How often do you weigh yourself?



  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    once a week, but now i'm thinking of switching to once a fortnight, since my weightloss has slowed down.
  • ThomasDavy
    ThomasDavy Posts: 3 Member
    I weigh myself every day before I eat, but I only have one "official" weigh-in every week. It keeps me focused on my goal but other than the one day a week I couldn't care less what the number is.

    I'm exactly the same!
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    I was weighing once a week/two weeks...but then my scale stopped working two weeks ago! I'm going to play it by ear until Christmas when hopefully Santa brings me a new one (with a BF scale!) Fingers crossed I don't weigh in 20 pounds heavier on Dec. 25!!
  • colors_fade
    colors_fade Posts: 464 Member
    Every morning.

    It's part of how I create my personal accountability. I weigh the same time every morning, right when I get up, after first urination. From day-to-day, this is fairly consistent, and I can see the slight fluctuations happen, and I know, "Okay, we're up a little bit because we had the extra beers yesterday", or "I'm down a bit, and on schedule, and my diet the last few days backs up that result."

    I found it especially helpful over the Thanksgiving weekend. I saw the scale go up, but only a bit, and it helped me keep from going hog wild.
  • brittalexmoore
    brittalexmoore Posts: 15 Member
    I'm not gonna lie, I weigh myself every morning. I know it's not the best idea but it's just become a habit. I only record my weight on fridays though.
  • dragonssister
    dragonssister Posts: 8 Member
    Over years and years of gaining weight and losing weight as a woman I can say, I recommend fighting the compulsion to weigh more than once a week. Even once a week can be detrimental depending on the time of the month due to weight fluctuations with water retention. It is great to see the number on the scale going down, but perhaps stick to once a month with measurements to see a real sign of progress and not get distracted or lose faith if you have a bad week.
  • RunningMom1038
    RunningMom1038 Posts: 144 Member
    I weigh myself everyday, but only log it on Mondays. It's completely psychological, but knowing that I will be recording my weight on Monday helps me keep on track over the weekend.
  • alexismoham
    alexismoham Posts: 35 Member
    I weigh every morning. I realize there is a daily fluctuation as folks already mentioned.
    One thing im going to start doing is only logging one time a week consistantly. This makes more sense for tracking actual progress and will help me assess what i need to adjust in my plan.
  • snubbyfan
    snubbyfan Posts: 9 Member
    I weigh myself 3 times a week at the YMCA, right before hittin' the showers.
  • U2R2
    U2R2 Posts: 260 Member
    I log my weight, blood pressure, glucose level and temperature into an excel spreadsheet each morning. I have the sheet setup to keep a monthly average of each stat and graph the weight with a trend line on a separate sheet.

    After a 31 pound loss my systolic pressure is down 10 points, diastolic is down 6, glucose is down 3 and my resting heart rate is 10 beats slower.

    Diet and exercise, who would have thunk it? ;)