Time to take care from the inside out

Hi. I am wondering if anyone here is needing to change their way of eating because of their inside health - like me - meaning even though I was on a weight loss program and had lost my first 12 lbs my triglycerides were very high. It seems that the treats I was fitting into my daily count are not ones
That my body can process properly - simple carbs such as cookies ( for example even in small amounts) and more Than 1-2 pieces of fruit in a day. I am not diabetic, but have discovered that simple carbs and of course, sugar, are my challenges even in small amounts. So I am beginning a plan of mostly protein, healthy fats, veggies and I will replace my flours with acceptable flours such as almond and coconut to allow for a muffin every now and then. Any of you needing to give up your treats in order to accommodate having healthy blood test numbers? Just curious. Thanks. Day 1 tomorrow and I am sincerely looking forward to seeing some lowered triglyceride numbers in about 5-6 weeks.


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    I assume you had some blood work done and your medical practicioner advised you of high triglycerides count.
    Could you get access to a licensed dietitian through your medical insurance ?

    I was in the same situation years ago. Dietitian looked at my food logging and recommended to replace fried food with non fried version. So, I changed to boiled eggs, baked chicken, baked fish, bake roasted vegetables, etc.
    I was frying most of my food before, on pools of animal fat (lard and butter)

    My triglyceride count changed. Very slowly. I also started exercising. It took me 6 months to see a decrease and a year to move into healthy range. Your mileage may vary

    Good luck in your healthy journey
  • arubajan1
    arubajan1 Posts: 3 Member
    HAHA! Nope. My colon is happy just the way it is
  • LilacLion
    LilacLion Posts: 579 Member
    Hi Jan,
    Hope your first day is going well. o:) My doctor and nurse practitioner/nutritionist suggested (emphatically) that getting fitter, eating a plant-based diet and quitting smoking would keep me here longer. (And thought I should start immediately!) I needed to reduce my LDL levels by over 100 and Triglycerides by nearly 200. Plus I have other various health and weight-related issues.

    I didn't notice my health was going down the tubes for a long while but getting it back is truly my biggest motivation. Seeing some progress so far is encouraging. My medical team (lol-I have a team now) are my biggest cheerleaders. I hope to change my life for good and can see my future with new goals and adventures.

    So here I am, 24 days without smoking, eating totally plant-based food and moving, moving moving. I went out and bought a wearable fitness counter that connects with MFP-- love it--the Garmin Vivosmart HR. So far so good. It almost makes it like a game just trying to do a little better than the day before. I've lost 6 pounds so far and feel a little better. Three weeks until my next tests and I'm looking forward to seeing better numbers. I know you can too. Good luck. feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
  • arubajan1
    arubajan1 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks so much for your reply! I sure your candidness. In May of this year my naturopath sat me down to have a "heart attack" talk. Honestly I couldn't believe my ears! My triglycerides were heart attack high. She recommended the 21 Day Sugar Detox and within 6 weeks my trigs has dropped BELOW healthy normal! When she called me in to get my results she actually cried with joy lol. I stayed with that program until August which is when I started tasting sugar again in small amounts. Unfortunately it got the best of me so I am beginning again. I had a great first day thank you! And I'm happy you have a team haha! I will be part of your team as well!!!!! I'm not too sure how to add you as a friend but I will try to figure that out. We can do this! One day at a time.