Getting started, getting serious

Hi all - I'm Paul, I live in Singapore. I've used this before to track my diet and some of the exercise apps in the past, but not seriously. Time to change that...

59 years old, looking to lose 20 kgs (+/-44 pounds) in the next 6 months or so. Trying to go Low/Slow Carb a la Tim Ferriss. Support and friends welcome!


  • WW1984
    WW1984 Posts: 145 Member
    Hi Paul. I'm Myliana and Welcome.

    I'm 46 years old at 4'11". My weight loss journey is as follows:

    SW 145.6 lbs on 9/17/2016
    CW 128.4 lbs as of 12/4/2016
    UW 105 lbs by 2/20/2017 but will settle for 112 lbs by that date and will continue to work towards my UW goal.

    MY STRUGGLE IS REAL!!! But MFP has become an obsession for me when tracking my meals and macros. Although I meet, exceed or don't meet some of my macros; I'm still losing an average of 1 to 1.5 lbs a week. Consequently, my weight loss has been slow and steady which is the best way. Replacing coffee to include cream and sugar with oolong and green tea (+ 1 tbs honey & lemon juice) has helped a lot as well as following this simple and most effective rule: 80% Clean Diet + 20% Exercise = WEIGHT LOSS!

    Last, there are no shortcuts! Creating a calorie deficit (through moderate calorie restriction and increase in physical activity) is the only way to lose weight. Any plan that does not require sacrifice is unrealistic and leads to failure.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!! :)
  • Paul72180899
    Paul72180899 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Myliana - Thanks for the great warm welcome and encouraging story! I hope to be telling one of my own soon!