Post Binge Regrets

I worked for 3 months to lose 12 lbs..

I didn't notice a difference fast enough, I felt frumpy at a friend's birthday, and then my grandma died.

I've been on a 3 week binge ... and I gained it all back.

I'm never going to lose the weight, I will always want cheese cake. I honestly just don't want to continue living in this body that doesn't look like me.


  • wiggimi
    wiggimi Posts: 4 Member
    And I will always want wine :'(. Come on. Lets get back on the wagon and change our lives. One day at a time.
  • dajoloehr
    dajoloehr Posts: 447 Member
    I'm in a similar boat, I lost 20lbs this year and since April I've binged/ dieted/ not cared and cared my way back to gaining that 20 back. The important thing to remember us that you were able to lose that weight in the first place, you can do it, just have to stick to it. Feel free to add me if you want to keep each other motivated
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    May I suggest changing your thought process or more importantly your thoughts. Change "I'm never" to "I will". Its a very small thing but it becomes very powerful trust me. You are not your negative thoughts and you have the power to change them!

    Also don't give up your cheesecake. Fit it into your calories, look for lower calorie versions. Eating the things you love within your calorie goal will help you not feel deprived nor on a "diet". Plus you will be able to sustain it.

    Never give up!
  • chewkarissa
    chewkarissa Posts: 8 Member
    Omg I feel you so so much :( it's like I'm dying to be skinny but I cannot control my eating! Gained some weight back too. Feel free to add me and I hope we can lose weight together again
  • AFewLionCubs
    AFewLionCubs Posts: 22 Member
    I've contemplated doing truly morbid things because I'm disgusted with myself.

    I used to be so beautiful and now I'm fat and invisible.

    I don't even believe that I can lose the weight anymore.
  • sbrandt37
    sbrandt37 Posts: 403 Member
    Take a deep breath. Relax. And forgive yourself. It happened. That's life.

    Now .... you lost the weight once; that means you can do it again. If it is important enough to die for, it is important enough to suffer for. So rededicate yourself to it. Make a commitment to care for yourself every day starting today. Log every single meal every single day, even the days when you eat too much, and keep working at it. Congratulate yourself on the days when you hit your calorie targets and forgive yourself on the days when you do not. The longer you keep at it, the easier it will get. You can do this. Don't let negativity get in your way. Just make small, sustainable changes and over time the gains will come.

    Keep in mind that eating too much can be a form of emotional self-care. Think about the emotions that are leading you to eat and find non-food ways to address those needs. Don't judge yourself too harshly when you occasionally fail to meet your expectations for yourself. You are only human. Just use it as inspiration to try even harder going forward.
  • mecoconleche
    mecoconleche Posts: 86 Member
    I went all out eating for 5 days straight. Went from 152.6 lbs to 163 lbs, 2 days later I came back down to 154.4 lbs.

    Just move on, regret nothing