anyone getting fit at home with dvds?

I'm starting back on the fitness trail. Want to lose two stone and get in shape. Done gym and classes in the past and have home gym and numerous DVDs. Just wondering what everyones favourites are, what results did you get and how do you keep motivating yourself to do the workouts....thanks


  • katiehepp1
    katiehepp1 Posts: 138 Member
    I have a whole lot of DVD s , I started out on the 10 minute solution ones as I wasn't very active and after a couple weeks I got Davina fit in 15, Davina 7 minute fit, Josie gibbons, Davina 5 weeks fit, and a couple more I can't remember the name too, I mix and match and try to do at least 30 minutes per day, I also downloaded on my phone from the app store the jillian Micheal's one week shred , it's Intense but so good! That and the Davina ones are my favourite and I've lost 1 and a half stone in 8 weeks x
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    My before/after progress pics are my motivation. I like the after much better, so I keep going!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    edited December 2016
    Well, it's winter now so most of my cycling is done on my indoor trainer...I have a few cycling DVDs and there's quite a bit on YouTube...I prefer the virtual rides to the spin classes.

    It's not as fun as being out on the road, but it's better than not riding at all or riding and having the snot freeze to my face.

    As to staying motivated...I love cycling...I don't really need motivation to do something I love doing...that's like asking me how I stay motivated to have sex.
  • CajunTess
    CajunTess Posts: 268 Member
    I use DVD's for home workouts sometimes. I have some cheesy Richard Simmons Sweatin' to the Oldies (lol!), and Tae Bo (kickboxing). I also stream off YouTube, and sometimes get DVD's from the library for variety. I mostly walk outdoors when the weather permits, but it's nice to have the dvd workouts when needed.
  • DeanneScott2
    DeanneScott2 Posts: 28 Member
    I have been using Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and six week six pack. I am happy to the same workouts because they are only quick. If I don't feel like it, I just tell myself in 30 minutes I can be relaxing. I have lost 13kgs and reached my first goal and now on my second goal.
  • von66
    von66 Posts: 55 Member
    I have loads of the 10 min solutions ones. All of Davinas and Josie lol. Also Jillian Michaels. Sometimes I find with the shorter routines they move that fast between exercises I can't keep up!!! You all seem to be doing well. How often do you workout at home? I also walk as I have a dog need to do more though to shift this weight.
  • jvs125
    jvs125 Posts: 223 Member
    I used to go to the gym and do classes and swim and tons of cardio.

    Since having the kids I just can't be consistent with gym so I started working out from home with DVDs exclusively.

    I love that there is a set program and that it tells me what exercises to do, what schedule to follow and even the nutrition. Simple, easy, great results.

    I started out with Jillian Michaels DVDs (30-day Shred, Ripped in 30, Buns...) Then I started Insanity and I was hooked. I did a bunch of other Beachbody workout programs (21 Day Fix Extreme, P90x3, Asylum, PiYo, Hammer and Chisel, Insanity Max 30) and now I'm getting into weight lifting with Body Beast.

    I know that I will always continue working out from home because it works for me. It's easier, I push harder with no one looking at me, I don't care about my clothes or hair, I don't have to wait for my turn or be in a crowded room. I stay motivated because I see results, and I also connect with a bunch of ladies online who are doing the same workouts as I am, so I don't feel alone.
  • von66
    von66 Posts: 55 Member
    jvs125 wrote: »
    I used to go to the gym and do classes and swim and tons of cardio.

    Since having the kids I just can't be consistent with gym so I started working out from home with DVDs exclusively.

    I love that there is a set program and that it tells me what exercises to do, what schedule to follow and even the nutrition. Simple, easy, great results.

    I started out with Jillian Michaels DVDs (30-day Shred, Ripped in 30, Buns...) Then I started Insanity and I was hooked. I did a bunch of other Beachbody workout programs (21 Day Fix Extreme, P90x3, Asylum, PiYo, Hammer and Chisel, Insanity Max 30) and now I'm getting into weight lifting with Body Beast.

