How do you get over someone you are in love with?



  • healthybearey
    healthybearey Posts: 140 Member
    MeganAM89 wrote: »

    Oh wow, thank you for sharing your experience - this guy seems to be the same in that he knows how to push my buttons and get me to run back to him - but you're right theres a point when you can't handle it anymore, and i think i've reached it with this guy - i think what hurts me the most is, he will replace me very quickly - but you're right i have to focus my mind off him and on other the important stuff :)
  • healthybearey
    healthybearey Posts: 140 Member
    slider728 wrote: »

    I like the metaphor you use , you are totally right - i don't ever give myself a chance to heal and just run back to him and get burnt again and again.. i'm going to probably try the gym idea, been meaning to go more often anyway.. plus i will be returning home in 3 weeks for the holidays so i will definetly spend time with my friends which i'm sure will help some :)

    Thank you for the tips and advice, i appreciate it

    @everyone - also, i appreciate all your comments / advice.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    There are only about a gazillion decent guys out there; you'll be fine.

    .... and yes, it will take a while to get over this one.

    As in all things, both good and bad, this too shall pass.

    Hang in there
  • Mary_Anastasia
    Mary_Anastasia Posts: 267 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hey, I've been there. I still am. If he wanted you he would not do this to you.

    Story-time: My ex-bf played me for a fool for years, long after we broke up in 2012, I let him take advantage of me, use me as a crutch, call me his best friend and I'd believe it. Almost 6 years of talking every day and spending our free time together, experiencing amazing wonderful things every time. We were in our mid-20's, now I'm in my 30's: don't be like me! (you have pleeeeenty of time to heal if you let yourself)

    He started seeing someone this year, he waited until I was gone on a long trip and began hunting for a GF, he even admitted he was just going to use her emotionally, then he started getting nastier to me, playing mind games, took back all the good things.
    And I had to finally walk away. He didn't even care at all... He's got serious problems he'll need to face, and I still love him, always will, long into my old-lady days I'll think about him..hopefully not too sadly. It hurts more than anything ever has: any death, any failure, any loss of self doesn't compare; I know it feels like the worst, because it is. Heartbreak is worse than anything, especially the whirling kind you can't do anything to stop.

    But you can survive, and you can thrive. Go ahead and let it hurt, but recognize when you feel good, too. The good feelings will heal the bad ones. I can't really add any advice better than anything that's been said, but I do know that the more you put into something, the more you love it. Take your energy and refocus it on embracing something you know will love you or reward you without fail.
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    There are only about a gazillion decent guys out there; you'll be fine.

    .... and yes, it will take a while to get over this one.

    As in all things, both good and bad, this too shall pass.

    Hang in there

    That many huh? Who knew.
  • jimbogutz
    jimbogutz Posts: 29 Member
    Hang in there thing will get better sooner then you think.
  • Cerealsensei
    Cerealsensei Posts: 1,625 Member
    Give yourself time, lots of time to be by yourself for awhile. Also you'll probably want to block him on all social medial, lose his phone number etc, you need to completely unplug from him and just spend time with yourself. Work on your hobbies, focus on school/career, do anything you can to keep yourself occupied so that you don't have an idle mind. There's also nothing wrong with allowing yourself to grieve, but over time you'll eventually get over it, just take it one day at a time.
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    Lol, same thing with my PSYCHOTICCCCC ex.
    When I found out, he didn't want to talk about it and was all "embarrassed" because his coworkers could hear me yelling at him on the phone, he kept calling me crazy at home though lol. OH WELL TOUGH SHIZ, shouldn't have done what you did, you disgusting animal.

    Anyway, yeah, you'll get through it. He's not good enough for you. My ex kept calling me crazy and saying "That's what the people that cheated on me would ask me all the time" to try to turn shz around onto me LOLno. Doesn't work that way, I'm too smart for your gameplay. If you wanted an open relationship, that's all you had to say, I do swing both ways.

    But you'll definitely get over it. You're not the first woman it has happened to and definitely not the last. I'm sure women do it to their boyfriends/husbands all the time, too, instead of working it out like adults and with the person you so claim to "love".

