What is the REAL truth about carbs?

When trying to lose weight, are they ok to eat in moderation as long as they fit into your calorie goals? Is "wheat" really healthier if you have to choose? Is there a better or worse time during the day to eat them? My stats: I'm 5'11 female. Weight 287. Need to lose 140. Do 30 minutes of aerobics each morning and walk 2 miles each evening 5 days a week and eat under 160@ calories.


  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited December 2016
    The only thing that matters for weight loss is calorie intake, and making sure you're at the correct deficit for your weight loss goals. Everything else, like macro ratios, is secondary and that's where preferences and adherence/sustainability come into play. Some people prefer to eat lower carb to reach their goals, while others prefer to eat a higher carb ratio. But again-calories are what actually matter :)

    eta: in terms of weight loss- carb timing, meal timing and meal frequency do not matter, nor do the kinds of foods you're eating matter. CICO.
  • jomariewill
    jomariewill Posts: 35 Member
    When trying to lose weight, are they ok to eat in moderation as long as they fit into your calorie goals? Is "wheat" really healthier if you have to choose? Is there a better or worse time during the day to eat them? My stats: I'm 5'11 female. Weight 287. Need to lose 140. Do 30 minutes of aerobics each morning and walk 2 miles each evening 5 days a week and eat under 160@ calories.

    I meant if I have to eat a carb, like rice or bread, is wheat healthier? I find they sometimes have more calories but more nutrients.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    When trying to lose weight, are they ok to eat in moderation as long as they fit into your calorie goals? Is "wheat" really healthier if you have to choose? Is there a better or worse time during the day to eat them? My stats: I'm 5'11 female. Weight 287. Need to lose 140. Do 30 minutes of aerobics each morning and walk 2 miles each evening 5 days a week and eat under 160@ calories.

    I meant if I have to eat a carb, like rice or bread, is wheat healthier? I find they sometimes have more calories but more nutrients.

    Not much difference at all between white and brown rice
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    I eat pizza, rice-base products (noodle and such) breads and all sorts of rices and it's hella hard to lose weight.

    I have had much easier time with fresh salads and grilled chicken, pork.

    But everything is my choice :)

    It's up to you. There is hard way and there's easy way. Pick your poison.
  • jomariewill
    jomariewill Posts: 35 Member
    When trying to lose weight, are they ok to eat in moderation as long as they fit into your calorie goals? Is "wheat" really healthier if you have to choose? Is there a better or worse time during the day to eat them? My stats: I'm 5'11 female. Weight 287. Need to lose 140. Do 30 minutes of aerobics each morning and walk 2 miles each evening 5 days a week and eat under 160@ calories.

    Are you referring to just things like breads, starches, & pasta or are you talking about all carbs including fruits & veggies? My answer is the same either way, but I think it's important to keep in mind that carbs are a very broad category found in a huge variety of foods.

    Unless you have a medical reason that forces you to restrict them, this is largely about personal preference. Some people feel better keeping their carbs low or find it reduces their hunger. Others experience the opposite. As long as you're eating a varied diet that hits your nutrition goals, pick the carbohydrate goal that works best for you.

    I speaking of breads and rice primarily.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    The only thing that matters for weight loss is calorie intake, and making sure you're at the correct deficit for your weight loss goals. Everything else, like macro ratios, is secondary and that's where preferences and adherence/sustainability come into play. Some people prefer to eat lower carb to reach their goals, while others prefer to eat a higher carb ratio. But again-calories are what actually matter :)

    eta: in terms of weight loss- carb timing, meal timing and meal frequency do not matter, nor do the kinds of foods you're eating matter. CICO.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    You can include all the carbs you want in your diet, as long as they fit within your calorie limit ... unless you've got a medical condition where that would not be advisable.

    Personally, I like brown rice because I find it is a little bit more filling than white rice ... and I like it better.

    And we've found a really nice whole grain bread we like, so we go with that.
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    I prefer white rice and white breads - I get my fiber from veggies, whole grain pasta & beans.

    It's not 100% necessary to switch to whole grain everything. If you're low on fiber, you may find it worthwhile to try some whole grain options. If you don't like the taste of one, try another.

    Timing is irrelevant.

  • Jleigh225
    Jleigh225 Posts: 49 Member
    If you have no issues related to diabetes, insulin resistance like pcos, carbs are just like any nutrient and just need to fit them in your calories. I have genetic issues with insulin sensitivity so eating less carbs for me is key for dealing with cravings and keeping my insulin in check. If I had no issues, I'd eat carbs within my calories like it was my job.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I've lost more weight (and kept it off) eating pizza and French fries (in moderation) than I ever did with any other diet.
    Not bread though. Turns out I don't like bread and I've always just eaten it because I thought I was suppose to.
    But i find it so sweet, it's gross. It's like eating a hamburger but the bun is cake, gross.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    I actually started eating bread after joining MFP.

    Prior to that, I only ate bread on occasion ... but about 2 or 3 weeks into the process here, I started craving bread. At first I ignored the craving, but then I started eating about 1 slice a day. :)
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Are you asking about whole grains vs refined grains (IOW brown rice vs white rice; wheat bread vs white bread)? In that case, "whole" grains have more fiber, which some people find more filling, so they could theoretically help you eat less.

    Myself, I find fat and protein more filling than any type of carb, but that's an individual thing. I get my fiber from veggies and skip most grains entirely (starch makes me hangry). It may take some experimentation for you to find what works for you. FWIW, you don't "have to" eat rice or wheat. Like at all. Unless you want to.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    When trying to lose weight, are they ok to eat in moderation as long as they fit into your calorie goals? Is "wheat" really healthier if you have to choose? Is there a better or worse time during the day to eat them? My stats: I'm 5'11 female. Weight 287. Need to lose 140. Do 30 minutes of aerobics each morning and walk 2 miles each evening 5 days a week and eat under 160@ calories.

    I meant if I have to eat a carb, like rice or bread, is wheat healthier? I find they sometimes have more calories but more nutrients.

    I don't think so.....for some of us with wheat intolerance or celiac, wheat is very unheathy.

    Eat what you want, when you want, just stay in a calorie deficit and you will lose weight.