    I know that I will always continue working out from home because it works for me. It's easier, I push harder with no one looking at me, I don't care about my clothes or hair, I don't have to wait for my turn or be in a crowded room. I stay motivated because I see results, and I also connect with a bunch of ladies online who are doing the same workouts as I am, so I don't feel alone.

    Sorry can't work quote thing lol...... only wanted last bit!

    Beachbody ones always look good quite expensive though although cheaper than a gym. I need stay focused and get the job done. I was mortified yesterday. Was doing quick boxing sequence nothing brilliant whilst cooking dinner when I caught reflection in oven door!!!! Omg..... didn't recognise myself!!! How did I get so big and so out of shape. To make matters worse I do go the odd class and there I am giving it my all thinking I don't look too bad.....I must look ridiculous. Certainly a slap in the face!!
  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    Sorry, I don't do anything intense haha. I have these really cheesy Walk Away the Pounds videos on VHS and DVD that I've been doing daily for a month (I was a complete couch potato before) with some five pound dumbbells. I'd imagine this is beginner-friendly, not sure what someone who is probably more in shape like you would need.

    My motivation is also a little silly, I bought a calendar that I put an X on every day I've exercised for at least 30 minutes and buy myself something at the end of the week if I've finished it (Like last week it was a new shirt).

    Nothing silly about that! You start where you are. Some years back I used those because someone gave them to me with resistance bands. They were great and I lost weight.
    I also love my yoga meltdown DVD, Pilates, and step aerobics. It's good to mix it up and try new things. I used to get a new one every 10 pounds.
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Well, it's winter now so most of my cycling is done on my indoor trainer...I have a few cycling DVDs and there's quite a bit on YouTube...I prefer the virtual rides to the spin classes.

    It's not as fun as being out on the road, but it's better than not riding at all or riding and having the snot freeze to my face.

    As to staying motivated...I love cycling...I don't really need motivation to do something I love doing...that's like asking me how I stay motivated to have sex.

    Do you find cycling on Youtube? Any specific ones that you love?
  • von66
    von66 Posts: 55 Member
    Sorry, I don't do anything intense haha. I have these really cheesy Walk Away the Pounds videos on VHS and DVD that I've been doing daily for a month (I was a complete couch potato before) with some five pound dumbbells. I'd imagine this is beginner-friendly, not sure what someone who is probably more in shape like you would need.

    My motivation is also a little silly, I bought a calendar that I put an X on every day I've exercised for at least 30 minutes and buy myself something at the end of the week if I've finished it (Like last week it was a new shirt).

    Nothing silly about that! You start where you are. Some years back I used those because someone gave them to me with resistance bands. They were great and I lost weight.
    I also love my yoga meltdown DVD, Pilates, and step aerobics. It's good to mix it up and try new things. I used to get a new one every 10 pounds.

    God I really can't get to grips with this quote lark!!!! Anyway you have just reminded me I have a step lol. Only got one DVD but remembered I used one of YouTube a while ago. Definitely have to sort myself out especially after seeing how I really look. Need to organise myself and arrange a time that's just for me to workout otherwise everything gets done but that!

  • fitmom2five
    fitmom2five Posts: 5 Member
    jvs125 wrote: »
    I used to go to the gym and do classes and swim and tons of cardio.

    Since having the kids I just can't be consistent with gym so I started working out from home with DVDs exclusively.

    I love that there is a set program and that it tells me what exercises to do, what schedule to follow and even the nutrition. Simple, easy, great results.

    I started out with Jillian Michaels DVDs (30-day Shred, Ripped in 30, Buns...) Then I started Insanity and I was hooked. I did a bunch of other Beachbody workout programs (21 Day Fix Extreme, P90x3, Asylum, PiYo, Hammer and Chisel, Insanity Max 30) and now I'm getting into weight lifting with Body Beast.

