Major Struggle and need help

nwinter2612 Posts: 8 Member
edited September 29 in Fitness and Exercise
OK......I have been going at it and working out and not seeing any results and I know I am probably doing something wrong that shoujld be obvious, but I just dont see it. Here is my details

I am 5' 3" and 161 lbs I am maintaining around a 1200 calorie diet and working out 3-4 times a week. Some days I will do 40-60 minutes of the eliptical and stretching and other days I will do 20-30 minutes of the eliptical and then alternate to weight machines and do Upper and then Lower body on alternating days. I really want to slim down and tone at the same time. I hold alot of my weight in the hips and butt and would love to really shed that area. Can some on PLEASE HELP!


  • vjiorizzo
    vjiorizzo Posts: 7
    Give public access to your food journal so we can see how you're eating. I was like that too...then I cut back on my sodium and have been having better luck!

  • lambchop1042
    lambchop1042 Posts: 102 Member
    First question - exactly how long have you been "going at it"? I'm about the same height as you (5'2") and had to be wholeheartedly exercising and eating right for a month straight before I started seeing any weight loss. It takes time, especially when adding something like exercise to your routine (I've heard tearing your muscles makes you retain water).

    Most people on here will tell you to up your calories, I guarantee you'll get that response. My advice? Keep going at it! Don't give up just because you don't see immediate weight loss. It takes you time to put on the weight, and it will take just as much time (or more) to take it off. Also, you should experiment a little on your own and see what works for you because everyone is different. For example, I joined some challenges recently and it has really helped me stay focused throughout the week with eating and exercise. I also got bored with the elliptical and found I can push myself harder with workout videos (currently doing the 30 Day Shred, starting Jillian Michaels 6 week 6 pack soon). Find what works for YOU, and stick to it. It's soooo worth it!!
  • maybe you are not eating enough... i know it sounds odd, but if you don't eat over 1200 a day your body goes into starvation mode, which means whenever you eat you body stores it. Try eating around 1300-1400 calories a day. Also when did you start working out? I know it took me about 2 months to really start seeing results. You can do it!!!! Don't give up! Also I was told that it also helps when you first get to the gym to get on a treadmill for about 10 mins, just to get your heart rate up, then go to weights for toning then do your major cardio. This helps you burn your calories faster.

    Good luck!!!
  • rking26
    rking26 Posts: 5
    I am kind of in the same boat I have had 3 kids in 6 years and hold mine in the lower part of the body too. I am 5-4 156 and have been at this battle since grade school. My family is full of overweight women and eating was always the thing. I am having a hard time finding time to exercise with my youngest being 7 months old. Any tips on exercises is excepted here.
  • nwinter2612
    nwinter2612 Posts: 8 Member
    Going at it I mean making the workouts my number one priority. I have been being consistatn and dedicated to my work outs for a month. Normally I tapper off when I start seeing no signs of much change and then quite. I am changing my diary now.
  • This happened to me. 2 things helped. 1) Eat small meals/snacks every 2 hours, this helps boost your metabolism. 2) What are you eating? Even if you eating a certain amount of calories and your working out, if its food high in fat your workouts are just burning the fat your eating.

    Oh here is another thing that came to mind. It's something Tony Horton (P90X) has mentioned. Your body could be bored and use to your workouts and you've plateaued, especially if your doing the same thing at that gym. You need to mix it up, weekly, more intensity, shock the body.

    I'd suggest take a cardio class in between or better yet pick up one of those intense workout videos for a good shock.
  • rileymama
    rileymama Posts: 196 Member
    i hold my wieght in the same areas!!!! like vanessa said, it may be what you are eating....1200 calories of good clean food, without a lot of sodium, is much different from 1200 of McD's, for example :P It may sound crazy, but if you are doing alot of exercise and only eating 1200 calories, you may need to up your calories a bit, since you're probbaly burning alot ....just a thought....I know it's frustrating when you aren't seeing results and your busting your butt, but hang in there and you will.....Good luck!!!!
  • nwinter2612
    nwinter2612 Posts: 8 Member
    rking. I have one child and I find it difficuly. He is 18 months old and it is only due to the fact that my gym has excelt childcare that I am able to do what I do now.

    I looked into my food diary and it is set to public, but here is a link to it

    THank you everyone for your help.
  • MisMolly
    MisMolly Posts: 88 Member
    Are you eating your exercise cals? I would try eating a little more (even if it is only one or two days a week), because strictly sticking to 1200 cals is probably already a deficit. Then exercising creates a bigger deficit and if your deficit is too big, your metabolism slows. This is just a guess though, open your diary for more help.
  • rileymama
    rileymama Posts: 196 Member
    These are all good points to consider. rking, I had 4 kids in 4 years and i hear ya about where the weight settled!!! My baby is 14 months now, but I've been seriously trying since she was about 7 months, and all I can say is, I either exercise when they are all asleep, or when the bigger ones are watching a movie, or i had to incorporate at least the youngets into the workoput..too creativity, but it was I had to do to get some exercise. I took alot of walks too, pushing my double stroller and letting the 2 older ones is slower, but with the weight of the stroller and doing hills, it gave a decent calorie burn......
  • rking26
    rking26 Posts: 5
    Thanks everyone, See this is exactly why I love this site!!! Nice support you cant get anywhere else!!
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