Need friends for encouragement!

Ok, so I have been on here for a while, I have weeks where I log on everyday and I have weeks where I log on once in a while. I was doing really really good a few weeks ago, but I have fallen into a rut and I am having difficulty getting out of it! One of my main problems is that I get bored easily..routine bores me! I am looking for friends to encourage me to continue and I will do the same in return! Good luck to everyone on your weight loss journey!! Much love to all!


  • PinUpMommy
    PinUpMommy Posts: 94
    The biggest problem that I've had in the past is finding things that I enjoy to do, working out wise. If I don't really enjoy it, I won't do it. Then I won't log it (or anything else), and off the wagon I go. Feel free to friend me!
  • dakoerber
    dakoerber Posts: 308 Member
    It does help to have friends to support you. I get bored myself... I change my workout all the time. I did find one that I go back to often cause it is my favorite but even I have to take time from it.

    So glad you are here...
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    I understand! I have few friends and a handful of them comment on my posts, which is so motivating! I really need more friends. I'm on maintenance but support is still important....and since ive been on maintenance a while I've probably been whereever you are at any given time! Bottom line, being fit is so rewarding that I just want to spread the health around! Dont give up!! Its so worth it!
  • ANewMaria2014
    ANewMaria2014 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks to everyone for your encouraging words, I really appreciate it!
  • Jasperocks
    Jasperocks Posts: 10 Member
    I'm trying to lose the weight I gained while pregnant. My son just turned one and I'm sick of wearing maternity clothes! I'm also going to get a new tattoo when I reach my goal weight and look forward to wearing normal clothes.
    All of my friends are either really skinny or if they are overweight, don't want to diet. It is so hard to do it alone. I don't have as much problem with exercising as I do with calorie control.
    Feel free to friend me!
  • martosh
    martosh Posts: 5
    Please feel free to friend me as well. I know exactly where you are coming from! I'm very encouraged and gung ho at the beginning of any diet I've done, and it will go for a bit depending on what program I'm doing. Initially friends are supportive--and even my late husband would be great at first; but then somewhere along the way, the support goes by the wayside. I even remember quite a few years ago, I would purposely bring out the chips and cookies and see if anyone would say anything like "hey--you don't need those, or you're doing so great, don't backslide now". But nope--nothing. So then I figured what the heck, eat what you want because no cares. And off the diet wagon I would go. I realize, I have to do it myself but SUPPORT is a huge incentive to keep going. I don't want to fall off this program or get bored along the way.So, I'll help you if you help me. We can do this!
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 694 Member
    I too am in need of encouragement. I lost my first 20lbs on here then stopped for a while, now I started again and am looking to drop another 20lbs. But I definately need encouragement esp. during the summer/BBQ months. Friend me!!
  • A couple of years ago I lost 20 lbs! I gained probably half of it back and I am trying really hard to stay steady too. I have zero friends here so feel free to friend me!