I was 300+ pounds 6 years ago. Looking to lose the last 20-30 lbs

I have come to the end of my journey and it has gotten so hard. From 300+ pounds I have gotten to 165. It is so lonely on this journey and it seemed so much easier before. I am determined to finish this and stick to it, even if i get so frustrated I want to cry and scream, but I never want to give up, in that 6 years I have never given up. I'm hoping I can find a group of people who will support me and receive support from me on this hard and lonely journey, I can do it alone, we all can. But it is so much harder that way, let's please do this together.


  • Luvmetheweighiam
    Luvmetheweighiam Posts: 17 Member
    How did you loose the 1st part of your weight?
  • destinydoggie
    destinydoggie Posts: 13 Member
    Losing all of that weight takes a ton of effort and determination, so you should be proud about that! As for the rest of the weight, I have no clue. I've heard the final few pounds are tough and I've never been low enough to have to deal with that. I suppose just continue to stick with it and remember how far you've come. Best of luck.
  • termostaat
    termostaat Posts: 1 Member
    Keep up the good work! People like you motivate me to ditch remaining 90 pounds I have left to lose.

    Cheers from Finland!
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    first of all way to go! secondly the last amount of weight will take longer to lose, you just have to be patient. I know it sucks but you have come this far, you can go the rest of the way and get to where you want to be.remember weight loss is a marathon not a sprint.
  • ferfer7587
    ferfer7587 Posts: 14 Member
    That is incredible. I sent you a FR. I'm new to this app but I have a LONG way to go. I need to lose over 100 pounds. I will help and encourage you in any way I can.
  • Becarolach
    Becarolach Posts: 26 Member
    I really admire ur determination! U should be so proud. Maybe try mixing up your food I feel funny giving u tips the most I ever lost is 70 I did it three times and always gained it back! I always dieted to lose it and when I did I never really did any maintenance this time I am keeping it off for good. If u want to be friends I will be glad to help any way I can feel free to add me. Either way I wish u luck