any one lost 100+ lbs or wants to?

hi everyone
i am so ashamed to say this. i am 25 years old and weigh somewhere around 275lb (not 100% sure, i'm too scared to look).
sometimes that number makes me just think there is no hope. i know on tv like on the biggest loser there are bigger people then me but in real life i don't see anyone like me. i'm easily the biggest person in my street.
i was in tesco on wednesday and some people were giving giving me funny looks. i am quite strong but sometimes i feel like there is no hope. thankfully, we have a typical british summer today so no need for wondering what i can wear outside that hides my body but keeps me cool.
i wish for a day i can wear a vest top and a skirt.....


  • chubbychristianchick
    chubbychristianchick Posts: 217 Member
    I understand completely!

    I need to lose well over 100+ lbs just to not be considered obese. It's a very daunting task. I am taking it one day, one week, one pound at a time.

    Everyday I pray for strength, wisdom, guidence, and health.

    You can do this. You have to believe in you!
  • roseymacdoo
    roseymacdoo Posts: 113 Member
    I started at 250, down to 172 so far :^)

    Don't be overwhelmed by the numbers, just take it a day at a time and remember there is no quick fix! The faster it comes off the easier it goes back on, so if you want to change for good, be prepared to be in it for the long haul. Good things come to those who wait, as they say!

    Good luck on your journey

    Rosey xx
  • caitastic24
    caitastic24 Posts: 674 Member
    Hey there,

    I have a good 100 lbs to lose, too. I am 5'11 so I know my body hides it better. At the same time, I ALWAYS get the shocked response "Oh, you look fine! You don't need to lose anything!!" This is soooo untrue. I feel like people lie to my face sometimes!!!!! I've got a good 6 inches on most people but I can tell that I am carrying a LOT of extra weight. I am obese according to my BMI plus I have experienced back and neck pain because of it. I only look "average" because there are more overweight people out there but they are wayyy worse off!!! These are not fair comparisons being made. I feel like it is not fair for any one to judge. Just keep thinking about yourself and how these changes will improve YOUR life. The first week I was exercising and eating better, I felt amazing (: It doesn't matter where in the journey you are, just keep thinking about the end result!

  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    believe me you are not alone. There are lots of people on MFP who have lost 100+ pounds. I am in the "want to" category. I wish you the best of luck. I truly know how you feel :)
  • tbisca1
    tbisca1 Posts: 142
    Well here in the US there are so many obese people I fit right in! lol But I started off at 297 lbs on 7/5/2010 and as of today I am at 215lbs. It has not been easy and has taken sweat and a lot of tears but I have shed 82 lbs so far! I feel so much better but I still have at least 51lbs to go. There is always hope but the first step to starting the journey is knowing YOU can do this. I tried on and off for years and never was able to do it but it wasn't until that moment a year ago that I decided I can do this and I have stayed in that mindset ever since. That doesn't mean I never get discouraged but I persevere and realize the goal is for better health and a long life! Please add me if you would like so we can motivate each other! I am on here everyday so if you need someone to talk to just let me know!
  • NitaCeeCee
    NitaCeeCee Posts: 55
    thank you both so much. i think the best thing for me to do is not to concentrate to much on a weight goal and just take it one pound at a time like you both said. well done on your weight losses so far!
  • julieh346
    julieh346 Posts: 4
    I have gotten serious about this now...I'm 49 and start weight was around 265. I have lost 6 lbs. in the last 2 weeks...this site is great! The first few weeks I didnt lose, I would go up and down, but I kept logging in, it teaches you what you can eat! I have my goal set at 2 lbs a week now, started at 1 lb, but wasnt getting anywhere. I now stay under or close to my calorie goal every day and I bought the Zumba fitness dvds and do them with a friend 3 or 4 times a week. When I added the exorcise combined with the lower calories is when the weight started coming off! Good Luck!!!
  • NitaCeeCee
    NitaCeeCee Posts: 55
    thanks to everyone who has replied.
    your weight losses are inspiring!
    do any of you do any exercise? if so, what do you all do?
  • NitaCeeCee
    NitaCeeCee Posts: 55
    I have gotten serious about this now...I'm 49 and start weight was around 265. I have lost 6 lbs. in the last 2 weeks...this site is great! The first few weeks I didnt lose, I would go up and down, but I kept logging in, it teaches you what you can eat! I have my goal set at 2 lbs a week now, started at 1 lb, but wasnt getting anywhere. I now stay under or close to my calorie goal every day and I bought the Zumba fitness dvds and do them with a friend 3 or 4 times a week. When I added the exorcise combined with the lower calories is when the weight started coming off! Good Luck!!!

