Reached my goal. Smaller than ever.

sunny_d22 Posts: 316 Member
When I joined MFP in 2015, my goal was 155 (started at 205). I chose that weight because I wanted to be a "normal" weight by BMI. I've bounced around 155 for the last several weeks and today my trend weight was 155 (I use the Libra app). I've revised my goal and am now aiming for 148. To be working on only losing a few pounds is mind-boggling to me. I have NEVER been a "normal" weight and since being a teen I have always been at least 30 pounds overweight (although I was an athlete). In college I put on a lot of weight (gained more than 50 pounds) and then eventually got down to about 200, but ranged between 200 and 220. I'm 44 years old.

I was always one of those people that thought BMI did not apply to me. I felt pretty good in the 180s in high school and thought my frame was large. I also thought my muscle mass kept me in the higher weights. When I started on MFP, my first goal was to get into the 180s and I was thrilled to get there. Now that I am in the 150s, I can see that I can go into the 140s. Obviously, my body is fine with a normal BMI.

My mind has not caught up with my loss - I don't feel much smaller and don't see it in my own mirror. Sometimes I see it in pictures. I weighed approximately 165 in 8th grade and so I have never been this weight and II think it will take me awhile to get used to not being overweight. I have been getting rid of too big clothes and buying some new clothes in smaller sizes. This change in how I think of myself and how others see me has been emotionally challenging at times, which was a surprise.

I am very excited to have reached 155! For those of you that have a lot of weight to lose, know that it can be done. You don't have to lose it fast and even if you have been heavy your whole life, you can make the changes.


  • tamarsmom
    tamarsmom Posts: 5 Member
    Congratulations on your loss!

    When I lost 52 lbs about 4 years ago, I had a few before pictures of myself taped to my bathroom mirror. I also included a great after photo. I looked at those pics everyday. I totally get it, your mind hasn't caught up to your physical self. It takes a long time.

    4 years later, I'm up 10lbs (working on it) and I still sometimes think I look 50lbs heavier. Have to bring out those pics and look at them again. Really helps.

    Congrats again! It's such an accomplishment!
  • naomillion
    naomillion Posts: 351 Member
    Congrats on your achievements and dedication! I am sure you do feel much better despite not seeing it in the mirror yet. How tall are you if I may ask?
  • sunny_d22
    sunny_d22 Posts: 316 Member
    I'm 5'6.
  • 000EmilyJo000
    000EmilyJo000 Posts: 16 Member
    Congratulations on your accomplishment! That's really great!
  • ggeise14
    ggeise14 Posts: 386 Member
    Way to go! What a good feeling that must be :)
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