Weight gain

teens62 Posts: 39
edited September 29 in Fitness and Exercise
3 days of no excercise,, and omg the weight is back,, feel sooo fat again,,, HELP


  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    just log and exercise....dont stress cause stress makes you not lose......keep making healthy choices and you will get there.
  • Keefypoos
    Keefypoos Posts: 231 Member
    hoe much weight is back?
  • Don't get down about it, we all have our off days or even weeks, Think positive and start again. I have had three very stressful weeks, and couldn't execise or stick to my diet plan very well, but this week I am back on track losing 3 lbs this week. Keep going....:)

    Love Dorothydaisy0:smile:
  • teens62
    teens62 Posts: 39
    2 kilos.. or 4 lbs for you
  • teens62
    teens62 Posts: 39
    Good on you,, I hate it when I go off track, the weight comes back soo quick, it only takes a few slip ups it seems
  • smokesone
    smokesone Posts: 20 Member
    Just keep going and it will work!! Its a simple equation. Calories IN!!! Calories OUT!!! Keep up the exercise and eat tasty!!! healthy!! food and keep to your calorie intake.:smile:
  • smokesone
    smokesone Posts: 20 Member
    Just keep going and it will work!! Its a simple equation. Calories IN!!! Calories OUT!!! Keep up the exercise and eat tasty!!! healthy!! food and keep to your calorie intake.:smile:
  • Keefypoos
    Keefypoos Posts: 231 Member
    OK 4 lbs thats erm checks finger and toes 14,000 Cals of exercise devide by 3 days thats 4666 Kcals a day worth of non exercising.

    Wow at my brisk walking pace of 700 Kcals an hour thats 6,66 hours of serious exercising, or some serious overeating


    non of that is true of course you haven't gained the weight at all! its normal body processes aided a bit by not sweating out some fluids from the missed exercise

    keep it up you will get there, its just gonna take a bit longer than you or I thought :-)
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