what made you realize, " okay , I need to loose weight?"



  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,154 Member
    For me it was constantly seeing myself with a double chin in pictures...and I wasn't that far into the overweight range for my BMI. But also, when I was too big for my pants that were already a couple of sizes bigger than my "fat" jeans, I knew enough was enough. I refused to buy anything bigger, and opted instead to lose the weight. It still took me about 6 months to find this site and figure out calorie counting/macro ratios were the way to go to lose consistently.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I've never been ok with my weight so I would go on "diet" after "diet". I couldn't ever figure out how to keep it off so I googled zig zag calories I heard someone talk about and figured out I would just eat on average of 1250 calories for the rest of my life.

    Thankfully while on mfp I learned about TDEE and now I know I can up my calories a little when I reach goal weight.
  • missafwilliams
    missafwilliams Posts: 49 Member
    Wow! @ktekc. That's so real. Keep pushing. <3
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    ktekc wrote: »
    Thank you. 142 now. A little over 2 yrs later..getting there.

    Good for you!! I am the same height and the weight really shows on us little people. And very hard on the joints. Keep up the great work, your body is thanking you daily for the changes.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    I think for me it was seeing a picture of myself that made me unhappy. :#

    same reason for me, also includes knee pain, back pain and ed
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    ktekc wrote: »
    Thank you. 142 now. A little over 2 yrs later..getting there.

    Yes, you will get there. keep it up
  • jonjaxmom
    jonjaxmom Posts: 77 Member
    My favorite jeans are too tight!! :wink: time to go back at it again!
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    I was told I was fat by my niece pretty much. It hurt but it saved my life
  • libbimurray
    libbimurray Posts: 3 Member
    My fat clothes were too tight and I was buying even fatter clothes. I saw myself in family pictures and I was horrified!
  • _dixiana_
    _dixiana_ Posts: 3,262 Member
    The muffin top is hard to ignore. Tight pants are not especially fun to wear so it was either lose the weight or buy bigger pants. Well, I'm cheap so I lost the weight ;)
  • mrsgrace518
    mrsgrace518 Posts: 102 Member
    I went on vacation and came home and the scale hit 300. It devastated me.
  • Myrnlvr
    Myrnlvr Posts: 16 Member
    I'd had a history of chronic back pain, but one day I woke up and could barely walk. So, I started. Small and slow, but little by little I got (almost) to my goal, after about 8 months, and stabilized. Every month or two I would relate my loss to something real in my life (my dog, both my dogs,...). When I lost more than my 7 year old nephew it was pretty easy to see why I had been in so much pain. Not that it got better with the loss, but I'm sure my spine thanks me for not packing that extra weight around. I had back surgery a year ago, and in the last few months I have not only hit my goal but dropped an extra 6 pounds.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,847 Member
    Knee pain, tired going up a single flight of stairs, and a side pic which showed my college six-pack had morphed into a father-keg.
  • pedermj2002
    pedermj2002 Posts: 180 Member
    Same story as is on my profile, actually: I went to a corporate retreat. One busy/active day, and I was in pain for a few days afterwards. The place had swimming, I went swimming, but wouldn't go without a t-shirt on because I was embarrassed about my body. I saw pictures afterwards and realized that I had hit a point where I had to do something.

    Started with super light workouts, but wasn't making much (if any) progress. Found out about MFP, counted one day's calories, put my eyes back in their sockets after I saw the results, and began logging in earnest. As of now, I've lost as much weight as the bike I use for all my cardio work. That feels awesome. Can't wait until spring, when I can actually show off the results :)
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I wanted to get my son into scouts and signed up as the den leader. I immediately realized that I had to lead by example and started moving more and eating less. I signed up on MFP and amazed at all the misinformation I received over my life about weight management.
  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    When I realized my slim jeans were giving me a muffin top. :wink:
  • Kristi26
    Kristi26 Posts: 184 Member
    edited November 2016
    Two things happened. My jeans were way too tight to wear comfortably anymore and I got on my bff's scale. The number put me in the overweight category. I was not okay with either of those things.