    I know that I will always continue working out from home because it works for me. It's easier, I push harder with no one looking at me, I don't care about my clothes or hair, I don't have to wait for my turn or be in a crowded room. I stay motivated because I see results, and I also connect with a bunch of ladies online who are doing the same workouts as I am, so I don't feel alone.

    How does Insanity compare to Ripped in 30? I am currently doing Jillian Michaels BodyShred program and was wondering if that was as intense or more than Insanity.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I've done Jillian's 30 day shred, ripped in 30, yoga Inferno, 1 week shred, a little yoga meltdown and 6 wk 6 pk abs. Denise Austin's body boot camp is also good, and she has a bunch of others available on YouTube. The Firm super cardio mix and 500 calorie workout are both great, with many others on dvd , a few online. Kendall Hogan has some shorter workouts online. Just search around on YouTube and see what you like. My library also loans dvds, so I've tried lots of turbo jam and some Shaun T(hip hop abs and rockin'body).
  • daworley
    daworley Posts: 238 Member
    edited December 2016
    Sorry, I don't do anything intense haha. I have these really cheesy Walk Away the Pounds videos on VHS and DVD that I've been doing daily for a month (I was a complete couch potato before) with some five pound dumbbells. I'd imagine this is beginner-friendly, not sure what someone who is probably more in shape like you would need.

    I do those, as well, and really, really like Leslie Sansone. I have lost about 40lbs in the last six months doing only her videos for exercise (I started in a size 16 and now wear a 10) and I sit at a desk all day long! I dislike most forms of exercise but found I like these videos, so I have worked out with them four or more days a week since mid-May with no intention of stopping (I even bought a new one for my Christmas stocking). The key is to find something you like - I find my self smiling while doing it! Good luck!
  • kejw08
    kejw08 Posts: 61 Member
    I haven't met a Jillian Michaels program that I don't like. I am just finishing up BodyShred which is an 8 week program in which you change workouts every two weeks, I have enjoyed it. I plan on starting Body Revolution next (same concept but 12 weeks).
  • von66
    von66 Posts: 55 Member
    I've done Jillian's 30 day shred, ripped in 30, yoga Inferno, 1 week shred, a little yoga meltdown and 6 wk 6 pk abs. Denise Austin's body boot camp is also good, and she has a bunch of others available on YouTube. The Firm super cardio mix and 500 calorie workout are both great, with many others on dvd , a few online. Kendall Hogan has some shorter workouts online. Just search around on YouTube and see what you like. My library also loans dvds, so I've tried lots of turbo jam and some Shaun T(hip hop abs and rockin'body).

    Good grief you have certainly got the home fitness down lol. I also have a couple of The Firm DVDs.. I obviously need to get doing them. Being brave tonight and going clubbercise on my own!!! Normally go with a friend because I hate the drive.... dark, winding country lanes!! But usually burn over 530 calories in class and Christmas is upon us.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Well, it's winter now so most of my cycling is done on my indoor trainer...I have a few cycling DVDs and there's quite a bit on YouTube...I prefer the virtual rides to the spin classes.

    It's not as fun as being out on the road, but it's better than not riding at all or riding and having the snot freeze to my face.

    As to staying motivated...I love cycling...I don't really need motivation to do something I love doing...that's like asking me how I stay motivated to have sex.

    Do you find cycling on Youtube? Any specific ones that you love?

    I like the ctxc virtual rides...GCN (Global Cycling Network) for the spin classes on YouTube
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Years ago (like 20.LOL) when I first started working out, I picked up a set of dumbbells and a few Firm videos (on VHS!). I got really killer results from those. They still make the videos, updated, of course, but the same basic concept. Strength mixed with cardio. I still do them from time to time. I have also done the P90X videos, which I also really like, but some of them are too long. I am looking into the P90X3 series next, because they are shorter. I also have a series of yoga and pilates videos that I use to supplement my running.