    ok can i just say....49??? wow! you look great!
    i hear a lot of good things about zumba
  • tbisca1
    tbisca1 Posts: 142
    thanks to everyone who has replied.
    your weight losses are inspiring!
    do any of you do any exercise? if so, what do you all do?

    I mostly do walking/jogging on my treadmill on a highlevel incline, crunches and lifting a little weights for upper body strengh (trying to lose the flabbing arms:happy: )
  • NitaCeeCee
    NitaCeeCee Posts: 55
    Well here in the US there are so many obese people I fit right in! lol But I started off at 297 lbs on 7/5/2010 and as of today I am at 215lbs. It has not been easy and has taken sweat and a lot of tears but I have shed 82 lbs so far! I feel so much better but I still have at least 51lbs to go. There is always hope but the first step to starting the journey is knowing YOU can do this. I tried on and off for years and never was able to do it but it wasn't until that moment a year ago that I decided I can do this and I have stayed in that mindset ever since. That doesn't mean I never get discouraged but I persevere and realize the goal is for better health and a long life! Please add me if you would like so we can motivate each other! I am on here everyday so if you need someone to talk to just let me know!
    i will add you, thanks!
  • trishtrish84
    trishtrish84 Posts: 237 Member
    I am in the same boat as all of you guys.
    My starting weight is 296lbs. I am 5'8 and a half.
    I need to lose about 140 lbs or so.

    I am taking it one day at a time.
    I do not worry about tomorrow because it is not here yet.
    I only worry about what I need to do today and what difference I can make right now.
  • NitaCeeCee
    NitaCeeCee Posts: 55
    well walking and going on my wii fit is about all my heart will be able to handle at the moment. i hope this will help me. my sister has bought herself 30 day shred and i almost had a hernia just watching it! :laugh:

    she's lucky though. all she has to do is cut out chocolate and she's lost a third of her body weight....
  • tbisca1
    tbisca1 Posts: 142
    I am in the same boat as all of you guys.
    My starting weight is 296lbs. I am 5'8 and a half.
    I need to lose about 140 lbs or so.

    I am taking it one day at a time.
    I do not worry about tomorrow because it is not here yet.
    I only worry about what I need to do today and what difference I can make right now.

    That's a great attitude! I know you will do great on your journey. :smile:
  • cedarhurst2006
    cedarhurst2006 Posts: 378 Member
    I have lost 125 lbs. My starting weight was 347 lbs. and I carried it very well. I wasn't active and I certainly didn't eat right. A diagnosis of diabetes last year changed my life. It scared the crap out of me. I was hospitalized for a week and came home using a walker. I changed my lifestyle completely. I will say it's not easy. One day at a time. I keep a food diary faithfully and have every one of them going back to day 1. I gave up diet soda completely (yes, I was one of those people at the grocery store with the 4 -12 pks that were on special in my cart!). I cook everything fresh and limit as much processed food as possible. I will tell you to plan ahead your day. Have healthy options available to you always. Look at a menu online before walking into a restaurant. I am now going to the gym 5 days out of 7. I walked into the gym for the first time in January with a cane - now I'm doing 40 minute cardio when I couldn't do 2 minutes. Every day, add one minute to your workout. Exercise as much as you can and exercise till you sweat. I see people at the gym reading a book or grading papers while on a treadmill - sweat, sweat, sweat! As I said, it's hard work but well worth it. There is no finish line - it's a journey. I have gone from taking insulin 4x a day and daily diabetic medication to eliminating it completely. The short answer.............. Food Diary, Eat Fresh, Exercise, Hard Work. You can do it!!!!
  • tbisca1
    tbisca1 Posts: 142
    well walking and going on my wii fit is about all my heart will be able to handle at the moment. i hope this will help me. my sister has bought herself 30 day shred and i almost had a hernia just watching it! :laugh:

    she's lucky though. all she has to do is cut out chocolate and she's lost a third of her body weight....

