The Sweet Tooth. Deal with it. Accept it.

I have always known that I have a sweet tooth like NO OTHER. I'd much rather eat pie than lunch. I'd much rather eat a brownie than dinner. Often times, I just eat the "food food" to get to the dessert. Today, my sweet tooth was out of control. I wanted any and everything sweet. I gave in at lunch after having chicken parmesan over a salad by having three delicious totally worth-it M&M cookies! That held me over for a bit, but then it came back in the afternoon with a vengeance. Thankfully, there is such thing as a protein bar that tastes like a ThinMint Girl Scout Cookie and they are divine! They are called Luna Bars and the flavor is called Peppermint Stick. I think I am learning to stop beating myself up for loving sweet things and have started accepting it, and just making my choices a little bit better. But, don't get me wrong...ain't nothin' wrong with a brownie with ice cream every now and then! To all my sweet-toothers out there, accept it and rock on!


  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
  • amyers35
    amyers35 Posts: 51
    oh i love that luna bar flavor! another fave is the carmel nut brownie luna bar - YUM!!! i have a bad sweet tooth too. lately chocolate milk has been satisfying for me suprisingly instead of candy or something else chocolatey. 1% milk and hersheys lite syrup. still a little high in sugar but ehh.
  • Chel5ePaulzine
    I feel you girl!!
  • bcatgray
    bcatgray Posts: 41
    There's someone else out there with a more ferocious sweet tooth than mine?? I've often wondered if I have that parasite that causes you to crave carbs and sweets. Though, I don't crave the carbs, I just want the sweets. So maybe I have a distant cousin of his? LOLOL
  • ☆ShawnsMom08☆
    ☆ShawnsMom08☆ Posts: 74 Member
    When my sweet tooth kicks in I have special k's raspberry cheesecake bar, 90 calories or a 100 calorie kudos bar. OMG yum. They both rock. It's good to come to turns with your weaknesses. I have with mine! Keep up the great work!
  • jordanlell
    jordanlell Posts: 340 Member
    If you haven't tried almond milk yet, do it. PureAlmond by Silk has a dark chocolate flavor that totally satisfies my sweet tooth.
  • hannavasgreen
    hannavasgreen Posts: 27 Member
    someone earlier posted this website called "chocolate covered Katie". She makes healthy dessert recipes. I could not wait until i got home so i could try one. Tonight I tried the Blondie batter dip made with chickpeas and I used dark chocolate. It was awesome.
  • runningfit15
    runningfit15 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for all of your comments guys!!!! =)
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    You just described me to a T. My hubby loves chips and salty snacks, whereas I love anything sweet, mostly chocolate though. I could eat multiple chocolate bars at one sitting.
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    3 biscuits? I can quite easily eat a pack when hormonal, Im not proud but I make damn sure I make up for it in the gym/outdoors.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    I think you are my long lost twin! I would rather skip real food and just eat the dessert! I used to HAVE to have a sweet after every meal. Now for breakfast I make my oatmeal taste like a yummy treat, I often have a flavored decaf coffee after lunch, then about 9 pm I eat peanut butter (mmmmmm Nutella) and bananas. I look forward to my bedtime treat alllllllll day long. I miss my cookies, cake, and brownies. I still have them but only for special occasions!
  • coppercurlz
    I just read a book called "Beat Sugar Addiction Now" by Dr. Teitelbaum

    I too have a sugar problem, and according to this book I'm a "Type 2" sugar addict, with influences from Type 1 and 3 also. To me, just guessing, you sound like a Type 3: The Happy Ho Ho Hunter :) You should read this book. It's pretty cool, lays it out very simply and has an index in the back for notes that you can jot down when you are done with the book. I've been on day 2 of my plan, and so far it's okay. I will have to take lots of different steps (like never shopping hungry, going to bed early, etc) to bring myself to the level I want to be at: just having normal treats every now and then instead of feasting on them. I've done the feasting thing for YEARS and have caused a lot of problems for myself. I'm getting to a point where I know I need to change to feel better. Anyways, I thought I would pass this book along in case it might help someone else with an intense sweet tooth...
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I have a different philosophy on the "sweet tooth". If you just lay off the sweets and the refined carbohydrates for a few months, you'll see a dramatic drop in your sweet tooth. You'll see your taste for these things diminish and then disappear.

