I weigh WHAT??! Looking for fitness "twins" to support.

I'm early 30s 5'6 and 184lbs. I'd like to lose 30 pounds by June. Don't get me wrong, compared to many people that struggle with weight, I am thankful it's not higher. But this is my highest and the scale needs to point in the other direction.

Looking for people similar age / measurements etc to help cheer each other on. (I'll connect with anyone, but it's helpful to me to find people with similar goals.)

Me: I belong to the gym , like to do my cardio there, some weightlifting. I make green smoothies but my approach to cutting calories is more about portion control than it is "eating green".

I have a strong reliance on food to make me feel better and my weight crept up. I have several REASONS to lose weight, but motivation can be difficult to "spark". I had success on MFP in the past with having fitness pals to check in with.

I wish you all the best luck with your goals!


  • 603PIPER
    603PIPER Posts: 115 Member
    Welcome! A lot of good information here as well as plenty of people to keep you motivated and help hold you accountable!

    I am in the same boat, just turned 30 in august, and I don't have my college metabolism anymore haha. I have about 40-50 more to lose, I have been doing the keto diet which has worked well for me.

    Feel free to add me!
  • mcr96
    mcr96 Posts: 5 Member
    I'll add you right now! I'm 20, 5'6" and weight 181 pounds, so we're almost identical
  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    Hi! I am 5'5'' and started at 186lbs on Dec. 1st and I would like to lose 60lbs. With -30lbs I'll be the weight I was before I got pregnant the second time, and -60lbs I'll be the weight I was before having my two children.

    Feel free to add me, I'd be glad to have you as a friend :) Good luck on your journey oxox
  • Shellsbells1985
    Shellsbells1985 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 31, 5 foot 2 (and a bit!) and weigh 12 stone 3. I started 2 weeks ago and have lost 7lbs but this weekend have slipped a bit so am looking for some motivation! Feel free to add me - I defo need a kick start again x
  • katiefbe
    katiefbe Posts: 39 Member
    I'm 5'6" and touching 180lbs. I previously lost 30lbs on MFP but the weight's crept back on due to work stress and post-grad exam revision. I'm determined to shed at least the 30lbs I've put back on and would love friends who are heading down a similar path.
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    I am 5'4 started out at 176 and am down to 138, looking to go down a bit farther, but leveling off to maintain. I do strength training and cardio and am 45 year old female.
  • Kapoten
    Kapoten Posts: 327 Member
    Sounds like we have similar stats. I'm 34 and 5'6.5", my highest weight was in the high 170's, and I am now hovering in the mid-high 160's. I stalled in November, when I basically stopped dieting and exercising for almost the entire month, but I'm trying to get back into a healthier routine now. Feel free to add me!
  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    Hey there! I'm 42, 5'11 and 187lbs. My goal is to lose 20 by June. So, we kinda have the same goals? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    After recovering from a motorcycle crash, I've been pretty sedentary/inactive for the past three years. I'm getting back to workouts this week - starting out with 4 days/week on the rowing machine (bumping it up to 5-6 days/week by January) along w/ some weights, body weight exercises, and kettlebell routines 2-3 days/week.

    On the green smoothie front, I try to make one every day. My standard recipe yields about 1.5L. I usually have 1L for breakfast and the other .5L with whatever I have for lunch that day. When I started using MFP this week, I was stunned to see just how much sugar my green smoothies contain. I started cutting back on the quantity of fruit I throw in the blender and managed to bring the sugar content down by about 20% w/o losing that much flavor.

    FR sent, as I use more people to help with motivation. :blush: