Restarting The Journey

Back again, and excited! It's been about a year since my last big MyFP streak...and during that streak with the help of logging my food and exercise I dropped 30 pounds in about five months, from 260 to 230! So, I'm certainly a believer that it works, but this time around I'm hoping to be more involved on the forums and in the community itself to keep myself engaged. I tend to start back up for just a day or two before falling off the wagon, so this time around I want to #keepthestreak lol.

Please, feel free to add me or let me know if I can add you. Looking forward to diving into the forums, and getting motivation and advice from everyone! ❤


  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    We weigh about the same, and both have the same goal- be more active on and off MFP and #KeeptheStreak

    I sent you an add request!
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    Bro, you just have to stay active man. Log as often as you can (even if only to say hi and let folks know your still alive), plan your meals when possible and monitor your CICO. That's the basic recipe I used for my success. Even though I have been down for almost six months due to several injuries I've been able to stop my back slide by keeping active and getting motivation from my friends.
  • jwat90
    jwat90 Posts: 178 Member
    I've done the same thing. I lost 20lbs the last time I was on MFP and then just quit. I really have no reason. So I'm back at it again. I put some of that weight back on and now need to lose about 45lbs. Feel free to add me. We can support each other. :)
  • mandybear014
    mandybear014 Posts: 209 Member
    Hi OP, good on you for coming back! Ditto what DWBalboa said. That's been my recipe for success too for the past nearly 3 years I have been on MFP. Feel free to add me if you like. :wink: