Hi guys, Just started my weight loss journey

Hi, I'm Dan aka Santeham (Santeham is my gaming nickname and currently the name of my weight loss diary on youtube)

Moving on... I currently weigh approx. 340 lb's and am determined to shift the weight. It's not the first time I have tried, but I think this time I am being the most sensible about loosing it, i.e. not loosing it as quick as possible, but instead making lifestyle changes that will help me keep it off once I've lost it.

My aim is to get down to 200(ish) lbs

As said above, I'm doing a YouTube video diary documenting my weight loss which includes a 'before photo'. I'm aware I'll get a lot of trolls, but I'm pretty thick skinned and have never let that sort of thing bother me. More importantly for me, is the fact that the more people watch and subscribe, the more I'm likely going to want to keep making videos, and in turn the more I'll be determined to keep the weight loss programme going... You can't make weight loss diary video's if your not loosing weight!

If your interested search for 'Santeham Weight Loss Challenge' on YouTube.

It would be great to hear from people loosing a lot of weight like myself and their experiences.

Thanks guys. Dan aka Santeham


  • WW1984
    WW1984 Posts: 145 Member
    According to the Body Mass Index (BMI), I was considered OBESE. As a result, I became obsessed with losing weight which led to a LIFESTYLE CHANGE!

    My obsession started with changing my mindset. My motto about food now is "EAT TO LIVE, NOT LIVE TO EAT". I'm 46 years old at 4'11" and my weight loss journey is as follows:

    SW 145.6 lbs on 9/17/2016 (BMI = Obese)
    CW 128.4 lbs as of 12/4/2016 (BMI = Overweight)
    UW 105 lbs by 2/20/2017 (BMI = Desirable Weight). But I will settle for 112 lbs (BMI = Desirable Weight) by that date and will continue to work towards my UW goal.

    MY STRUGGLE IS REAL!!! But since changing my mindset, MFP has become an obsession for me when tracking my meals and macros. Although I meet, exceed or don't meet some of my macros; I'm still losing an average of 1 to 1.5 lbs a week. Consequently, my weight loss has been slow and steady which is the best way. Replacing coffee to include cream and sugar with oolong and green tea (+ 1 tbs honey & lemon juice) has helped a lot as well as following this simple and most effective rule: 80% Clean Diet + 20% Moderate Exercise = WEIGHT LOSS!

    Last, I've learned that there are no shortcuts! Creating a calorie deficit (through moderate calorie restriction and increase in physical activity) is the only way to lose weight. Any plan that does not require sacrifice is unrealistic and leads to failure!

    Since the beginning of my LIFESTYLE CHANGE, I've gone from a size 9 to a size 6. My ULTIMATE goal is to get back into a size 2.

  • Santeham
    Santeham Posts: 36 Member
    I've seen the message above posted at least a dozen times today, it's word for word every time no matter the subject.
  • tonyandrew
    tonyandrew Posts: 10 Member
    I've lost 73 lbs since March 2016. I did it for me, my wife, and my kids/grandkids. I wanted to live, to enjoy life, not just wait for an early and certain exit. I've gone from wearing a XXXL down to a M in most shirts. My blood pressure is normal, blood work is perfect now. A good diet, i.e., calorie restriction, and exercise is essential. I started walking a couple months into the diet, then once I got a bunch of the weight off (about 45 of it), started jogging. Now, I run over 20 miles/week, and just last night ran a 5k late at night while I'm on a business trip, and for the first time in my life, I never stopped to walk, ran the whole way. It comes in little victories. Just start small, log your diet and activity every day, and don't forget to enjoy life. That means, it is ok to have a dessert, an indulgence once in a while. If you don't, you'll be miserable and start to hate this journey, think of it as a burden. Just know, the next day, you'll get back to your routine. Good luck and God bless!
  • Santeham
    Santeham Posts: 36 Member
    Wow XXXL to a M that's impressive! It sounds like your doing really well, and its definitely some good advice.
  • blaggers12
    blaggers12 Posts: 1 Member
    How are you getting on?