So.. What if you're the pickiest eater?

I am probably one of the pickiest eaters ever... What if you don't like a lot of things?
The only fruit I like is Pineapples and I can force myself to eat strawberries sometimes. And broccoli is the only vegatable I like, but it has to have some cheese... I'm not really sure what to do here. Any suggestions?


  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    Why don't you like these foods? And when was the last time you tried the foods you don't like? I used to not like a lot of different foods but when I tried them in my adulthood.... LOVED them! Try them again if it's been a few years. You may like them:)
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    How do you make kids eat vegetables? Ground them up and put them in pasta sauce.

    There are so many different kinds of veggies, and so many different ways of eating them. I'm not the biggest fan of veggies, either, but I honestly don't think anyone out there has tried EVERY possible combination of vegetable + preparation method before deciding they didn't like veggies at all.

    That said, broccolis with some cheese is better than no broccoli at all.
  • duvaroo
    duvaroo Posts: 18
    Why don't you like these foods? And when was the last time you tried the foods you don't like? I used to not like a lot of different foods but when I tried them in my adulthood.... LOVED them! Try them again if it's been a few years. You may like them:)

    I agree. There are soooo many kinds of fruits and vegetables out there. Maybe you need to go to your green grocer or local farmers market and buy some new things, or retry old ones.

    For instance, fresh carrots have a completely different taste than those baby carrots you buy in the bag.

    Good luck
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I am probably one of the pickiest eaters ever... What if you don't like a lot of things?
    The only fruit I like is Pineapples and I can force myself to eat strawberries sometimes. And broccoli is the only vegatable I like, but it has to have some cheese... I'm not really sure what to do here. Any suggestions?

    Eat them anyway, as you know they are good for you. Eat them fist and chase them with something you do like. Not liking something is no reason to not eat it. how many people hate their job but go because they need the money, well veggies are the same as in you need them regardless if you like them or not.
  • I had to MAKE myself like them. I was picky like you too but not anymore. One great tip I was given was to sprinkle a little brown sugar on my veggies at the very end of cooking them in the pan. Worked like a charm. I eat plate fulls like that now and have lost 108 lbs so far.

    I hope you try to introduce new food into your diet and find some veggies you like!
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    The last time that I responded to a thread from a self described picky eater, I said some things and unintentionally offended them and everyone in it.

    As a picky eater, what advice, insight, input are you looking for exactly?

    I'd like to give input on some foods, but usually picky eaters reject everything out of hand.
  • Sorry, I sort of think picky eaters need to grow up. There is a huge and vast array of fantastic, nutritious, interesting - not to mention, delicious food from all over the world out there! We're lucky enough to have access to every kind of food imaginable here in the West. To limit yourself to just a handful of things seems crazy!
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    This is funny because pineapple and broccoli have such strong flavors, I am not a huge fan of either. I would start with just a simple salad, something easy like iceberg, it is pretty much water anyways and go from there. If you go into it with an open mind you might surprise yourself.
  • DeboMcD7
    DeboMcD7 Posts: 6
    I'm a picky eater too but I can eat vegetables the odd time if I chop them up really small and/or mix them in with something I do like (like a sandwich or some kind of sauce that someone already mentioned).

    Edit: Try experimenting with some spices as well, you might surprise yourself.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    My taste buds have changed dramatically in the last 20 years. I've found myself eating a lot of things I used to avoid because I "didn't like them." If you haven't tried something in a long time, you might want to give it another try. Here's a suggestion: every time you go grocery shopping, pick up a different vegetable you haven't tried in a long time, or have never tried. Don't buy a lot, just enough for one meal, serving, etc. If you like it, great! If you don't, move on to the next one. Don't forget to try them raw AND cooked, where appropriate. I can't stand broccoli raw because of the texture, but I love it steamed with just some salt.
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    I used to think that I didn't like veggies either, but what I have come to realize is...I just liked all the other stuff that was super high in fat, calories and sugar better lol

    I have drastically changed my diet over the past 3-4 weeks and I now eat only whole foods. It was hard at first, but it's amazing what a packet of splenda will do to almost any fruit you put it on, and you could always buy some low fat parmesan cheese and try a small sprinkle of that on your veggies. You will be shocked at the flavor that it adds.

