Cheat Meals vs Cheat Days



  • When I started my weight loss I didn't do the cheat days. But mainly because of my self control, I didn't want to get started and then not be able to stop. And I've noticed this, when I eat any of the stuff I did before I started dieting that I get sick! Headaches and just feel awful! My birthday was last month and on the way home from vacation we stopped at this restaurant that is known for "country cookin" I ate fried okra, rolls and mollases, and a steak and baked potato and said to heck with it it's my birthday. I felt so sick before we even left. The worst headache ever! I had to lay down in the back seat the rest of the way home to keep from getting sick!! Anybody else ever done like that? Hubby said oh, it's a mental thing because your thinking about the calories but, I really think my body was like what is this and stop eating it!! So no more "cheat days" for me! :)
  • cassieko
    cassieko Posts: 40 Member
    I don't think of it as a "cheat"... I figure one of the benefits of eating a healthy diet "most of the time" is the freedom to have a jumbo margarita or a slice of b-day cake or whatever, once in a while and not feel guilty.

    (This is my mantra during vacations... :D)
  • There has been times when I had a cheat day and I actually lost weight. I think I must have mixed my system up a bit and it didn't know what to do. I've read that you really shouldn't deprive yourself if you really want something. Just don't eat a lot of it and make sure you exercise to work it off. If you deprive yourself totally, you will want it even more and go crazy when you eat it.
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    Personally for me I am better off tracking everyday and allowing indulgences into my menu. I think I would backslide trying to have cheat days or meals at this point. Instead I am focusing on choosing things I enjoy along with healthy foods I like. Keeping 80 to 90 percent of my foods healthy ones works for me.
  • I agree. We need to break the cycle of bad thoughts. By calling it 'cheating' we tell ourselves we're doing something bad. We should eat what we want (within reason) when we want. It shouldn't be a problem as long as you workout. As long as I'm burning calories I don't feel guilty. Break the cycle of the Self Punishment.:smile:
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    I don't cheat... period.

    I eat what I want, when I want. I eat the serving size of whatever I want to eat, I log it and I move on. For me, being able to eat whatever I want - whenever I want it is FAR better than having to wait for a certain day or meal.

    That's my motto as well.
    I will usually work-out a bit longer/harder, though, to make up for any extra calories.
  • aweigh2go
    aweigh2go Posts: 164 Member
    First off, I recommend upping your meals to 6 a day. Maybe three meals and 3 snacks or 6 meals. Space them every three hours. The key is to eat frequently to keep your metabolism going.

    I define a cheat meal as a deviation from your normal nutritional plan. So if you decide you are going to eat clean (food in it's most natural state or unprocessed) then your cheat meal may be a hamburger fries and a coke. That does not mean however, that you go over your daily calories. You may have to make adjustments earlier in the day. I would even using MFP to plan out your day the night before to include your cheat meal(s).

    If you are just starting out, it will be hard to go cold turkey without cheat meals. Assuming you eat 6 meals a day for 7 days a week, that is 42 meals per week. You can go by the 90/10 rule when it comes to your diet. Of the 42 meals, make 90% of your meals clean. The other 10% (4 meals) you allow yourself that treat. But again, don't go over your daily calorie allotment!

    Best of luck!
  • I don't think of it as a "cheat"... I figure one of the benefits of eating a healthy diet "most of the time" is the freedom to have a jumbo margarita or a slice of b-day cake or whatever, once in a while and not feel guilty.

    (This is my mantra during vacations... :D)


    I don't see it as a 'cheat'. Having something a bit unhealthy - but enjoyable - is part of life, and I wouldnt be able to sustain a 'diet' where I knew I couldnt eat or drink those things ever again. I eat really well most of the time and therefore I blooming well deserve a slice of cake or a burger once in a while.

    Most of the time I build those foods into my calorie allowance if possible, so I'll exercise a bit more if I know we're going out for a meal, and I'll eat a light lunch or breakfast. Food isn't the enemy any more for me.
  • gdortiz
    gdortiz Posts: 169 Member

    if you are trying to lose weight. its best to stay away from the cheat days and meals

    whoa, not sure if I agree. i've been counting calories for a month and these meals, not days, help keep you motivated. twice now, because of special events, i said i would "cheat" and the days leading up to these events/meals were super intense and super good. i eneded losing more weight the days right before and after the cheat meals, alot of weight.

    i think the bigger deal you make over a cheat meal the better. that way you can prepare for them, and really, really, appreciate them.
  • tbisca1
    tbisca1 Posts: 142
    Since I'm not really on a 'diet' I don't consider the occasional bad food/meal a "cheat", instead it's a slurge. And yes MFP does tell me I'm over and "if every day were like today..." I'd be a big fat cow in no time. But I know that every day won't be like today, so it's no big deal. I don't schedule these splurges though. I may be good as gold for weeks, but then again I may go several weeks in a row where I've splurged at least one day. As long as I don't let the splurges become the norm, it'll all even out in the end.

    couldn't have said it better myself! You do need to do something to shake up your body every now and then. I did that a couple months ago and didn't lose anything for a little while but I didn't gain either. Then I went back to watching everything very closely and lost 25 additional lbs in 7 weeks!
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    I don't cheat... period.

    I eat what I want, when I want. I eat the serving size of whatever I want to eat, I log it and I move on. For me, being able to eat whatever I want - whenever I want it is FAR better than having to wait for a certain day or meal.

    I agree! Also sometimes people who wait or hold off on things they want, end up binging and eating more then an alloted portion, thus making them feel worse and guilty.

    I am for eating things you love within reason whenever you want. Still eat healthy, but if you have a sweet tooth then allote within your calories for the day a treat. I usually have a fat free fudgsicle everyday or something sweet.
    However, I would like to say do what is best for you and what works for you. I know some posts have been anti cheat meal or day; but that is what works for them...not you. So if a cheat day or meal will work for you then go for it! The goal here is to find an avenue that works best for you to maintain a healthy lifestyle. :drinker:
  • sambustem
    sambustem Posts: 83
    Really good responses! I thank you!! Def gives me things to think about and consider. :)
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473

    if you are trying to lose weight. its best to stay away from the cheat days and meals

    whoa, not sure if I agree. i've been counting calories for a month and these meals, not days, help keep you motivated. twice now, because of special events, i said i would "cheat" and the days leading up to these events/meals were super intense and super good. i eneded losing more weight the days right before and after the cheat meals, alot of weight.

    i think the bigger deal you make over a cheat meal the better. that way you can prepare for them, and really, really, appreciate them.

    I take a day OFF every week or two where I don't worry about logging stuff and I eat whatever I want. It's not like I eat chocolate covered bacon all day, I just have what I want when I want (and it's probably less than what I would have eaten on an average day 5 months ago!). It helps keep me on track the rest of the time to know that I can still indulge without guilt on special occasions or have my favourite foods or be able to have popcorn at the movies occasionally. If it weren't for the days off I'd never have stuck with it this long.

    I also believe it keeps your metabolism amped up. Going too low cal for any length of time can cause metabolic slowdown so a good feed can kick it back into gear. I can track a few times when I've lost about 1.5 pounds within 2 or 3 days after a good 'cheat' so I say GO FOR IT!