will you ever be happy with your weight? what is your ultimate goal weight?



  • xYuKi_HiMe_SaMa7
    xYuKi_HiMe_SaMa7 Posts: 13 Member
    I don't think I'll ever be happy with my weight, even at my lightest weight (which is my current goal) 124lbs, I wasn't happy, but at least I had energy to do things.
  • CatherineLaurel
    CatherineLaurel Posts: 197 Member
    Wow this is so interesting :0
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited December 2016
    My ultimate goal is somewhere between high normal BMI and low overweight BMI. I haven't hit it yet, but I know I like slightly higher body fat than many people aim for. I find a little bit of a belly and some love handles cute (think the soft look of the traditional belly dancer or older paintings and sculptures - not exactly obese but slightly higher body fat).

    I don't have a certain number in mind because I will have to see it to know, although I have a certain number I would like to hit before revising. That's purely look-wise, ultimately my actual goal weight will depend heavily on ease of maintenance for me, but I believe my maintenance sweet spot will be somewhere in my preferred range anyway. Then there is also health. I'm currently fine, but if at any point my blood sugar goes out of control I will have to lose more than I'd originally preferred. Ultimately, I'd like to stay a little bit chubby for as long as possible.
  • gwenster89
    gwenster89 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm trying something different this time and trying to love my body regardless of my weight. I'm 227 right now and trying to get to 150, because I've been that weight as an adult so I know it's attainable. That's a lot of weight to lose and it's going to take some time, but I'm done being in constant battle with my body. It's the only one I have! So yes, I am trying to lose weight because I know I'm unhealthy and of course I want to look better, but I'm trying not to think of it as "I'm ugly now but I'll be hot then." I'm a human, man, isn't that beautiful in itself?

    So in addition to the old weight loss and calorie and exercise goals, I also have goals like taking an epsom salt bath once a week and get a massage once a month. Maybe if I start treating this body right it will return the favor.
  • fitin50s2
    fitin50s2 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm totally content with my current weight. I'll continue to improve on my overall fitness though.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited December 2016
    I'm happy with my weight (been at maintenance for almost 4 yrs), not so happy with my little pooch but what can ya do *shrugs* it has much diminished but pregnancy really did a number on my lower belly and I doubt anything short of surgery would help... thankfully I really don't give a dang cos I look good with my clothes on and that's how everyone, other than my husband sees me.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,110 Member
    I am happy with my weight. I'm not totally happy with how I look. I still have more fat (and some loose skin) on my belly. But my collarbones are prominent and my upper ribs are visible, so I am not willing to lose more weight to get rid of that extra fat. I look ok in clothes and I feel good and I think that is what's important.
  • Gamerchick00
    Gamerchick00 Posts: 25 Member
    I think I'll be happy with it when my weight is considered normal at the doctor and I don't have any discomfort with things like roller coaster seats or concert bucket seats. I don't want to be Miss Thin Universe; I just want to be a physically average human.
  • shlottiej
    shlottiej Posts: 6 Member
    I've come to realize the number means little . I'm been well below weight and over weight before.
    I'm 5'7 and when I was 105lb I wasn't happy but still was obsessed with that number. later that year I flipped it. Got super into portion and started eating right threw out my scale and between an extremely physical job and gym twice a day within a year and a half I was up to 160lb and out working my male colleagues.(commercial Carpenter) now I'm 140 and it's all carbs baby. I assure you it won't be staying like that for long
  • flagrantavidity
    flagrantavidity Posts: 218 Member
    I have hit my weight goal and I consider myself very lucky. However, I started to lift a lot of weights and have gained 10 pounds - my wife says its all in my arms and my stomach is getting firm but I just see myself as fat - I hope my mindset changes soon!
  • CatB409
    CatB409 Posts: 48 Member
    208lb now
  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    I am happy most of the time but I am not perfect; but it doesn't have anything to do with my weight. This is something I will always keep on working since I know life isn't done throwing me curve balls but I know that it makes me stronger.

    Becoming in shape again will certainly bring me satisfaction, but it isn't the end all be all to me. Actually, I have noticed that every time I decide to bring change into my life for the better (like losing weight), it makes me happier right away because I know that I am doing something for myself. It isn't the destination but the journey that makes it worth it. It's the person you have become by the end of the journey that really is the end goal.

    My ultimate goal weight is between 125-130lbs, my healthy BMI and also my pre-pregnancy weight... but I am not stuck on this number. If I find that my body changed after 2 kids and it ends up being higher, it doesn't really matter.
  • CaitKilla
    CaitKilla Posts: 75 Member
    My goal weight is 110. At 5'2, i think that's a pretty healthy goal. Some of my friends think it's way too light. I have about 20 pounds to go, but I haven't weighed myself since before Thanksgiving, so who knows lol