Plant Based.... mostly



  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited November 2016
    J72FIT wrote: »
    I am looking to shift to more plant based so I am following this thread...

    I've been toying with the idea as well-I have a pretty varied diet, but I do eat a lot of meat, usually a couple times a day. Looking to shake things up and experiment a bit with food choices :)
  • Hikesandhalfmarathons
    I'm slowly transitioning onto a plant based diet too, so if anyone would like to add me please do!
  • butterbuns123
    butterbuns123 Posts: 150 Member
    To all of you wanting to transition feel free to friend or message me. I was full blown meat eating a year ago.
  • SapphireMoon23
    SapphireMoon23 Posts: 139 Member
    MrsRadder wrote: »
    Hey fitness pals. I am considering switching to a primarily plant based diet. Is there anyone other there that is interested in doing this along with me. Or if there is anyone that eats like this that wants to add me I could use the help and would probably stalk your food diary. Thanks in advance for your help!

    I've been mostly vegan for 4 yrs. I've been able to reverse lots of chronic health issues. I read dr neal barnard's books & they changed my life. The food tastes cleaner, natural, esp if it's minimally processed & homemade.
    Have you heard of the Happycow app? Great restaurant finder.

    I need more veganish friends. I'm not an animal rights activist. I love healthy non animal food. I do use honey, but that's all.
  • SapphireMoon23
    SapphireMoon23 Posts: 139 Member
    snerggly wrote: »
    I am a whole foods plant based eater following the McDougall and Forks over Knives way of eating, add me if you want support. I have been eating this way for five months for health reasons first and then other reasons as I do discovery. I am feeling a lot better and while I wasn't on MFP for a bit, I have lost a total of 15 lbs. I have another 10 to go but I am more committed do keeping with this life style. My doctor is quite pleased with my progress!

    Best wishes to you!

    I've been mostly vegan for 4 yrs. I've been able to reverse lots of chronic health issues. I read dr neal barnard's books & they changed my life. The food tastes cleaner, natural, esp if it's minimally processed & homemade.
    Have you heard of the Happycow app? Great restaurant finder.

    I need more veganish friends. I'm not an animal rights activist. I love healthy non animal food. I do use honey, but that's all.

    I love plant-based documentaries.... Food Matters; Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. Videos by &
  • VeggieBarbells
    VeggieBarbells Posts: 175 Member
    MrsRadder wrote: »
    Hey fitness pals. I am considering switching to a primarily plant based diet. Is there anyone other there that is interested in doing this along with me. Or if there is anyone that eats like this that wants to add me I could use the help and would probably stalk your food diary. Thanks in advance for your help!

    I no longer log my food, so not much help there but I went plant based after losing 20+ lbs whilst eating meat. It was a good decision which I transitioned to over time. I find being plant based is easier all round. Easier to digest, easier to maintain weight, easier to prepare. I've since dropped another 10 lbs effortlessly and at the last count had dropped 31 in total. Good luck with the switch, I hope its as successful as mine was!
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    Another lifter here... running on about 5 years of eating 100% vegan, including successful bulking and cutting cycles. It can be done! As with many things, once you make a routine of it, it begins to feel normal.

    My advice would be to hit the bulk bins at your grocery store and stock up on things that can be:
    A.) A base for a meal with some protein (chickpeas, lentils, quinoa, beans, dry soup mixes, etc).
    B.) Snacks: (seeds, nuts, fruits).
    C.) Quick breakfast stuff (plain oats are cheap as hell, and easy - I mix mine with peanut butter).
    D.) Optionally, some plant-based protein powder. I don't worry too much about the fancy name brands all the time, some basic pea/rice protein does the trick for me.

    Here is a good group to check out for recipes/etc:

    Find a good workout routine, stick to it, and don't feel bad if you make mistakes on your diet or fitness - just keep move forward the next day. Every good decision makes a difference to you and the world in general.

    Feel free to add me, although I've been notoriously bad with logging lately.

    Good luck!
  • SapphireMoon23
    SapphireMoon23 Posts: 139 Member
    Another lifter here... running on about 5 years of eating 100% vegan, including successful bulking and cutting cycles. It can be done! As with many things, once you make a routine of it, it begins to feel normal.

    My advice would be to hit the bulk bins at your grocery store and stock up on things that can be:
    A.) A base for a meal with some protein (chickpeas, lentils, quinoa, beans, dry soup mixes, etc).
    B.) Snacks: (seeds, nuts, fruits).
    C.) Quick breakfast stuff (plain oats are cheap as hell, and easy - I mix mine with peanut butter).
    D.) Optionally, some plant-based protein powder. I don't worry too much about the fancy name brands all the time, some basic pea/rice protein does the trick for me.

    Here is a good group to check out for recipes/etc:

    Find a good workout routine, stick to it, and don't feel bad if you make mistakes on your diet or fitness - just keep move forward the next day. Every good decision makes a difference to you and the world in general.

    Feel free to add me, although I've been notoriously bad with logging lately.

    Good luck!

    Brilliant tips!
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Wouldn't that be a diet based on plants and animal products, aka an ordinary, omnivorous, diet?

