My First Day...

Hello everyone. My name is Anissa and I just joined the site, thanks to my lovely cousin. I am at my highest weight right now (just over 300#) and I can't believe that I've allowed myself to get this bad.

I was considering weight loss surgery, until today, and I am hoping that this tool & your support will help me be successful on my own.

I know that I can do it because it's been done before. I just lacked the support that I needed...until NOW.

I'm excited to meet you all as we travel on our weight loss journeys.

God bless. :o)


  • WiiFitFan
    WiiFitFan Posts: 156 Member
    Welcome! And yes, you can do this without surgery. I've only been on a week but the support here is fantastic!
  • texgrl76
    texgrl76 Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome! It's my first day on here, too, but I've already received many kind messages from people! I've been trying to lose weight without any support, and haven't been successful. I think with lots of prayers and the support of the community on here, we'll be successful in our weight loss!

  • MsLadyVirgo
    MsLadyVirgo Posts: 160 Member
    Welcome to MFP,

    You will find this website to be a successful tool to assist you in your goals. Please feel free to befriend me.

    Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • zamiesgirl
    zamiesgirl Posts: 37
    welcome to the site guys. I was considering surgery as well but i have heard so many bad things about it that i decided to do it on my own. Logging my food and exercise is great. I hope you enjoy the site as much as I have and I still am.
  • cabul3
    cabul3 Posts: 210 Member
    welcome to both of you new ladies! YOU CAN DO IT! the support here is awesome, the tools are easy to use and accurate, and if you follow MFP, you will lose. it's that "simple" LoL :o)
  • cathynicolette
    cathynicolette Posts: 78 Member
    Welcome!!! I've only been here for a few days, and it's been a blast so far! So many nice people and useful tools. sending a friend request to you.
  • izzy02
    izzy02 Posts: 23
    Welcome & Good Luck!!! This app has helped me so much. By logging in my calorie intake, it has opened up my eyes!! Prior to I noticed I would eat here & there without control. I am now more attentive. I recently downloaded the nike gps for my app phone & it keeps tracks of how long & far you run, which at the moment I am simply using it to track miles walked. Since getting it, I get excited everyday to go walking just because I know the more I walk, the quicker I will hit a milestone according to the app.

    Again good luck and hope to see you succeed every step of the way!! XOXO
  • LisaS848
    LisaS848 Posts: 2
    Good luck! You can do it! :smile:
  • mswhite76
    mswhite76 Posts: 7 Member
    WOW!!! I am completely overwhelmed by the number of replied of gotten already. You all have totally made my day!!! :blushing:

    I NEVER expected you to even read my post, but I am certainly glad that you did. I agree that having support makes losing weight much easier, and now I know that I have people on my side who can relate with me. I am NOT alone anymore.

    Thank God for this site, all of you, and my cousin for even telling me about this today. :happy: Now, I can actually stop the process of trying to be approved for a surgery I didn't really want but felt so desperate to do, and can now use this lovely tool to help me more than I ever could alone.

    I'm even more excited now, thanks to you all.

    God bless!!
  • Hi My name is Melissa and today I have joined myfitness pal with the help of some of my new friends. I plan to begin Turbo Fire tomorrow as I am waiting on delivery. I started my new lifestyle today and did pretty well. Hope to loose 120.00 pounds and stay fit and healthy. Thanks.
  • HIAH
    HIAH Posts: 9
    G'Day mswhite76
    Great to hear your weight loss journey has begun, good for you. We are all in this together...feel free to add me as a friend and we can motivate each other :smile:
  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    Welcome! I've just begun this week myself and so far I'm feeling like I CAN DO IT this time! You'll find lots of support here, as I already have!
  • chris6515
    chris6515 Posts: 131 Member
    Welcome! This is a great site for motivation and support. You took the first step, just like we all did, and you can do this. Good luck and visit every day if you can.