New to fitness pal ;) (not losing weight)

lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi Guys,

I am new to fitness pal.

I just wondered if anyone had any tips - i go to the gym 3 times a week and work out for 3 days and walk for 40 minute every day but yet not losing weight.

Does anyone have any tips?



  • bikerb422
    bikerb422 Posts: 64 Member
    I general it is better if you share your diary so the others can see what you are eating and hopefully help.
  • Eloveg
    Eloveg Posts: 25
    I agree....need to see what you are eating & how late you are eating. I would protein, veggies & carbs! That is just being general though.
  • Possibly eating too many cals/not enough...?
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Just follow MPF suggestions with calories and carbs and fat and you should start seeing a difference.
  • Nishka09
    Nishka09 Posts: 33
    I am new too, so it is too soon for me to tell if it works or not. But I am unsure about the "eating your burned calories" thing. I'm going to give it a go for now, but that'll be the first thing I stop doing if I find I'm not losing.
  • marlock
    marlock Posts: 1 Member
    Hi - I don't know what you are eating, but it might make sense to examine that first - that strategy really helped me. I worked out religiously on wii fit for months and was only able to drop a few pounds which I gained back quickly. Ever since I started using my fitness pal to count calories three weeks ago, the weight has been coming off steadily. I discovered that I was eating huge portions and a lot of calorie dense foods. I just needed to change my eating habits and stop drinking alcoholic beverages and juices (I don't drink soda, but that's another calorie sucker). I love my fitness pal because it really keeps me honest! I am also doing the slimfast plan kind of loosely, 1500 cals a day. if I don't have a shake I will eat something with the same calorie content as a shake and I try to make the three snacks interesting but nutritious, rather than eating the snack bars. I like trying different kinds of hummus or nut butters, or new kinds of low calorie crackers accompanied by fruit or vegetables. I like Luna bars a lot too, and they are 180 cals, protein dense and same cals as a shake. I really miss bread, bagels, cereal, pasta, rice etc. but they are so calorie dense that I can only have a little bit of those once in a while. I also like cooking with tempeh and tofu a lot, and even if they have a far amount of cals, they are very protein dense which is good.

    Good luck - hope this helps a little!
  • PAnn1
    PAnn1 Posts: 530 Member
    I agree with bikerb422 about sharing your food diary... Diet and exercise have to go hand in hand. What works for one may not work for another, but it'll give you ideas if you look at other people's menus, too. It's sometimes hard to find that right balance for calories and nutrients, but it's a daily learning process. If you're logging your foods, staying within healthy guidelines and exercising, you should see results within a few weeks. For some people they see weight loss the first week, for others it may take longer, depending on the lifestyle changes you've made and the exercise you're getting in. For me I was very strict, staying within the calories and nutrients I had alloted for my weight. I walked 7 days a week back then until I reached goal. Sometimes you need to change your exercise routine after you've been doing the same things for awhile. Also, I would suggest not weighing more often than once a week, using the same scale at the same time of day in the same weight of clothing or naked. I weigh the firt thing in the morning, after my body is loosened up and I don't eat anything before I weigh.. Make sure your scale is in the same spot, too and not on carpeting as this makes the scale weigh inaccurately. Best wishes to you for much success!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    You'd need to give us a little information about what you're doing before we can offer any relevant advice. Are you eating all of the calories that MFP is allotting you and not going over too much? Not going under too much? Eating at least 1200 calories per day? Eating back your exercise calories?
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    How long have you been a member?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you've just started exercising and dieting in July (when you joined) then give it time. It might take a 2-3 weeks, maybe more, before you notice the results. But it starts is should be fairly steady if you stick with it. If you've been at it for longer then you probably are eating too many calories. If you burn more than consume you will lose weight.
  • bwinters0
    bwinters0 Posts: 4

    Well, it sounds like your exercising habits are going well. How are you eating habits?
    The main thing you must do when wanting to lose weight, is change your eating habits. Exercise is great too but you'll see the most overall results from diet.