    I truly hope this helps you...Stay healthy!
  • teanabean
    teanabean Posts: 168 Member
    I'm picky too. I hate certain textures of foods, etc. So what I have done is found ways I can enjoy my veggies. I discovered I LOVE broccoli with low fat cheese. I also love it sauteed in garlic. I also love me some bell peppers in garlic or sauteed in olive oil. So I have found ways to sneak in my veggies and fruits. I can eat a huge salad with tomatoes and cucumbers *both of which I don't like* if I have the dressing I like and some sunfliower seeds.I don't eat things I hate. If I can't mix it with something and enjoy it that way, I will not eat it.
  • thefishers4
    thefishers4 Posts: 165 Member
    I am one of those picky eaters too. I have a cookbook that calls for purees in them so my kids and I don't know they are in there.
  • raychybabe
    raychybabe Posts: 121 Member
    I used to be such a picky eater in my teens - I wouldnt eat anything green, pretty much lived on pasta, chips, potatoes etc. If it had a weird texture, I wouldnt touch it. I'd pick peas out of spag bol, and onions off burgers. I was pretty much the same through uni.

    When I left uni, I sort of grew up. I tried mushrooms with my steak and pepper sauce - yummy! Then I tried mixing peppers in with other things I did like! Yummy! Sweetcorn? Started off with loads of butter, now I can eat it cold out the tin! I never ate peas until about 2 years ago when my friend cooked some at a dinner party and I thought it would be rude not to try, now I can't get enough of them!

    I have started trying to eat salad - I hate leaves and the texture and I still have to remove the stalks, but I find I can eat rocket and some lettuce with chicken, mushrooms and some dressing. Just mush it up.

    The trick is, introduce slowly, in a form that goes with food you already like ie: what I did with steak and mushroom. Once you're used to taste.texture you can start to like it on its own.

    I figured I'd have to grow up someday.

    Tonight, Im having fish with brocolli (used to loathe), mixed veg (wouldn't touch with a barge pole) and asparagus (hadn't tried until about a year ago).
  • KourtneyP83
    KourtneyP83 Posts: 319
    That's a hard one, but regarding the cheese on the broccoli, my dr said that is a good thing because you need the fat in the cheese to keep you full. I have broccoli or a mix that has broccoli in it almost daily and I put 1/4 cup of shredded cheese on it. I'd say just keep trying new things and see if your taste buds have changed :)
  • BGabbart
    BGabbart Posts: 173 Member
    I was told once that your taste buds change every 7 years. I know there are a lot of things I like now that I didn't before and there are things I know I use to like that I don't care for anymore. So just try, for your health.
  • orlandosgoddess21
    orlandosgoddess21 Posts: 72 Member
    Have you tried roasting your vegetables? I loved roasted asparagus, potatoes, onions, carrots. I drizzle a little bit of olive oil, add some salt and pepper and put them in the oven for like 15, twenty minutes and they come out soo good. works really well on the grill too.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Why don't you like these foods? And when was the last time you tried the foods you don't like? I used to not like a lot of different foods but when I tried them in my adulthood.... LOVED them! Try them again if it's been a few years. You may like them:)

    You Would! :P
  • Thanks to the people that gave me suggestions and tips.
    I have tried it several ways, my main thing is texture and if it doesn't have a taste it literally makes me sick. It's not that I'm just trying to complain, I just honestly cannot stomach some of them.
    But I will definitely be trying these suggestions!! Thank you guys so much!
  • veggiepug
    veggiepug Posts: 82
    Sorry, I sort of think picky eaters need to grow up. There is a huge and vast array of fantastic, nutritious, interesting - not to mention, delicious food from all over the world out there! We're lucky enough to have access to every kind of food imaginable here in the West. To limit yourself to just a handful of things seems crazy!

    I agree. I used to hate veggies, then I realized that I was a grown up, and needed to buck up and stop eating like a child.

    How are you preparing your veggies? Roasting them really brings out a nice flavor. Chop up various veggies in equal sizes (I like to use sweet potatoes, red bell peppers, onions, mushrooms and zucchini), then toss them in some olive oil and garlic power. Roast at about 400 for 20-30 minutes.

    Experiment with different vegetables. You might be surprised at what you like.