    No, alot of people have a meat-based diet

    People, as in humans? Only meat? :o
    (I think you are joking :) )

    I said based, not exclusive lol I don't know how many posts I see where people eat chicken all day. Gross.

    Hey!! I take great offence to that ;)
  • tierra85
    tierra85 Posts: 300 Member
    I've been starch solution for a long time now. I experimented with different recipes i found online, found my top 10 favorites, and now i just rotate them over and over. After about a week my cravings for processed/sugary foods went away and haven't been back since. Personally this diet works for me because i used to be a binge eater. Since i don't have to track calories i can eat as much as i want to. Since its all plant based i'm getting all the nutrients i need, therefore i'm not craving other foods and i'm not over eating. Out of curiosity i track my calories anyways at the end of the day and I'm always within a healthy range, but i never feel hungry or deprived throughout the day. Since I've started the starch solution i don't get migraines anymore, I've went off of my depression and anxiety medications and my psoriasis is almost gone. I hope the journey to plant based goes well for you!! :)
  • rlmiller216
    rlmiller216 Posts: 7 Member
    Been eating plant based for nearly a year. Would love some company on this app!
  • Mizzaf
    Mizzaf Posts: 104 Member
    edited December 2016
    I have been a pescatarian since august and Im really looking forward to switching to a plant based diet in 2017. I have lots of recipes that Im looking forward to trying, exciting times B)
  • sweetendeavor
    sweetendeavor Posts: 72 Member
    Been plant based since 2013, started eating eggs again in the last month but I will be returning to plant based. Add me! I have a ton of recipes I can share
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Leaving the ethics part of the discussion out, I've always found this discussion topic fascinating. Omnivore, meat eater, vegetarian, vegan, pescetarian, flexitarian and on and on. Why can't people just eat? And those who do eat meat, how much do you eat in a day? It just seems that no matter what label you put on a diet, the majority of it should be comprised of plants, if for no other reason than there's just so many different kinds. I eat meat, but there are some days that I don't, not for any reason other than it just happens that way. I guess it has a different meaning but when I hear "plant based" I think "mostly plants" not "ONLY plants"
  • Traveler120
    Traveler120 Posts: 712 Member
    rybo wrote: »
    ...... I guess it has a different meaning but when I hear "plant based" I think "mostly plants" not "ONLY plants"
    Well, 'only plants' is by definition vegan. Plant-based is 'mostly plants', but to what degree, is up to the individual. For instance, I've calculated (based on calories), that I'm 95% plant-based.

    I find the term plant-based more fitting because I don't share the rigid ethical mindsets that vegans/vegetarians have about animals. I like the diet mainly for health benefits but like to have some flexibility to indulge in some animal products every now and then.
  • katdum1978
    katdum1978 Posts: 15 Member
    I have been eating dairy/eggs/fish, but have been cutting back. Would love to talk about it. We eat vegan a lot of the time - so I have a couple of good recipes.
  • bturner28
    bturner28 Posts: 68 Member
    Been eating plant based for nearly a year. Would love some company on this app!
    katdum1978 wrote: »
    I have been eating dairy/eggs/fish, but have been cutting back. Would love to talk about it. We eat vegan a lot of the time - so I have a couple of good recipes.
    Hi, I started plant based/vegan eating plan. I've been on it for a week. Looking to add friends on this app as a support group. Im not looking for anyone to debate this plan, only requesting support.

  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    rybo wrote: »
    Leaving the ethics part of the discussion out, I've always found this discussion topic fascinating. Omnivore, meat eater, vegetarian, vegan, pescetarian, flexitarian and on and on. Why can't people just eat? And those who do eat meat, how much do you eat in a day? It just seems that no matter what label you put on a diet, the majority of it should be comprised of plants, if for no other reason than there's just so many different kinds. I eat meat, but there are some days that I don't, not for any reason other than it just happens that way. I guess it has a different meaning but when I hear "plant based" I think "mostly plants" not "ONLY plants"

    On average I eat 4-6 ounces of chicken, 4-5 days a week and then on Sundays I have a small local, grass fed steak, which is around 4 ounces. So yeah, while I eat meat it's not the main component of my diet :) I'd actually like to switch out most of the chicken for fish and it's one of the things I'm currently working on.
  • Cat3141
    Cat3141 Posts: 162 Member
    I've been vegan for roughly 5 years, you can add me if you like. I strongly recommend reading Vegan for Life by Norris and Messina for good, evidence based information on vegan nutrition. Both Norris and Messina are registered dietitians, and provide solid information on how to stay healthy on a vegan diet. There is a lot of really terrible information out there.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    rybo wrote: »
    Leaving the ethics part of the discussion out, I've always found this discussion topic fascinating. Omnivore, meat eater, vegetarian, vegan, pescetarian, flexitarian and on and on. Why can't people just eat? And those who do eat meat, how much do you eat in a day? It just seems that no matter what label you put on a diet, the majority of it should be comprised of plants, if for no other reason than there's just so many different kinds. I eat meat, but there are some days that I don't, not for any reason other than it just happens that way. I guess it has a different meaning but when I hear "plant based" I think "mostly plants" not "ONLY plants"
