My Bathroom Scale Has Shown A Wrong Reading. What's Going On?

Last week, I bought a new bathroom scale. It was very effective and showed the correct reading. This morning my bathroom scale showed an incorrect reading. It showed me as one stone heavier. I weighed myself again and it showed the same reading. What's going on? I haven't gained any weight. I've been eating healthy and losing some weight?


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Have you moved the scale recently? Calibrated it? Is it on carpet or hard floor? Did you weigh under the same conditions? Same clothes/shoes or lack thereof?
  • Flapjack_Mollases
    Flapjack_Mollases Posts: 218 Member
    Have you moved the scale recently? Calibrated it? Is it on carpet or hard floor? Did you weigh under the same conditions? Same clothes/shoes or lack thereof?

    pretty much all of this.
  • DresdenSinn
    DresdenSinn Posts: 665 Member
    Make/Model/Brand of scale?
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    I weighed 15 pounds more 3 days ago. lmao. I had drank ALOT of water, And iv had a whoosh since. Was kind of funny.

    But yeah make sure the floor under it is even.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    How do you know the reading is incorrect? Weight fluctuates.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    One stone is a lot.. like US 14lbs right? I can see anywhere from 5-10lbs as water weight, but there are other factors that can legitimately cause weight gain (not permanent gain) suddenly like that. TOM, sodium intake, constipation, new medications, or any combination of those factors. So yea other than making sure it's on a flat level surface, you'd have to try a different scale to be sure it's the scale's fault.
  • Larissa_NY
    Larissa_NY Posts: 495 Member
    How much do you weigh? A 14-pound swing is a lot less likely for someone who's 140 pounds than for someone who's 420 pounds.
  • EspressoLvr
    EspressoLvr Posts: 100 Member
    My scale gives me a wrong reading sometimes. What I usually do is move it a little bit then step back on it lightly, holding on to something, then once it gets closer to my real weight I Let Go. My scale only holds up to 350 and when I'm closer to that, it's been less reliable. Make sure it's on a hard surface and nothing has got underneath to make it uneven. Another thing you might want to try is changing the battery.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I need to steel my mothers scale ...that sucker consistently gives me a reading 8lbs under my own

    However I've checked mine with a dumbbell so known weight and mine is 400g off reality

    Check your scale with a known weight
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    Weight fluctuates, but a stone is a BIG fluctuation. Unless you are very heavy and/or have been doing extremely heavy exercise in the last couple of days, it's more likely your scale is faulty.