for those of you with low calorie goals...

VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
and by "low" I mean under 1400.

I have a net calorie goal of 1310, and yesterday I didn't exercise and decided to power through and stick to the 1310 for the day...

It was pretty tough. At the end of the day, I felt deprived and that my day had been far too diet-y to me. I tried to eat 100-200 calories every couple of hours, hoping to keep myself somewhat satisfied...

When I have a happy and perfect day of eating of eating whatever and whenever I want, I eat about 2000 calories. Since I'm working on losing the last few pounds, I've cut that down (or MFP has, anyway!) to more like 1600-1900, depending on how much exercise I do that day (I always eat my exercise calories!). I guess I will go make my diary public for the purpose of this thread, right now it's only visible to friends.

My question is for those of you who manage to stick to a relatively low calorie count and not feel too deprived. Any tips to make next week's DOR a little easier for me?



  • Lily0013
    Lily0013 Posts: 28
    Protein and fiber. Kashi has a great line of cereals and granola bars that contain both. Almond milk instead of dairy milk for drinking, cooking, baking, etc. Carrot chips and sticks instead of potato chips. Those are some of the things that work for me.
  • Britt22706
    Britt22706 Posts: 97
    Obviously you are vegan, which I definitly respect! You're diet looks pretty good, but may I suggest tracking other things such as fiber as well? It's good to see you are tracking protein, but fiber is also another component which ensures that full feeling, so then your day can feel more complete. I would also suggest tracking carbohydrates, just because they are one of the essential 3 (fats, proteins, carbs)
  • Victorian131
    Victorian131 Posts: 130
    I'm on a 1200 calorie goal. I don't know exactly how I do it but I sometimes don't get the whole 1200 in, even if I've exercised.
    I know its pretty much a cliche on here but water really helps fill me up. Plus little things like eating slowly and at least 2/3rds of my plate is fresh made food or vegetables. I think I sometimes eat too little but what I do eat really fills me up.
    My diary is open to everyone so take a look and feel free to steal some meal ideas or question me on anything :smile:
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 918 Member
    I'm at 1200 and sometimes I go a little over. I don't really exercise though, so maybe I'm not the best one to respond... but fruits and veggies really fill me up, plus you can have a lot of them for the calories, and drinking a lot of water also helps. I look for a lot of 100-calorie things, like sandwich/bagel thins, snackies, and I love Chobani yogurt. While they're higher on the calories than some, they're really good, I think. Hmmm... vegans don't do milk right... oopsie... :embarassed:
  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member
    My goal is 1340. If I don't exercise, I really struggle to meet that goal. I find that 30+ minutes of exercise gives me extra calories to eat, and I need that padding. Although, sometimes I eat under 1340, just not usually often or by a lot.

    So, I recommend fitting 30+ minutes of exercise into your day.


  • emayvanscoy
    My calorie goal is at 1400 right now before exercise and I am usually able to stay just under that most of the time. I usually eat 1 large egg and 1 piece of toast for breakfast. Lunch is usually 1 can of tuna with 1 tbs of light mayo put on 5 wheat crackers and a salad with light dressing. I snack of veggies or a hard boiled egg. Then for dinner I look at the amount of calories I have left and then keep it simple. Maybe a piecee of fish (100 cals) and a side.

    I have also found that when I stay busy, the less I seem to notice being hungry. When I do start to feel hungry I snack on something low cal and healthy.

    Hope this helps. I know how hard it is to stay under 1400.
  • kgagnon7779
    kgagnon7779 Posts: 216
    I can't give you any advice, because I'm in the same boat!! My goal is 1360. I exercise every day in order to get me more calories. Anyway, your diary looks really good, exemplary in fact. I think you make some really good choices. You're very close to your goal, which makes it so much harder to lose. Keep up the good work. Again, no real advice here, but just wanted you to know that you're doing a great job with your food choices.

    Just curious, are you still losing weight when you go over your cals? If so, maybe you should up it a bit.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Thanks for all of the responses so far! :flowerforyou:

    Britt22706- As a vegan, I tend to eat a LOT of carbs (more than an average joe, I think), so I took carbs out because I was sick of seeing that big negative number every day! I am NEVER under on fiber, either, because of all of my fruite, veggies, whole grains, etc. The reason that I only track calories, fat, and proteins is because I truly think that those are the most important things for me to focus on. I am considering adding in iron at some point, though! :happy:
  • ST99000722
    ST99000722 Posts: 204 Member
    i'm on 1200 , i don't find it too bad.
    I tend to go for low cal crispbreads when i need a "crunch" rather than crisps , and they are great for lunch with a salad. Also soups are great too for lunch , and there are plenty of veggy options with grains and beans in that are low cal , healthy, and tend to keep me full for a while.
    I find keeping away from the processed stuff makes it alot easier
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    I was on 1200cal for the whole time I was still tracking. but most days I was actually slightly under when I finished the day and perfectly fine.
    The things that helped were 1st of all eating loads of FIBRE and protein and 2nd of all definitely NOT spreading those calories into small portions around the day but rather having 2 big meals that made me full and happy until it was time for the next one.
    I have always been doing intermediate fasting so those 2 meals were lunch and dinner for me... didnt really snack in between.

