
I am new to myfitnesspal been logging my meals all week and a bit frustrated cause I am not meeting the meal calorie goals although I am not hungry and eating balanced meals...any suggestions.


  • vpunisher428
    What works best for me is 5 to 6 small meals a day. It tricks my mind into thinking it's not hungry anymore.

    Also when hungry drink a lot of water. Science has proven a lot of times when you think you're hungry, you're actually just thirsty and your brain is sending the wrong signals.

    I hope this helps and good luck! It's a tough journey but we can do it! :)
  • LHSHokie
    LHSHokie Posts: 18
    When I first started, I felt the same way. I started exercising more this week (elliptical), so that I have around a 100-calorie deficit at the end of the day, and my weight has been melting off. I've lost a little over 3 pounds this week by doing that. Hope that helps :)
  • MakeItHappenAnt
    happy friday to u rgaljones. like u, i'm new to myfitnesspal as well. i just joined tuesday, july 12th, so i'm a baby here. i didn't know what to expect, but what i learned in my short time here is that calorie burning isn't as difficult as one would thing. for example, a 7 minute walk can help you burn a minimum of 30 calories, depending on your pace/tempo. i'm sayin' this 2 suggest incorporating walking into your daily routine. whether it's long stretches or short spurts, you'll be amazed with what walking can do for you in that regard. stay inspired & encouraged...take care,

  • knowmydestiny
    knowmydestiny Posts: 104 Member
    Welcome. You don't say how far under you are and your diary is not open, so assuming that you are not a 1,000 calories under, try higher calorie snacks like nuts to help get those extra calories.
  • rgaljones
    rgaljones Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice, gonna try to implement them all and see what works.:smile: