Sudden INTENSE Food Cravings

So, I've been on here for about a year, I've hit my goal weight and am extremely happy with my results. I eat healthy and I'm generally not tempted by naughty things often. I'm not even a "snacker."

ALL OF A SUDDEN, though, I've started having really really intense food cravings, and usually for really junky foods. Pizza, hot dogs, Taco Bell, Burgers, mac and cheese... just really carby fatty things.

I am not pregnant, for the record.

I exercise a lot and I eat at or really closely under my maintenance weight, so it's not like I'm starving myself or giving myself a crazy deficit, but even when I was at a deficit, I never had actual cravings.

Is this just a seasonal thing? Or... I don't know, I've been trying to "just not eat them" but I'm not kidding when I say that they are overwhelmingly strong.

Do I indulge occasionally? If it fits my calories and my macros, would it hurt too badly to eat like crap for a little bit?


  • DizzyMissIzzy
    DizzyMissIzzy Posts: 168 Member
    thedcubed1 wrote: »
    I'd say it's okay to occasionally indulge in moderation for sure. I wouldn't go binge eating for a few days or anything, but the occasional indulgence wouldn't hurt too badly. What might even happen is you might indulge and feel crappy the next day which will cause you to not crave them anymore! For the record...that hasn't happened to me yet so I still have those cravings for sure! Mmmm....Taco Bell. :-)

    Everything in moderation is how I look at it. Getting and staying fit is hard enough as it is so you should be able to enjoy yourself once in a while. The other tip would be maybe not go and get the food at the height of your cravings. Maybe wait until you think "Yeah that'd be nice". Similar to how you shouldn't go grocery shopping when you're hungry!

    Good luck!

    That's really good advice. Haha, yesterday my husband brought me home Taco Bell since I'd been craving a Crunchwrap all week and I'm not going to lie, it was glorious. It fit within my macros and everything, so I didn't feel super guilty about it, but... here I am today dying for a grilled cheese and I don't even like grilled cheese. Hahaha. I wonder if my body's trying to tell me I'm missing something essential? I just don't know what that would be.
  • DizzyMissIzzy
    DizzyMissIzzy Posts: 168 Member
    Nope! Not at all, although it seems as if anything I eat other than what I'm craving just doesn't measure up... haha. And I've been looking back through my diary and I haven't been low in fat, I hit it or go just a little over ever time, and that's still at 25%. I suppose I could try to raise that to 30 and lower carbs to 35, I wonder if that would help.
  • DizzyMissIzzy
    DizzyMissIzzy Posts: 168 Member
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    Could be seasonal - if the temperature has dropped the mentality would be comfort. I agree with everything the chap above has said to be honest. Everything in moderation and you have done so blimen well that a few indulgences will be like a pebble in a river of good choices - everything is still flowing in the right direction

    I was thinking about that too. I really appreciate your kind words, I have been working very hard. ^^
  • DizzyMissIzzy
    DizzyMissIzzy Posts: 168 Member
    thedcubed1 wrote: »
    Haha yeah even as I was typing that first part about "don't go and get the food at the height of your cravings" I was thinking to myself "but that's when it'll taste the most amazeballs when it first touches your lips!!!" Changing up your macros might help. I have to be honest that I don't track my logging nearly that closely. I just know that carbs are the bane of my existence and stick on my body like white on rice! (No not just because I'm Asian) :-P So in that I'm a bit ignorant!

    And I know you've already said you're not pregnant, but I was asking about the smells and foods being repulsive because of that. I'm sure you saw through that one haha...and you're suuuure you're not right? :-)

    Yeah, I'm sure, it's the first thing I checked on when I was thinking "hmmm... I'd kill for a hot dog right now... but... I f-cking HATE hot dogs... but still... HOT DOG NOW." Hahaha.

    I find carbs (at least the complex carbs in whole wheat and carby fruits for fiber) are my best friend for getting energized for my work outs so while I don't eat extraordinarily high amounts of them, they're still a good part of my diet. Perhaps if I raise my fat, however, I'll feel more full and won't want any of the bad stuff... maybe... possibly... hah!
  • DizzyMissIzzy
    DizzyMissIzzy Posts: 168 Member
    Forbidden fruit taste best. You'll need to work on your mindset. No foods are "good" or "bad". Everything in moderation.

    This is true! I suppose I'm thinking in terms of nutrient density and quality ingredients. But you are right! 300 calories is still 300 calories whether it's from beer, lean chicken breast or greasy burger.

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Forbidden fruit taste best. You'll need to work on your mindset. No foods are "good" or "bad". Everything in moderation.

    This is true! I suppose I'm thinking in terms of nutrient density and quality ingredients. But you are right! 300 calories is still 300 calories whether it's from beer, lean chicken breast or greasy burger.
    Right! And fat is good for you :) As well as variety. So have that chicken, and then that burger. And enjoy your beer :D
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    So, I've been on here for about a year, I've hit my goal weight and am extremely happy with my results. I eat healthy and I'm generally not tempted by naughty things often. I'm not even a "snacker."

    ALL OF A SUDDEN, though, I've started having really really intense food cravings, and usually for really junky foods. Pizza, hot dogs, Taco Bell, Burgers, mac and cheese... just really carby fatty things.

    I am not pregnant, for the record.

    I exercise a lot and I eat at or really closely under my maintenance weight, so it's not like I'm starving myself or giving myself a crazy deficit, but even when I was at a deficit, I never had actual cravings.

    Is this just a seasonal thing? Or... I don't know, I've been trying to "just not eat them" but I'm not kidding when I say that they are overwhelmingly strong.

    Do I indulge occasionally? If it fits my calories and my macros, would it hurt too badly to eat like crap for a little bit?

    Speak with your doctor IMO, could be a million things no one on here knows your medical history or you... all you'll get is someones opinion to justify what you already want to do... doctor knows best.

  • DizzyMissIzzy
    DizzyMissIzzy Posts: 168 Member

    Speak with your doctor IMO, could be a million things no one on here knows your medical history or you... all you'll get is someones opinion to justify what you already want to do... doctor knows best.

    Haha, this is very true. Though I suppose being enabled is nice too! ;)

    If it continues any longer I'll for sure make an appointment.
  • vrojapu
    vrojapu Posts: 268 Member
    Is there any subliminal advertising going on around you that you're not aware of? That might be one explanation for craving food you don't even like to begin with.
  • DizzyMissIzzy
    DizzyMissIzzy Posts: 168 Member
    vrojapu wrote: »
    Is there any subliminal advertising going on around you that you're not aware of? That might be one explanation for craving food you don't even like to begin with.

    Hmmm... possibly! I haven't been paying close attention, but it is the holiday season! Food is on everyone's minds, and not the healthy sort either!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    The way you talk about craving foods you hate makes me urge you to go to a doctor. Sounds quite hormonal. I know you said you aren't pregnant, but pregnancy is the one common factor with my friends/family that have cravings for foods they hate.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    The way you talk about craving foods you hate makes me urge you to go to a doctor. Sounds quite hormonal. I know you said you aren't pregnant, but pregnancy is the one common factor with my friends/family that have cravings for foods they hate.

    I won't dicourage the OP from seeing doctor if she needs it, but I don't read her posts like that. Aren't cravings defined by exactly this, a "sudden and intense and stubborn desire for something you don't need and not even really want"? Usually triggered by exposure to - you know, the things that experts warn us against eating too much of, the stuff that has way too many calories for a small bite, foods that taste "too good", easy to eat, difficult to moderate. "Bet you can't eat just one"? The ambivalence is also driving and driven by the notion of "naughty" and "bad" foods.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    The way you talk about craving foods you hate makes me urge you to go to a doctor. Sounds quite hormonal. I know you said you aren't pregnant, but pregnancy is the one common factor with my friends/family that have cravings for foods they hate.