    I dont think I would of been able to cope with just small portions throughout the day.
  • debbieschu
    I stick with around 1200 and try to get at least 30-45 min of exercise every other day. However, I've been reading that you can't do that too long or else your body will think it's starving. So once in a while I throw it a curve ball and eat more than 1500 and no exercise. As long as you can trick your body's metabolism, it shouldn't slow down too much. Dunno. I'm almost to the weight I want to be but those last 5-10 lbs are the hardest to lose!
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    and like everyone is saying, if you are really hungry or want to stay full for a long time, go for soup. even with 300cal you can get completely stuffed and stay that way for hours.
  • vnvdvci
    vnvdvci Posts: 16
    My goal is 1400 exactly and I have TONS of trouble sticking to it if I don't exercise.

    Unfortunately my pool just reduced hours, and that was my main exercise, so I'm only doing 4 days a week now vs. 6. 2 extra days of 1400 calories has been killing me...

    I might go to land training for a day or so to cover it. But I hear you! I've tried switching up what I eat...I notice if I eat eggs and toast I stay magically full until way past lunchtime. I read that you're vegan though...maybe nuts in the morning would start your day better?

    ETA: Ooooo I notice you have almond milk in your diary. LOVE that stuff, can drink so much of it unsweetened!
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    Just a few suggestions. Instead of the craisins, try fresh fruit. Also, even though the sandwhich thins are convenient, they aren't filling and three of them in a day is a little diet-y. I think they're great for sandwhiches, but as snacks, they really don't cut it for me. You might want to consider switching them out for some veggies and hummus.

    Also, breakfast was really small. I find that my day goes better when I eat a filling breakfast and don't start looking around for food in an hour. Instead of making your oatmeal with almond milk, you could make your oatmeal with water, and then add a little almond milk after they're cooked. It'll save you some calories.
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    I'm 5'5 1/2" and 143lbs and I recently decided to manually move my daily calorie goal from what MFP set at 1200 a day to 1700 a day, an amount that leaves me satisfied so I'm not binging anymore, and still losing weight even though MFP's calculators say I won't. Do what works for your body! Once I lose more weight, maybe in a couple weeks, I may lower it to 1500 but when I can be and have been 31lbs lighter than this and losing weight on 1200, it isn't a realistic goal to stick to that same amt at my current weight.

    Vegans don't typically have to watch fiber; we usually significantly exceed the recommended daily value of it just beacuse of eliminating animal products.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    The ways I deal with hunger on a planned low-calorie day is to eat a lot of foods like broccoli & spinach, stay busy (watching TV is asking for trouble!), and possibly intermittent fasting.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    On your DOR go for a 1/2 hour walk. That will help. I know you are really active the rest of the week and that you have a fantastic attitude towards food and exercise. On your DOR keep those good habits in there (eating every few hours) and log a walk in there. A single walk is not enough of a boost on top of your normal calorie goals, but it is something and you're at least getting fresh air on your DOR. :)
  • aehartley
    aehartley Posts: 269 Member
    I don live to eat... I eat to live.

    Honestly I eat really clean. It is hard for me to eat much more than I do now. I feel healthy. My blood work is good ( as long as I keep my blood sugar under control). I think some poeple can do it, and some can't.
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    I don't think eating meat every single day, multiple times a day, which is 98% genetically modified and contains dangerous pathogens from the way its farmed + eating processed foods + eating in chain restaurants regularly would be considered clean eating/ brag worthy.

    Anyone can eat clean if they want to, it isn't nice to say other people can't do it-- its just most people are unaware of the importance of what they eat.

    Plus you eat less than 1000 calories every day. That isn't healthy and there are going to be side effects from it at some point...
  • kgagnon7779
    kgagnon7779 Posts: 216
    I don't think eating meat every single day, multiple times a day, which is 98% genetically modified and contains dangerous pathogens from the way its farmed + eating processed foods + eating in chain restaurants regularly would be considered clean eating/ brag worthy.

    Anyone can eat clean if they want to, it isn't nice to say other people can't do it-- its just most people are unaware of the importance of what they eat.

    Plus you eat less than 1000 calories every day. That isn't healthy and there are going to be side effects from it at some point...

    I agree - I'm not sure fat free, sugar free and all the artificial preservatives that go along with it is considered "clean" by most.