    I just recently signed up with fitness pal to keep track of my daily calories, fat, etc., to get back into shape after slacking for a year and half and eating whatever I wanted, when I wanted. I'm no pro, but my boyfriends brother is a body builder & trainer and my boyfriend is into working out & very health conscious, so I've been well versed in 'what not to eat if you're trying to lose' by just watching and listening to them.

    The body builder/trainer actually eats nothing but egg whites, Muscle Milk protein shakes, water, lean turkey (when getting ready for a show). LOL, he's pretty hardcore! His number 1 advice is NEVER drink your calories! Beer will kill your diet, but if you want to drink every once in awhile, substitute whatever liquor & diet soda. Watch your sugar intake and focus on getting in plenty of lean protein.

    My boyfriend (& me, again finally), typically eat every 3-4 hours. Whether it be a handful of almonds, fat free string cheese, fat free cottage cheese, fat free milk, healthy pizza (low carb tortilla, 1 tbsp spag sauce, lean meat, fat free shredded cheese...and don't eat more than 2 at one time), eggs, turkey bacon, turkey sausage, turkey burger patty...pretty much anything turkey. Grilled chicken breasts, Wheat bread sparingly (we actually never eat this but it's better for you than white, duh, I'm sure you know that). We buy low carb tortilla's and make everything out of that (sandwiches, wraps, pizza, turkey burgers, etc...get creative, just use lots of lean meats and no/low fat products with it.), Spinach, collard greens (We only eat these 2 veggies b/c the others have carbs we don't want when we're trying to lose & shape up). You don't have to be that hardcore. Coffee black or with splenda & fat free milk. water, We NEVER drink sports drinks (unnecessary sugars), but sometimes do have diet soda (diet root beer, diet Dr. B and Coke zero products taste the best, in my opinion.

    You WILL have sugar cravings, so when that happens eat a piece of fruit (I hate fruit, gives me a stomach ache, so I don't eat that, but that's the better alternative to anything else). Also, sugar free candies (only 1 a day at most...too much sugar alcohol isn't great for you either!) I love the fat free chocolate turtles...delicious!
    Since I'm just getting back in the swing of things, I've caved to a couple of chocolate chip cookies this week...don't do that! LOL, it wasn't worth it.

    Also, pick 1 cheat day a week OR 2 cheat meals a week! We do Cheat Day Sunday, which means we can eat what we want and however much we want all day long!! BUT if you cheat during the week, you don't get to have cheat day Sunday...but you may have 1 cheat meal that day. It's not easy to make it through those cravings each week w/o wanting to splurge, but you just have to push through it and focus on how awesome Sunday (or whatever day you choose) will be! Some people don't recommend doing this kind of cheat day, but Several studies show that's it's actually a fine way to recharge your body after starving it from lots of the sugars and fats it is used to. Plus, this habit has never steered us wrong. It actually keeps us motivated, then keeps the cravings away for several days after...b/c if you do it right, you will make yourself sick, LOL!. The next day, you'll definitely feel bloated and the scales will be up 3-4 lbs, but don't's just water weight. Get right back to the normal hardcore/healthy diet & exercise and by the 2nd- 3rd day, you should be right back to where you were & ready to lose some more.

    Anyway, these are just a few tips that have proven successful for my bf and me. I hope it helps. It's definitely hard in the beginning b/c it is a lifestyle change but YOU CAN DO IT!!! Good luck to ya!! =)
  • bwinters0
    bwinters0 Posts: 4
    Oh yeah, Grilled fish and lean steaks are great too.
    I live off turkey, fish and chicken...but I love my steaks too! Plus it's a good source of iron.
  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    Thanks guys - not really sure how to share my diary as of yet need to figure that out!

    I try and stick between 1200 - 1500.

    I don't eat nor carbs in the evening and I don't eat meat.

    I also gave up all thins with artificial sweetner in.

    I dont want to not eat a food group i.e no carbs because thats not how i want to live life x
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