    My sister does the Insanity workout and she is trying to get me to do it. I told her when I got down to 200lbs I would start it. She only weighs 133lbs so it's easier for her. But I know if I could start one of those programs I would see quicker results! They are just so intense!
  • NitaCeeCee
    NitaCeeCee Posts: 55
    wow! that is amazing! well done on your weight loss!
    it's just little changes isn't it?
    one thing i really want is my fitness back. i used to jump rope for 20 mins everyday i couldn't do that for 2 mins now. i think that will be my fitness goal
    I have lost 125 lbs. My starting weight was 347 lbs. and I carried it very well. I wasn't active and I certainly didn't eat right. A diagnosis of diabetes last year changed my life. It scared the crap out of me. I was hospitalized for a week and came home using a walker. I changed my lifestyle completely. I will say it's not easy. One day at a time. I keep a food diary faithfully and have every one of them going back to day 1. I gave up diet soda completely (yes, I was one of those people at the grocery store with the 4 -12 pks that were on special in my cart!). I cook everything fresh and limit as much processed food as possible. I will tell you to plan ahead your day. Have healthy options available to you always. Look at a menu online before walking into a restaurant. I am now going to the gym 5 days out of 7. I walked into the gym for the first time in January with a cane - now I'm doing 40 minute cardio when I couldn't do 2 minutes. Every day, add one minute to your workout. Exercise as much as you can and exercise till you sweat. I see people at the gym reading a book or grading papers while on a treadmill - sweat, sweat, sweat! As I said, it's hard work but well worth it. There is no finish line - it's a journey. I have gone from taking insulin 4x a day and daily diabetic medication to eliminating it completely. The short answer.............. Food Diary, Eat Fresh, Exercise, Hard Work. You can do it!!!!
  • plumpncurvy
    plumpncurvy Posts: 68 Member
    Me too, I have lost 50 and still have over a 100 so I know how you feel, what I have learned over the past 50 pounds is to not be ashamed of how big I had gotten, but to be proud of how far I have come. I started really slow, changing eating habits slowly, adding walking and just going from there. Now that I feel my body and habits are both a little better I'm kicking it up a notch so I can lose a little faster. For exercise I started with an elliptical and just started slow and worked up my time, pace and resistance, and now over the last couple months I have added a treadmill, and am doing the same thing. I also do different types of crunches and lift weights(not very heavy yet). I'm no expert and don't claim to be but this is what has worked so far for me, I can't afford a trainer or a gym so I'm just kind of winging it!
    feel free to add me and good luck in your journey
  • NitaCeeCee
    NitaCeeCee Posts: 55
    you seem to doing great amanda. winging it seems to be working so far haha
  • NitaCeeCee
    NitaCeeCee Posts: 55
    well walking and going on my wii fit is about all my heart will be able to handle at the moment. i hope this will help me. my sister has bought herself 30 day shred and i almost had a hernia just watching it! :laugh:

    she's lucky though. all she has to do is cut out chocolate and she's lost a third of her body weight....

    My sister does the Insanity workout and she is trying to get me to do it. I told her when I got down to 200lbs I would start it. She only weighs 133lbs so it's easier for her. But I know if I could start one of those programs I would see quicker results! They are just so intense!

    i know what you mean. my sister is 149 lbs so everything is easier for her. she tells me to do 30ds and i know it would really help, but the question is could i do it?
    i'm sure there are heavier people who have done it though. there must be...