Walking: need inspiration on where to walk to

So this is what happened: I have taken a gap year and quit my job since August this year. Surprise surprise, but it turns out that I used to walk 10000 steps on a typical working day without much effort. And now I really struggle to achieve anything close to 7000-8000! Because (without going into more detail about it) I simply do not need to go anywhere!

I really enjoy walking but it's becoming very hard to motivate myself for it because:

a) it's quite cold outside where I live at the moment, usually around 0 or below degrees of Celsius... Lots of snow, pavements are slippery with ice etc, occasionally the weather is awful, too. Basically, it's winter. That is, however, not such a significant problem in comparison to the next one -

b) I have run out of places to walk to. For the past month I've been struggling to think of reasons which would get me out of home (yes, I have a lot of spare time on my hands right now...) - let's say I need this one ingredient from that particular shop far away, or need this particular book from that bookshop which is within walking distance, and so on and so forth. But, to be honest, there is absolutely no reason for me to go anywhere - anything job/career/etc related I do on my laptop at home, I get out for one or two big shoppings per week, that's it. I have even tried to listen to one new album per day as I walked, but even that has become boring after some time. I just feel really silly if I walk for walking's sake.

So why do you walk? Where do you go?


  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    There's a great reason to go anywhere, its' good for your health. Another is that it burns calories which helps your weight goal. Still another is it gets you out of the house. I walk around the neighborhood when I feel like a walk if I don't have a better option. On weekends I go to the mountains and hike.

    Get a jacket, and if the sidewalks and roads are too icy get some YakTracks or Microspikes too.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    "I really enjoy walking but it's becoming very hard to motivate myself for it because:..."

    I still have trouble understanding this statement. I don't understand how hard it can be to "motivate" yourself to do something you enjoy. If you enjoy it, do it because you enjoy it. If you can't get yourself in gear to do something you enjoy, how do you get yourself to do the things that you might not enjoy but still need doing?

    " I just feel really silly if I walk for walking's sake." No, you walk because you enjoy it. It's also good for you. ;-)

    What kind of prodding do you need to do something you "really enjoy"? I really just don't understand.
  • jenhitt
    jenhitt Posts: 107 Member
    Get out there! As PP said, doing something because you enjoy it is good enough.

    Here's what gets me out when I am struggling: find some podcasts or download some audiobooks that you really love. Only let yourself listen to them when you're out for a walk.

    But seriously, there are so many reasons to walk. It's good for you. You like it. So do it.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    I don't mind using a treadmill/elliptical (especially in winter). I listen to music or watch tv and the time goes by quickly and is rather relaxing. Sometimes I will find myself completing my step or time goal and wanting to keep going beyond that just because I'm enjoying it so much.
    I'm at the gym 5-6 days a week to lift already, so it's easy to just hop on to something and go.
  • Sara1791
    Sara1791 Posts: 760 Member
    When I lived in the suburbs I used to walk to the pizza place. That might defeat the purpose though. OH! How about the library?
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    You don't have to have a destination or task to walk. You can walk AROUND the block or AROUND a park just for the enjoyment of being outside. That's what I do. I am not close enough to stores or other destinations to walk, unless I want to take my life in my hands walking along a highway with no shoulder. I can still get 8-10K per day. It might take a few outings to accomplish, but with desk based computer work at home, I need to get out and move. If I commuted to work, I would spend the time sitting in a car, so nothing wrong with taking time to walk outside.
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    Pokemon Go........

    I kinda get what you mean about walking for walking's sake. I get bored meandering through my neighborhood. I need a route, and I need a goal, i.e. 3 miles. Do you use MapMyRun at all? I'm more motivated if I hear my progress. (This is also why Pokemon Go works for me. Gotta hatch those eggs.)

    Sometimes I'll walk to the convenience store on my lunch break and buy myself a soda. Could be an expensive habit if you do it every day, though.

    I also find it's better if I drive to a trail and walk the trail - no way to shortcut back home if I'm bored, and the trail is better for people watching/scenery than my neighborhood. During the winter, lots of people walk inside malls when the weather's bad or it's just too cold. Once again, good people-watching, plus window-shopping.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,731 Member
    Get a dog, preferably a large dog. Then you'll have to get out a couple of times a day to walk. Borrow a neighbor's dog or foster one for a short time if you don't want the responsibility.

