Whole 30 challenge (W30)

Greyshark77 Posts: 8 Member
I'm starting a whole 30 challenge. For 30 days I will follow the www.whole30.com regimen as per their website rules. Day 1 started today. I was successful back in February this year, but since then I've struggled to eat healthy. I'm a self sabotager if I don't see results. Fortunately, my results were almost instantaneous. My goals are: stick to the eating plan without cheating; drink at least 32oz of water a day; walk a minimum of 3 times a week; and work out my arms everyday with free weights.


  • Is that free? I have a problem with eating healthy too.
  • Greyshark77
    Greyshark77 Posts: 8 Member
    Yes, it's totally free. If you visit the website listed above, they have some great downloadable guidelines for basic rules, shopping for food, and portion sizes.
  • nicolio83
    nicolio83 Posts: 4 Member
    I am on Day 17 of Whole30, which surprises me because for the first week I had this little voice in my head constantly telling me to give up. It has been tough, I too usually self sabotage. Luckily, I got my husband and 2 teenagers on board for the Whole30. Doing it with a support system makes it a bit easier-we even made it through Thanksgiving without cheating. I recommend having a support system in place, I think it really helps-especially during the first week or 2 when you're going through the first couple stages of detox. We have really learned a lot so far on this journey and have already seen some pretty big changes- including weight loss, mood, sleep patterns and energy. Wishing you much success on your Whole30 journey!! Good luck!!
  • Greyshark77
    Greyshark77 Posts: 8 Member
    Keep up the great work!
  • winelover11
    winelover11 Posts: 8 Member
    Greyshark - how is Whole30 going for you?

    Just read their book "It Starts with Food" over the weekend, as I saw a friend for the first time in a couple of years last week, and he said he had lost 100lbs after reading the book. The change was astonishing.

    Honestly, although I've been gluten free for 8 years, I am very nervous about going without any grains. I understand that there is a big energy drain the first week or so as the body adjusts. And, my job takes all the energy I have currently.

    Please keep us posted as you progress. Thanks!
  • Greyshark77
    Greyshark77 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm on day four and still going strong. I made the mistake of eating sugar right before I started so day two I had a massive migraine; I thought it was going to die. It moved over to day three - not as terrible but still there with the nauseous - and I couldn't seem to be happy about anything. But I can say that day four I haven't had a headache and I am starting to have more energy, my knee pain is almost nonexistent, and I am sleeping better. When I first started whole 30 back in February 2016 I was nervous about giving up dairy because I love cheese, sour cream, milk, everything dairy, but I was really surprised about how my body didn't miss it as much as I thought. I missed sugar more than I missed dairy, so you may have a similar reaction to breads. I haven't missed bread or grain or oatmeal or grits like I thought, but the nice thing is you're only doing this for 30 days and then you can start reintroducing foods that you used to eat back into your diet slowly. And then start your 30 days again with that new food added.
  • Greyshark77
    Greyshark77 Posts: 8 Member
    I think I'm on day eight. I want to give up but I know that I should stay strong. If I can make it to day 10 I'll be really happy.
  • winelover11
    winelover11 Posts: 8 Member
  • Greyshark77
    Greyshark77 Posts: 8 Member
    I had to stop the challenge. I was told that the whole 30 book strongly discourages doing this kind of thing during the holidays. I'm honestly glad because it was really hard not to cheat.