Looking for some positive people to follow

Looking for some positive people to follow. People looking to motivate each other to achieve their goals! Let's do this together.


  • hmotis
    hmotis Posts: 33 Member
    I would love to add you! Anyone else feel free to add me :) 258 day streak thanks to this awesome MFP community!!
  • newbie3122
    newbie3122 Posts: 480 Member
    Add me :#
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Add me
  • evilokc
    evilokc Posts: 263 Member
    hmotis wrote: »
    I would love to add you! Anyone else feel free to add me :) 258 day streak thanks to this awesome MFP community!!
    258 days is hardcore. You can add me. Im at 160 days. Do you work out with weights or do straight cardio?

  • sr200179
    sr200179 Posts: 15 Member
    Feel free to add me to. And yes We can do this! :)
  • Add me!! I am looking for all the positive reinforcement I can get.
  • ThomasDavy
    ThomasDavy Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm looking for accountability and encouragement too!! 220 Day streak here