Runners- share your run!



  • chunkytfg
    chunkytfg Posts: 339 Member
    Did a 5K on Saturday at my best ever pace: 30:36. This is a very big deal for me. Ran 10K the next day (I hadn't wanted to go back to back, but scheduling just had to work out that way). I would have run 8 miles, but had problems with my hydration bladder and didn't feel comfortable going that long without water.

    My longest ever run was an 8 miler last Sunday. I'm also trying to work my mileage up for a half marathon in January. When I'm back on a regular schedule (after T'giving, where I'm doing a 10K the day of), it'll be four miles two days a week and nine miles for the long run on the weekend.

    FWIW and forgive me if i'm wrong but I'm assuming your 10k is about 65 mins and the 8 miles around 90 mins? If so you'll be fine without any form of water. I understand that it can be comforting knowing you have water with you but your body wont really need it as long as you start out properly hydrated and you're not running in a desert.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    I ran for 60 min last night on my treadmill at 5.7mph burning 600 cals. It was my longest and fastest run yet!
  • RunningBuryBlue
    RunningBuryBlue Posts: 25 Member
    Did a 5K on Saturday at my best ever pace: 30:36. This is a very big deal for me. Ran 10K the next day (I hadn't wanted to go back to back, but scheduling just had to work out that way). I would have run 8 miles, but had problems with my hydration bladder and didn't feel comfortable going that long without water.

    My longest ever run was an 8 miler last Sunday. I'm also trying to work my mileage up for a half marathon in January. When I'm back on a regular schedule (after T'giving, where I'm doing a 10K the day of), it'll be four miles two days a week and nine miles for the long run on the weekend.

    Really good running, well done

    Just a note on hydration. If you are running less than an hour, leave the water at home. It's much more beneficial to hydrate before you run.

    Keep going!

  • mburgess458
    mburgess458 Posts: 480 Member
    I set a 10K personal record this weekend. 49 minutes isn't a great time, but great for me... and it was just running around the neighborhood, I'm thinking I could go much faster in a race situation with others to compete with.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    A couple of miles on the boring treadmill this morning

    Re: hydration. I tend to go for the about-an-hour rule of not taking any, but sometimes I carry some water just in case I fall down the side of the Gorge and no one gets to my mangled self for a few hours. Mostly what that ends up meaning is I carry water on those runs, from start to finish, and drink what's now all warmed up and sloshing when I get back to the car.
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    Running my first 10K tomorrow. I ran my first 5k in September. I started the C25K in March.

    My last run was a 4 mile speed interval run on Tuesday. I am a super slow turtle runner. Attempting to build up my speed with one interval run a week. Running fast is hard!!!

    RE: water and hydration -- I always carry water with me. Not for the hydration but for my sinus/allergy drainage issues. So gross and embarrassing! My nose runs like niagra when I run. I have tried every med under the sun without success.
  • DaisukeYuki
    DaisukeYuki Posts: 8 Member
    As its winter I'm getting into the habit of going to the gym and hitting the crosstrainer instead of walking outside, so pretty new to running.

    As a beginner so far I'm just doing a 5km (around three miles is it?) programme which takes just under 40 mins for me to complete with no real problems. Looking forward to when the weather gets better to take up running outside at long last,
  • clarabella_79
    clarabella_79 Posts: 1 Member
    Done another half marathon last weekend with a cold a little poorly. I wanted to beat my PB of 2:08 but got 2:10 I'm happy overall I have another run in two weeks #10k
  • jyamiolk
    jyamiolk Posts: 37 Member
    I ran my second 5K Today. Local turkey trot. Finished 63 out of 230 with a time of 28:35. Some hills and weather chilly and started to rain at the end of the race. Looking forward to running a 10K soon.
  • davepete57
    davepete57 Posts: 33 Member
    5 Mile Turkey Trot time of 61 min. Now onto eating
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    8 slow km in the snow today.

    I had my first (and hopefully last) fall of the winter. I hit some ice and went *kitten* over tea kettle but it actually felt epic as I managed to roll on my shoulder and was back on my feet in what seemed like a split second. The only damage was to my dignity (I wish there was video as I'm sure that it was nowhere as graceful looking as it felt!)
  • emilysusana
    emilysusana Posts: 416 Member
    edited November 2016
    10 miles in 100 minutes with my husband! I had only worked up to 7 miles a couple of weeks ago but I ran 20 miles last week total so decided to give it a try. He hasn't run that much lately (did Insanity Max for 2 months) and that was his longest distance ever. So much fun. Fast pace for me and super slow for him, but it worked!
  • binderpaper
    binderpaper Posts: 7 Member
    10 miles in 100 minutes with my husband! I had only worked up to 7 miles a couple of weeks ago but I ran 20 miles last week total so decided to give it a try. He hasn't run that much lately (did Insanity Max for 2 months) and that was his longest distance ever. So much fun. Fast pace for me and super slow for him, but it worked!

    that's amazing! I'm trying to work up to 6 miles in 60 minutes still..hoping to run in a half marathon this summer
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    I did my first 5k today so I'm tentatively replying in here. I started using our treadmill in June mainly as a cardio health/calorie thing but I've grown to enjoy it more and more. I have been concentrating so much on how long in minutes I can run for and doing these pre-programmed run/walk routines the treadmill offers that I think I underestimated myself. After running three minutes a pre-programmed break is perfectly welcome. Then I tried another that has a flatter speed profile and just felt good so I ran 17 minutes just out of nowhere this week. I decided to see how fast I could get to 5k today and I ended up running the whole thing. I surprised the *kitten* out of myself. My paces were 10,30 / 9,53 / 9,57 for the three miles and then a 10 for the last half mile I did. I think that's alright? A more dedicated runner friend of mine talked recently about how adding hill sprints helped her to an 8 minute mile so I know I'm not burning up the place or anything but yeah, personal victory today :)
  • chunkytfg
    chunkytfg Posts: 339 Member
    4.2 miles run today consisting of 1mile warm up, 2 miles at 5k pace then 1.2 mile warm down home.

    Got a 5 mile race on sunday so today makes for a good race pace tune up.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    bailed on my run with my group last night as being a wuss with the cold weather. A bitter wind was blowing so I chose the treadmill instead.

    Made myself do the 4.2 miles we were supposed to be doing outside, and as I was on the TM showing kilometre pace I really had no idea about speed so just went by feel. It actually made it more pleasant. That and laughing at the poor subtitling of the news.

    planning a 7 miler tomorrow.
  • chunkytfg
    chunkytfg Posts: 339 Member
    5 Mile race done yesterday. New PB of almost 2 minutes to top it off. 33mins20secs.

    Scary fast at the front of the race though. Winner did it in 24.55 averaging 4.59min/mile for the race!!!
  • PeachesNcreamgal
    PeachesNcreamgal Posts: 357 Member
    I run in a park and I use runtastic. Today I noticed I ran 5 km in 53:21 this evening. Sheesh!! That was slow but it was a loooong run. I'd like to improve my distance and speed and maybe run for 60-70 minutes ☺
  • ceridavies1991
    ceridavies1991 Posts: 21 Member
    I ran while
    It isnt alot but it's my first few times getting back into running after my 3rd baby so anything was good enough for me ☺