Being called fat...



  • Gamerchick00
    Gamerchick00 Posts: 25 Member
    Oh my gosh, I totally understand. I will never forget when I was a teenager walking home and a carful of guys drove by me. One shouted, "Harpoon that whale!" It was a horrible feeling that made me just want to crawl into the ground.
  • MeltingCookieMonster
    It's your role now to control your emotions and lift yourself up and make them regret the day they dared called you fat. You are beautiful no matter how you look. Feel free to add me so we can support each other :)
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    In May, this year a girl passed a comment at me while I was running. This is what she told her boyfriend-->look an elephant is running. I almost had a meltdown lol but I took it as a challenge and started running hard and fast in the months to come by and lost some weight. I was 80 kgs in May now I am 75 kgs! So what I learnt is sometimes you gotta use other's negativity/criticism as motivation to attain your goals

    80 kg (or 176 lbs) is NOT an elephant by any means. Ignore them and look after your body for your own reasons, not because of unkind comments from anyone.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I think the reason it hurts is because you find it true, you even call yourself fat. If someone called you fat and you aren't you would tell them to bugger off.

    Use it to help fuel your weight loss journey. This is something you can change for yourself not anyone else but you sure can shut them up:).
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    Fat is an adjective

    IMHO It is an appropriate describing word, as is overweight

    Why imbue it with negative connotations in its own right?

    Now when put in a phrase like "you fat cow" it's clearly an insult...that's different.

    But you can use any word as an insult if you care to

    I have an issue with PCing up words ....and replacing them with others that don't mean the same.

    Overweight people aren't curvy or big, they are overweight or fat

    I was fat

    Own it

    Yes fat is fat , but
    Telling someone that they are fat is rude unless they asked for that persons oppinion.

  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Laura wrote: »
    Does this bother anyone else?

    I KNOW I'm fat. And most of the time I'm totally ok with being described that way. I'll use the word fat instead of plus size, big or curvy. Blah, I hate curvy!

    But when I hear people calling me fat out of annoyance, that really upsets me and I'm not sure why. I guess I feel like their use of the word fat is more judgemental when it's said in that context? It happened this morning and it took me about 45 minutes to fight off the urge to cry, and now I feel... deafeated. And like it would be better if I don't eat anything at all today.

    Anyway, I just needed to vent.

    To be honest I never called myself fat but I was. The nurse said I was obese which I thought was rude at the time but she was just stating facts
    When the time was right I started to lose weight and that's it. I did get caught up for awhile obsessing with my bmi but the most important thing is to concentrate on for me was dropping the weight and getting fit.