Fruit Sugar - to cut it down or not

jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
Hi all.

My first new topic (after my introduction) so go easy on me...

I'm losing steadily and I'm not a million miles away from my target weight. I'm eating what I think is a healthy balanced diet of around 1400 calories a day and I can certainly feel the overall size reduction. Problem is I still have a stubborn little pouch on my belly! I don't think I was ever big enough for this to be put down to loose stretched skin. It's been a while but I'm pretty sure that wasn't there when I used to be this weight before I got bigger in the first place.

I read somewhere that cutting down on sugar intake can help with shifting this last stubborn bit of belly. The majority of the sugar in my diet comes from fruit. Should I cut out some of my fruit and perhaps replace the calories with clean carbs and protein? I'm willing to try it out for a few weeks and check out the results for myself but I'm hoping somebody here's a bit more knowledgable on the subject and can give me some advice.

To give an idea of the fruits I get daily, I have a glass of apple juice in the morning, 3 pieces of fruit in the day and a single serving pack of raisins in with my seed mix. Would there be any benefit in cutting back? I also get probably 3 or 4 portions of veg per day...

Any thoughts gratefully appreciated.


  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    Depending on how active you are, it might be something that can be remedied by more hard cardio.
    I can't tell you how many time I tried to lose my "muffin top," and diet did not get rid of it at all. Once I started "wogging," it slowly diminished.
    I guess play around with different ideas, this is just my 2 cents. Good luck!!
  • EMc4452
    EMc4452 Posts: 187 Member
    I'd like to know this too! I think I eat too much fruit...bump
  • kwhinson
    kwhinson Posts: 4
    First off, congratulations on your success!
    I don't think you should cut out anything entirely. Have you tried light applejuice or maybe a difference fruit juice with lower sugar content? Additionally, you might be able to find fruits that are lower in sugar than others so maybe a little research (online or in the food database) and you might find small changes that could really add up. I'm against eliminating something altogether though.
    Good luck!!!
  • aejbx4x7s
    aejbx4x7s Posts: 111
    I would definitely try replacing the apple juice with some veggies or protein. I noticed that I tend to go over my sugar pretty easily if I have more than a piece of fruit a day. I don't know much about it but fruit juice isn't great for you. Lots of calories and sugar but none of the fiber from regular fruit. I generally try to avoid drinking my calories - milk is my exception as it has protein, calcium, vitamin D etc and not much sugar.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hey there. First, welcome. Second, don't ask here. Trust me on this. Google will be much more helpful. Good luck!
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I also eat a lot of fruit. If my mom knew (she is a bodybuilder) she would give me **** and tell me to eat more protein. Haha.

    Personally I would cut out the apple juice right away. Fruit juice (even if it's pure) is no good. What about apple spice tea in the morning instead? Mmmm
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I've heard that you should eat and not drink your fruit - that fruit juice isn't as good as eating the actual piece of fruit. The sugar in fruit is natural sugar and not the processed stuff you find in other things.

    Belly fat is one of the last places our bodies want to burn the fat from. It will do it, but in its own sweet time. Cardio will help along with some exercises that focus on your abs/core. Unfortunately for me, I can't do ANY ab work - so I have to try and battle the pregnancy belly pouch with cardio and other strength training.

    This journey isn't a one size fits all - don't be afraid to try new things until you hit on something that works for YOU.

    Good Luck!
  • getyupcowgirl
    getyupcowgirl Posts: 70 Member
    I looked at your diary and I think you should start tracking your sugar that you eat. MFP will give you a limit on sugar and I think that you will see that you are going over on that . . . apple juice has ALOT of sugar. Don't stop eating fruit, just start eating different fruit, blackberries and strawberries are a good start. You are doing great! Keep it up
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    Abs are made in the kitchen. Don't give up your fruit. Now the apple juice you need to get rid of unless it's organic. it's over processed and honestly has nothing nutritional about it. Same thing with other processed foods you may be eating. To get rid of that pooch you need to do HIIT and focus on eating cleaner; that means avoiding the center aisle at the grocery store and stocking up on fruits, veggies, and lean meats. I've been doing it for a few week and it is an amazing difference. It also helped me break my plateau.
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Personally, I think that is a lot of fruit in a day. I would possibly try it.... Eat more protein. Maybe switch to milk for breakfast. I would maybe google it..... check out low gycemic index.... I think there is some truth there for sure. Good luck!
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Personally, I think that is a lot of fruit in a day. I would possibly try it.... Eat more protein. Maybe switch to milk for breakfast. I would maybe google it..... check out low gycemic index.... I think there is some truth there for sure. Good luck!
  • vodkaswigger
    vodkaswigger Posts: 467
    Hey there. First, welcome. Second, don't ask here. Trust me on this. Google will be much more helpful. Good luck!

    I agree with this, sometimes the mixed messages you get on these forums is bad xx
  • Martin1946
    Martin1946 Posts: 22
    I would suggest talking to an expert nutritionist, they are educated in all of this

    Hopefully your medical coverage will cover all or part

    Best of luck
  • Nishka09
    Nishka09 Posts: 33
    I had a pouch for 20 years until I started running - it toned my core and flattened my stomach. Now I am overweight again from having a baby, but my stomach (thank God) is still flat from my previous few years of running.
  • PaJean
    PaJean Posts: 7
    This is what was told to me by my nutritionish/trainer about fruit.

    Fruits--Choose 2 per day

    Eat two whole fruits a day. (Juice not a whole fruit)
    apples-apricots-bananas(under ripe)

    honey dew, lemon, lime,tangerines, watermelon, pomegranate, dates, figs, grapes, black berries, blue berries
    mango, oranges, prunes, raisans, kiwi, kumquats,cantaloupe, casaba, cherries,papaya, peaches, pears,raspberries, strawberries, tangelos,grapefruit, guava, plums,cranberries,pineapple

    Apples, melons,lemons, & pineapple nourish and detox the body to burn fat more effectively.
    Citrus fruits also are loaded with Vitamin C which also helps burn fat.

    He also said NOT to eat bananas unless your only other choice for a snack is a Snicker's bar!!!
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    Abs are made in the kitchen. Don't give up your fruit. Now the apple juice you need to get rid of unless it's organic. it's over processed and honestly has nothing nutritional about it. Same thing with other processed foods you may be eating. To get rid of that pooch you need to do HIIT and focus on eating cleaner; that means avoiding the center aisle at the grocery store and stocking up on fruits, veggies, and lean meats. I've been doing it for a few week and it is an amazing difference. It also helped me break my plateau.

    What is HIIT?
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    Abs are made in the kitchen. Don't give up your fruit. Now the apple juice you need to get rid of unless it's organic. it's over processed and honestly has nothing nutritional about it. Same thing with other processed foods you may be eating. To get rid of that pooch you need to do HIIT and focus on eating cleaner; that means avoiding the center aisle at the grocery store and stocking up on fruits, veggies, and lean meats. I've been doing it for a few week and it is an amazing difference. It also helped me break my plateau.

    What is HIIT?

    High intensity Interval training. Going all out at your max exertion; for example 30 seconds hard all out, then having a 90 second recovery. Can be done swimming, running, elliptical, etc.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Hey there. First, welcome. Second, don't ask here. Trust me on this. Google will be much more helpful. Good luck!

  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Ditch the juice, keep the fresh fruits, and don't worry about the sugar tally from them.
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    I'll second the ditch the juices sentiment. It's straight up sugar and doesn't fill you at all.

    Eat whole fruits, but watch your intake of those as well. Try subbing some out for vegetables.