SOS - I don't want to hit 300 lbs! Help me to help myself, please

We went out for dinner the other night and the waitress asked us if we preferred a table or a booth. I said "Table, please," and I wonder if she knows that I don't fit into a booth seat anymore.

I was never on the slim side, I was always overweight, but I felt pretty and I felt healthy. I thought it was all about attitude.

I gained weight and I gained more weight. Menopause hit and more weight kept piling up. Then I had an injury and they put me on steroids. Cool medication, it's like doping, you don't feel the pain anymore, but it makes you hungry. I gained 50 lbs. in a year -what seems to be normal.

I stopped the steroids but continued to eat the same amount of food. I am a writer, sit all the time and eat while writing. Killer job!

Yesterday I stepped on the scale and it read 291. I am 9 pounds away from weighing 300 lbs.

I am not sure if that was a wake-up call or just the final tipping point. I don't want to look like that anymore, I don't want to feel so out of shape anymore, so I signed up here.

I just filled out my profile and it asked me to write down why I want to get into shape, that's when I started crying and I haven't stopped ever since.

Why I want to get into shape:

To fit into a booth seat in a restaurant.
To walk without huffing and puffing.
To paint my toenails without falling over.
To wear clothes that don't look like a tent.
To put on my socks without too much effort.
To bend down and get up without a problem.
To go grocery shopping without hanging on to the cart.
To walk a mile or two with our dog.
To dance like I did when I was younger.
To buy clothes because I like them, not because they fit.
To look in the mirror and see a face without a double chin.
To like my outside as much as I like my inside.
To feel sexy again.
To be healthier.
To have people look at me because they like what they see, not because I am so big.

I would love to have friends here at MFP please. I have a rocky road ahead of me and I will need help, support, and motivation.

Quite a lengthy introduction...sorry!


  • vmrjj
    vmrjj Posts: 25 Member
    Love that you shared so freely. I feel that it's a safe zone to do so. I would love to support you on this journey and I could use friends who support as well. Day one together :-)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    You can do this. The booth or table is asked no matter your weight. So let that go.

    Like others have said, you are in good company here. Be sure to set reasonable goals like : tracking calories, a needed walk break, changing one meal a day, and finding support here.

    I've battled chronic pain for 4.5 years, it's rough. I've been lucky to have not gained, but managed to stay active with shots. I was gonna hurt if I ran or not, so ran I did.

    Best wishes!
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    I definitely get where you're coming from. In the last decade I've been on the weight roller coaster down to 240 (summer 2011) and up to 340 (end of my pregnancy, fall 2015).

    I've lost 50 pounds multiple times, then gained it (and more) back because I failed at focusing on watching my intake through moves, being broke with my hubby in grad school, and a pregnancy, and I'm FINALLY in a place where I can focus on me and work on getting this weight off of me. I sent you a friend request. :)
  • gems74
    gems74 Posts: 107 Member
    I just posted this for my friends in my newsfeed. Hope it helps you too. A lot of losing weight is a mental game, and it can be the hardest part for a lot of people.

    "Today is your day. To start fresh. To eat right. To train hard. To live healthy. To be proud."

    Rinse and repeat.
  • kristikitter
    kristikitter Posts: 602 Member
    Hi!! (I love your username by the way...)

    I love how you are SO HONEST - both with us and with yourself! I'm on a journey too, and I'm determined to lose and keep this excess weight off. I love cheerleading and encouraging on my page, and keep my diary open for full accountability, so I will add you and I would love to be able to see your successes with you!

    You can do it!
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Print those reasons and post them on your fridge, in your snack cabinet, on your mirror, in your purse - places you'll see it when you're struggling. Read them daily. In fact, read them several times a day!
  • tamiluanna
    tamiluanna Posts: 7 Member
    I started at 315, being that heavy is hard. Much harder than learning to eat healthy and enjoy life. You are going to get to experience great non-scale victories along the way. The first time you bend over to tie your shoes and don't get acid reflux, the first time you walk up the stairs without getting winded. Pretty exciting stuff, you will love it.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    You have some great advice above. I have been on MFP for a long time, and in maintenance now for a long time. Feel free to send me a friend request if you want. Take it one day at a time, log "religiously," and try to fit some treats into your week once in a while. It will help you stay the course.