Hello all!

Hi, well I'm back again. I don't care to remember how many times l have deleted and then downloaded this app!!
I'm stuck in a vicious cycle of hating my weight and the way l look but feeling completely overwhelmed by the task that lies ahead of me. I know l need to do something about my weight but it feels like such a daunting task that I'm not sore l can do alone.


  • darkcowboy
    darkcowboy Posts: 59 Member
    you are not alone
  • florabundi2016
    florabundi2016 Posts: 13 Member
    Felt the same, then one day just decided to try for just the one day. That was July 1 this year. Kept that up, just promise myself the one day, no more, lost 26 lbs. Used old cal/carb count books, didn't write anything down. Seems the lack of pressure helped, plus love fresh vegs. and outdoors nearly all day everyday. Got stuck in mid Sept. and found MFP have lost 9.9 more, some ups and downs. Easier now I know I can do it. Find your motivation and be who you want to be!☺