Any Runners?



  • Legigi90
    Legigi90 Posts: 27 Member
    @wtorrey98 thank you so much! That was very helpful and I am totally going to make my way down to walmart asap :smile:
    @Spartan1230 I will definitely start warming up more. My warm ups are like 5 mins or less and a quick walk. But my knee doesn't hurt when I skip a day or so. But I really hope it gets better with time. Cause I love jogging. But thank you for the advice and I will look into the shoes. Thanks :smile:
  • sarabarnett64
    sarabarnett64 Posts: 19 Member
    I am going to look up that program! Thank you!
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,242 MFP Moderator
    I am going to look up that program! Thank you!

    I was tired last night when I answered you, and just realized that you've been running 5 days a week, but your daily miles during the week are pretty high. Take a look at higdon's intermediate programs - I think you can handle it based on your current weekly mileage. His program has you dial back the number of miles during hte week, with long runs on the weekends. Don't push yourself too far/too fast. That's how most runner injuries happen.
  • DavidVXR
    DavidVXR Posts: 109 Member
    Three stone down and over three hundred miles later running has been a kind bed fellow to me. I'm no where near the mileage or speed of everyone else but at my 16th parkrun, one half marathon and now with a running club not bad for a former fat lad.
  • justgorunningx
    justgorunningx Posts: 79 Member
    Hi distance runner here
    Preparing for an ultra
  • sarabarnett64
    sarabarnett64 Posts: 19 Member
    Ultra runners are intimidating! The true beasts of running!
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    I wouldn't call myself a runner really, but do my best to provide motivation to all of my friends. Feel free to add me.
  • greghenley1
    greghenley1 Posts: 90 Member
    Ultra runners are intimidating! The true beasts of running!

    I have run a couple of ultra's and it was the hardest thing I have ever done. You have to slowly build up to that distance.

    My weight slowly increases every time I start training for a race. I feel the need to eat everything in sight the more my mileage increases.

    Just think of the increased caloric intake as fuel for your upcoming runs.

  • Lipstick_n_lunges
    Lipstick_n_lunges Posts: 1,201 Member
    Just started, can do 2 miles...ish..
  • rishabhmusafir
    rishabhmusafir Posts: 4 Member
    Like you

  • sarabarnett64
    sarabarnett64 Posts: 19 Member
    How do you add people on here?

    And 2 miles is awesome! I built my mileage up quickly.

    When you finish a 8 mile or higher run and all the good feelings wears off, then it becomes a food battle! I want to eat a lot! And carbs! But I want to drop these last few lbs and be done with it! It is so hard!
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    Touch the person's name or icon and then do it one more time. You'll see a symbol of a silhouette with a plus sign. Touch that, and that will send the person a friend request.
  • RockTex
    RockTex Posts: 27 Member
    Been running for 30 years. Also love trail running. Add me if you want to talk running!
  • Adhdvogeltj3
    Adhdvogeltj3 Posts: 13 Member
    I've started running at the beginning of this year, I had a lot of injuries/illnesses ( not running related, silly things like falling of stairs, or getting kicked by a horse, or just getting really bad flu) this year so I would get to a decent fitness and then get injured and after recovering I'd have to build it all back up. This happened about six times this year. The only reason I stuck with it is because I had promised myself to go run the november 4 mile race in Groningen ( the Netherlands) where I live. Which I did, and I even beat my own PR on it! I took a break from running for a month to recuperate and focus on my education. Now I'm at it again, started december 1st. This winter is all about base building for me. Just running, no matter how fast or how far. I just set a time on my running app (I use nike) and run until it tells me to stop.
    Next year I want to enter more races. I really loved my first race and I'm anxious for more! I got the bug! :p
    I'm nowhere near the mileage you guys log. I run about 2,5-3,5K per run at the moment, which is about 2 miles per run at the most, but that's fine for now. I'll slowly build it up this winter, no rush. The real work won't start till next spring, when I'll be looking for races to enter and to train for. :D
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    Just did my first 5k over the weekend! I just started running in late September, and signed up for a Santa Run, full Santa suit. It was a riot! I finished in 37:06! I impressed myself with that time considering I ended up walking a half-mile and my previous treadmill best was 41 minutes!

    I'm heading to AZ for a month and plan on doing some trail runs...starting slow, but gotta start somewhere!
  • Melanie79SO
    Melanie79SO Posts: 63 Member
    I run daily. 15-20 miles. I could always use more friends who enjoy running. Please feel free to add me.
  • I'm a runner- I've done several half marathons but pretty much now stick to 10K's or 5K's. I'm running the Cooper River Bridge Run in Charleston next spring as my next major race, with a few 5K races before that.
  • sarabarnett64
    sarabarnett64 Posts: 19 Member
    Me too! I will be in charleston April to run the race! I cannot wait!
  • sarabarnett64
    sarabarnett64 Posts: 19 Member
    Nichole that is awesome! Running in a Santa suit sounds insane but fun!
    Melanie you can run 20 miles? I want to do that! Tips please!
  • _RNR_
    _RNR_ Posts: 875 Member