    I won't dicourage the OP from seeing doctor if she needs it, but I don't read her posts like that. Aren't cravings defined by exactly this, a "sudden and intense and stubborn desire for something you don't need and not even really want"? Usually triggered by exposure to - you know, the things that experts warn us against eating too much of, the stuff that has way too many calories for a small bite, foods that taste "too good", easy to eat, difficult to moderate. "Bet you can't eat just one"? The ambivalence is also driving and driven by the notion of "naughty" and "bad" foods.

    No, they're not. Cravings are more general than that.

    I get cravings for foods. OK, technically I rarely need them, it's not like I'm literally starving or at all malnourished, but I certainly do want them. And while sure often a craving is triggered by (for example) exposure to the treat foods at the holidays that aren't around any other time of year, or because childhood memories and traditions say I should be eating X at this time of year, I'll also get cravings for things like an apple because I just really, REALLY want something crisp, crunchy, and refreshing. Or, saltines because I've been eating things that were more bland and I just need the saltiness. Or a salad because I've been eating rich heavy foods and I want something light.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    So, I've been on here for about a year, I've hit my goal weight and am extremely happy with my results. I eat healthy and I'm generally not tempted by naughty things often. I'm not even a "snacker."

    ALL OF A SUDDEN, though, I've started having really really intense food cravings, and usually for really junky foods. Pizza, hot dogs, Taco Bell, Burgers, mac and cheese... just really carby fatty things.

    I am not pregnant, for the record.

    I exercise a lot and I eat at or really closely under my maintenance weight, so it's not like I'm starving myself or giving myself a crazy deficit, but even when I was at a deficit, I never had actual cravings.

    Is this just a seasonal thing? Or... I don't know, I've been trying to "just not eat them" but I'm not kidding when I say that they are overwhelmingly strong.

    Do I indulge occasionally? If it fits my calories and my macros, would it hurt too badly to eat like crap for a little bit?

    When is all of a sudden? This week? I'm having pretty bad cravings today. They started mildly yesterday, but I know it's because menses is next week. Ugh. :(
  • tinallen863
    tinallen863 Posts: 50 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss. I ate, even overate, traditional thanksgiving dinner, candied yams, pie and all. However, letting fast food back in your life is a big mistake. You don't really know what's in it. If you want a big mac or whatever, make something like that at home. Big greasy cheeseburger on whole wheat bun with all the toppings. It's not the same, but you won't lose your healthy eating mind set. It takes a long time to shake off the junk food habit. No sense blowing it now.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    The way you talk about craving foods you hate makes me urge you to go to a doctor. Sounds quite hormonal. I know you said you aren't pregnant, but pregnancy is the one common factor with my friends/family that have cravings for foods they hate.

    I won't dicourage the OP from seeing doctor if she needs it, but I don't read her posts like that. Aren't cravings defined by exactly this, a "sudden and intense and stubborn desire for something you don't need and not even really want"? Usually triggered by exposure to - you know, the things that experts warn us against eating too much of, the stuff that has way too many calories for a small bite, foods that taste "too good", easy to eat, difficult to moderate. "Bet you can't eat just one"? The ambivalence is also driving and driven by the notion of "naughty" and "bad" foods.

    I agree. Everything is not a medical issue. Some things are just mental. Maybe hormonal. LOL!
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    Its just a craving lol. I got a curry craving but no issues..just fancy a vindaloo

  • DizzyMissIzzy
    DizzyMissIzzy Posts: 168 Member
    leejoyce31 wrote: »

    When is all of a sudden? This week? I'm having pretty bad cravings today. They started mildly yesterday, but I know it's because menses is next week. Ugh. :(

    Hah, mine is too, so that could definitely be it, it's just never happened to me before! Haha!

  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    I suspect that like bears and other animals who live in snowy climes we've evolved to pack on the pounds in the fall as insurance against the hard months of winter. But that's just a guess.