    When I lost this weight the first time, 27 years ago, I lost my sweet tooth. Kept the weight off for more than 20 years, too. Never got the sweet tooth back.

    If you keep looking for ways to indulge your sweet tooth, you're going to be fighting that itch for the rest of your life. You'll always feel deprived and on the verge of a binge. Try cutting them out completely for a few months and see if you can't get the monkey off your back--I 'd bet that you can!
  • arlingtonangel
    arlingtonangel Posts: 73 Member
    I have always known that I have a sweet tooth like NO OTHER. I'd much rather eat pie than lunch. I'd much rather eat a brownie than dinner. Often times, I just eat the "food food" to get to the dessert. Today, my sweet tooth was out of control. I wanted any and everything sweet. I gave in at lunch after having chicken parmesan over a salad by having three delicious totally worth-it M&M cookies! That held me over for a bit, but then it came back in the afternoon with a vengeance. Thankfully, there is such thing as a protein bar that tastes like a ThinMint Girl Scout Cookie and they are divine! They are called Luna Bars and the flavor is called Peppermint Stick. I think I am learning to stop beating myself up for loving sweet things and have started accepting it, and just making my choices a little bit better. But, don't get me wrong...ain't nothin' wrong with a brownie with ice cream every now and then! To all my sweet-toothers out there, accept it and rock on!

    I was at the store and remembered this post so I thought I would try thr Luna chocolate peppermint...OMG this is going to be my new "treat"

    Thanks for posting. i was in need of a new yummy snack!
  • runningfit15
    runningfit15 Posts: 4 Member
    I am so glad I could help you all out. Thanks again for the replies! I thoroughly enjoyed reading each one! Keep the suggestions coming. =)
  • KaleYogaGin
    KaleYogaGin Posts: 22 Member
    I'm just here to confess my sweet tooth sins. I had my calories all worked out and pre-logged for the day... Then the wonderful lady from the vegan shop next door came by with some vegan treats for me to sample. I of course sampled the absolute hell out of them. Now I must delete my dinner entry and have tea instead. Such is life! I regret nothing!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Atlantique wrote: »
    I have a different philosophy on the "sweet tooth". If you just lay off the sweets and the refined carbohydrates for a few months, you'll see a dramatic drop in your sweet tooth. You'll see your taste for these things diminish and then disappear.

    When I lost this weight the first time, 27 years ago, I lost my sweet tooth. Kept the weight off for more than 20 years, too. Never got the sweet tooth back.

    If you keep looking for ways to indulge your sweet tooth, you're going to be fighting that itch for the rest of your life. You'll always feel deprived and on the verge of a binge. Try cutting them out completely for a few months and see if you can't get the monkey off your back--I 'd bet that you can!

    Ya, I reduced drastically, save small amounts of sweets for after dinner, and my sweet tooth is finally under control.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    I have been known to occasionally *cough* eat dessert for dinner. And breakfast. And lunch.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Atlantique wrote: »
    I have a different philosophy on the "sweet tooth". If you just lay off the sweets and the refined carbohydrates for a few months, you'll see a dramatic drop in your sweet tooth. You'll see your taste for these things diminish and then disappear.

    When I lost this weight the first time, 27 years ago, I lost my sweet tooth. Kept the weight off for more than 20 years, too. Never got the sweet tooth back.

    If you keep looking for ways to indulge your sweet tooth, you're going to be fighting that itch for the rest of your life. You'll always feel deprived and on the verge of a binge. Try cutting them out completely for a few months and see if you can't get the monkey off your back--I 'd bet that you can!

    Didn't work for me. I cut them out for 2 months... and ended up binging. Just saying.

    Plus, I like sweets, and don't really see any reason to stop eating them. I'm not diabetic and they make me happy (food makes me happy, but sweets even more). Why would I purposely give up something that makes me happy? That makes absolutely no sense.

    I've lost 80 pounds, been maintaining for 1.5 year, sure sometimes (like today) I eat a few too many cookies, but I eat less the next day and it all evens out...
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    I didn't have a sweet tooth until I lost weight. Now I do. And I have days where I do eat nothing but sweets. lol It all balances out though.