for me! I give up what i feel IS doing me harm and I CAN live without. :)