    But good luck, sweets! Keep your mind off him, it's the best thing to do :3
  • lyft2looooS
    lyft2looooS Posts: 5 Member
    You need to fight the urge to run back to a lying, cheating, using, person. In times like this the easiest thing to do is to lower your self-respect and take the easy road. You need to set higher standards for yourself. Aren't you deserving of a relationship that has so much more to offer? The road is never easy and it definitely will provide heartache, but going through the hard times will build your character and help you to see what to look for in your future life partner. That person should be your best friend, protector, encourager, and lover. Clearly he is not that person. I wish you well and hope you fight through this tough time. The sun will shine much brighter when you reach the other side!
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    Here's the best thing to do about it: GET ANGRY. Don't cry. DO NOT CRY. Scream if that's what you want to do, but do not cry.
    I kept my cool, even talked on the phone to the person he'd been doing all his cheating with. He told her he was single and that he worked 16 hrs a day to support himself LOL. And the other few hrs? Spent with me? Yeah.. OKAY Suuuure. xD

    Go punch things. Right now is when you should use the fire that he built up and use it for YOURSELF. Go work out, punch a bag, kick a bag. Get tired. Do you, forget him.
  • liftinggoddess1
    liftinggoddess1 Posts: 305 Member
    It takes time to heal and it won't happen over night. Everyone deals with it their own way and you need to find your feet. Do something productive which you can manage your time wisely. It's not about distracting youself to the point of trying to forget him. Its about changing habits, to try and create yourself a new routine. Focus on where you want to be and create a path to take it. The rest will just come.
  • cprovenghi
    cprovenghi Posts: 118 Member
    Realize that you are worthy and deserving of someone who will love you. Love is like a flower when we take possession of it, it will die, but when we admire it as it is and nurture it, it can grow. You don't have to chase love. If someone loves you they will reciprocate the effort. Just keep sending your love out and one day it will return.
  • Thehardmakesitworthit
    All sage advice given here. I would just add that if you don't love you enough, you will end up forgetting how and wake up 32 years later wondering why you just donated yourself to a lost cause. Self care and self love, best advice. All the best!
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Well, 38-year old me is telling 20-year old you that as a woman who's been through this (as most have) that you WILL be okay. You WILL find someone else. And DON'T go back to him! It's a big world out there and you're so young. Find yourself, find a good circle of friends, and someone who won't screw you over. You can do this, be strong and he'll see this is the last time he gets to play you for a fool.
  • winterbutterfly4
    Hi Luv- I'm going to recommend a book every woman should read & apply in her life. I wish I read this book at your age but consider myself fortunate to have found it when I was single again in my 30s. It's called:

    10 Stupid Things Women Do To Mess Up Their Lives by Dr. Laura Schlessinger.

    This is not a new book. You can find it on Amazon or EBay. Dr. Laura gives us the straight talk we need to hear as women. After u read this book- I promise u will feel strong, empowered & wont make the same mistakes when getting into your next relationship with a man. You will also be thankful that u are out of that relationship with a man who lies, cheats & gaslights you.

    Know your value and don't accept anything less from the person u are considering being with.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,349 Member
    J_Surita3 wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    There are only about a gazillion decent guys out there; you'll be fine.

    .... and yes, it will take a while to get over this one.

    As in all things, both good and bad, this too shall pass.

    Hang in there

    That many huh? Who knew.

    Don't believe it...maybe half that.
  • sw33tp3a_1
    sw33tp3a_1 Posts: 795 Member
    There's this poem by Lang Leav called No Other. I think there's a love that you can never get over no matter how hard you try. They will always have a piece of your heart even though you've moved on with life. You'll get there. Stay strong.
  • UrbanFarmerCoco
    UrbanFarmerCoco Posts: 11 Member
    edited December 2016
    At the risk of sounding like a cliché, time heals. Mourning the loss of a loved one is tough. I know I've mourned the loss of a love. While it feels like the end of the world, it isn't. I'd recommend reading The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F, by Mark Mason. Humorous, but excellent read about living - really living.