    Explore your town. Go where you've never gone, just to see what's there. I do that running. A friend made the goal of running every street in his county.

    Go walking with a friend. If none of your friends walk, find out if there is a local walking club. We have a running group that includes walkers, and there are at least as many walkers as runners.

    If it's cold, dress warmly. With the right clothes, it's rarely too cold. Maybe go skiing or snowshoeing if there is enough snow.

    If all else fails, go to a gym and get on the treadmill. Or go to a shopping mall. You can usually get 1/2 mile to a mile just walking the periphery. There are people that do that every morning in the winter.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    Why is walking for walking's sake silly? Enjoy the scenery. Look for birds and wildlife. Judge your neighbors paint schemes or choices in holiday decorations. Get an activity tracker and race yourself or your friends. Join a walking club or an online challenge. Mentally plan the rest of your day. There are plenty of things to do while walking. I got snowed on today and still enjoyed myself.
  • sarko15
    sarko15 Posts: 330 Member
    My favorite part about running (or walking) is not the exercise (anything but that really). It's getting to explore new places in my city or area I didn't know about or have never really been to. You might discover new parks, murals you've never seen, coffee shops you want to try, trails you didn't know existed, etc. Once you get out there, the motivation is endless with a curious mind.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    Get a dog

    or be a volunteer dog walker at the SPCA or your animal shelter.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    I walk as part of my commute.
    I walk to go to appointments and run errands.
    I walk just for fun!

    But if you're bored with walking, and you have a lot of time on your hands, why not take up another sport? Like cycling, for example. :)
  • PennWalker
    PennWalker Posts: 554 Member
    I live near a beautiful nature area. I walk there to look at the hawks and wild grass. I also joined a gym where I walk in bad weather. I often wear earplugs and read a book while I walk on the treadmill.

    Why do I walk? For exercise, for peace of mind and sanity, for walking meditation.

    If you are bored with walking or can't find a reason to do it, just choose a different exercise.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I turn on a podcast or music and walk around my house.

    Go walk around an indoor shopping mall or museum.
    Do different exercise when it is yucky out. Lots of dvd's or free workout videos on you tube to try.
  • d_behling
    d_behling Posts: 1 Member
    Get a dog or volunteer at the local shelter, find a buddy to walk with, I find it more enjoyable when I have someone else with me (even if it is the dog -- 10 pound miniature poodle). When walking with the dog I listen to books on CDs and I am able to go 4 to 5 miles in the hour or so that I walk each evening.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    I walk instead of driving to places, I walk for fun on the weekends and I walk around town or to the beach in the evenings. If it's cold or wet I wrap up warm. 10k steps really isn't that much to do in 24 hours if you make the right decisions.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    You state you can get by one 1 or 2 big shopping trips a week. Yes well so can, I but I choose not to. I go on several shopping trips because it gets me out of the house and into walking. I do this because I love walking and fresh food and find that this combines them in a perfect manner. But that has been a choice.

    Seriously I never have a reason not to go for a walk. I have walked out just because I wanted to take a picture in a certain place. If all else fails start playing Pokemon Go maybe?
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    A couple of years ago I challenged myself to take a photo a day and post it online. I had a restriction of only ONE photo, the idea being I would learn more about photography and also think hard about what image to post. So some days I came up with themes, such as 'mushrooms' - this made me have to go out and walk with a purpose, to find a subject for my photo.

    What are your plans for the gap year? Find a focus that gives you a reason to walk. If you can't walk every day then wrap up in appropriate clothing and go on a long hike with a target in mind a couple of days a week.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    When I was alot younger and lived in Minnesota, I was just like you. Until one day, I thought "since I live in a cold climate, why fight it?" I bought some cross-country skiis and started to enjoy winter. Buy some snowshoes, go to a wildlife area, or big park and walk briskly for an hour. You'll learn to love it, and you burn more calories in the snow. I even went out in storms or 30- wind chill, but then I become a fanatic when I decide to do something. You'll find alot of other people do this--make friends.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,492 Member
    I need to start walking more.. I usually only walk 1-2 miles a day lol