Are you a cheater? I am.



  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    The only person you are lying to is yourself.
  • shagerty777
    shagerty777 Posts: 185 Member
    If I cheat it's on food. If I cheat too often it shows on my weight loss or lack of. I realize that I am cheating myself and slowing down my trip to the goal but that's on me and me alone. On the other hand, I have lost 50 pounds over the course of 2 years so overall, I'm gaining ground! My health is much better, my strength is better and my blood tests show it. It's not where you are now, it's where you'll be a year from now and further!
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    bellaa_x0 wrote: »
    Cylphin60 wrote: »
    I'm not talking about occasionally busting my numbers, whether by forgetfulness or the one off planning.

    I'm talking about the chronic tendency to pad my numbers. This extends from honestly logging my food each day to the urge to give in to bad form during exercises just to crank out a couple of more reps, so I can say I did it.

    90-95% of the time I don't give in. I really do believe that diligent honesty with myself will yield the best long term gains for me, both physically and mentally - but that craving for the instant gratification is relentless. And tiring, and I occasionally give in.

    Cheating on my food could reverse the weight loss gains I've been working for, and cheating on form while lifting could actually injure me, potentially putting me in a position where I can't exercise at all.

    So why even think about it, much less give in to the temptations? Old dummy. LoL.

    I'd like to hear others input. Because misery loves company, and who knows...if a discussion breaks out I might learn something that can help me change.

    Cheers :)

    this is the issue. majority of people seek instant gratification not just when it comes to weight loss, but many other things in life, that are just not realistic expectations. weight loss is not going to be instant... you didn't gain the weight instantly so you shouldn't expect it to come off "instantly."

    Exactly. I'm realistic enough to know the desire will never go away 100%, but keeping it in the open, laughing about does keep it in check.
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    Gamliela wrote: »
    Not intentionally. If I don't log it directly before or after I eat it I will forget, then remember at some inconvenient time and then forget again if I don't log it right then. If I have already posted my diary for the day and I eat something after I try to go in right away to log it, but again, sometimes I forget at that time of night.

    I'm like this at times, then I weave myself back into a more accountable and responsible logging.

    I get worried at some point when I see my dilligence to be honest and accountable is slipping.
    I know I will have deep regret if I quit maintaining my weight after losing the weight.
    MFP logging has worked marvelously for me to lose what I needed and its working in maintaining, so if I start straying its basically just a sign I better get back on the path or I stand to have to reap the repercussions of returning to my old ways that caused that gain of weight.

    Why unfix this thing ( logging honestly on mfp) that has worked? I say that to myself. Reminds me that I'm grateful to be a much thinner and active human these days.

    Its probably the honest logging that actually makes it all possible. Well, after accepting that its all a matter of calories, then its just up to me to be accountable and the mfp site gives me that opportunity to be independent from anything or anyone else, I can just log, see what I'm doing and adjust accordingly.

    Its a good topic, I think many of us slide off the point in various ways probably.

    Thanks for the discussion. I look forward to other's opinions and experinces.

    Nicely stated, thank you. You pretty much covered my concerns as well.
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    I'm with you on this OP. It is a temptation to not log that bite of pound cake (because it is too hard to figure out what one bite would have measured with a home made cake!) or to log those 2 extra ounces of wine (because my MFP friends might think I drink too much! Hell, I might think I drink too much some days!)...sooooo tempting to just not log/ignore.

    I have noticed this urge appears when I am stressed about life things that day. No big deals really, and not an everyday thing. But on days when I am stressed/overworked/annoyed I want my food log to be perfect as a form of control. Some personality types will find it necessary to log everything down to the last morsel in order to feel in control and mentally benefit. Other personality types might find that it doesn't harm their weight loss progress to leave a few things off on a rare occasion and not being such a hardas* on themselves has an added stress relief benefit. The awareness is there and you know that the calories still went in your body, even if you didn't log it. It's a mental dance but only you know if this dance is detrimental to your goal. Are you not logging a few bites a few times a month? IMO nothing to worry about. Are you not logging a significant amount of calories often? That would be worth improving upon your honesty.

    Realistically, even if my logging isn't perfect down to the last bite, I am waaaaaaay better than I used to be before joining MFP with stress eating. So I have to remember: Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good!

    Ahhh you said Pound Cake lol. LOL, I love the stuff! Great points. I am the type that adheres pretty strongly to my program, but I also know me. I can slip once, and get away with it, twice, maybe - -by the third time in too short a time frame I'm rationalizing that unaccounted for bite of pound cake (I'm drooling now :D ) before I even get to the kitchen.
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    My thing is that if I do eat over my calories then I won't end the day because I don't want to see those red numbers.

    I HATE the red numbers. They make me feel like I have done something terrible. I still log if it puts me over, but the red numbers man. I wish they wouldn't do that.

    Red numbers recently are what prompted this thread lol.
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    I am. And my wife knows it. She knows what I'm trying to do weight wise, and every time I go in the kitchen late at night, I hear, "What are you doing in there?" and, I just look down and say, "NUTHIN..." That's usually when the guilt kicks in. It's amazing how, when someone questions you, you know IMMEDIATELY if you are doing something legitimate or if you are trying to be sneaky.

    I can't stop smiling - I get it. My wife has the same BS radar lol.
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    Cylphin60 wrote: »
    Nah, I'm too lazy for all that. Too lazy to measure my food. Too lazy to log my food. Too lazy to push myself beyond my limits. Even when doing work around our farm when I'm done, I'm done, whether the job is done or not. Injuries make you lose a LOT more time than just waiting till your rested and getting back at it.

    I can't tell where or if you're serious or not...

    I am 100% serious.
    All I can say is I feel ya - That lazyness is something I've struggled with in the past and have largely overcome. At 57, I'm in better shape now than I have been for decades, but I DREAD the thought of back sliding. It's been my experience that getting things like this out in the open keep the tendencies to cut corners to a minimum.

    I have my fair share of faults, and I'm close enough to 60 to have coffee with it, so in order to be able to hit the ground running at that age, I needed to start cleaning house yesterday, and I've found that there's a lot of like minded people that turn up when things are honestly shared.

    I'll never fix everything, but I can strive towards healthier regardless of that, and choose to in this manner. I like people, and we seem to work well together lol. Makes it easier, even fun sometimes. :)
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,576 Member
    edited December 2016
    Cylphin60 wrote: »
    Cylphin60 wrote: »
    Nah, I'm too lazy for all that. Too lazy to measure my food. Too lazy to log my food. Too lazy to push myself beyond my limits. Even when doing work around our farm when I'm done, I'm done, whether the job is done or not. Injuries make you lose a LOT more time than just waiting till your rested and getting back at it.

    I can't tell where or if you're serious or not...

    I am 100% serious.
    All I can say is I feel ya - That lazyness is something I've struggled with in the past and have largely overcome. At 57, I'm in better shape now than I have been for decades, but I DREAD the thought of back sliding. It's been my experience that getting things like this out in the open keep the tendencies to cut corners to a minimum.

    I have my fair share of faults, and I'm close enough to 60 to have coffee with it, so in order to be able to hit the ground running at that age, I needed to start cleaning house yesterday, and I've found that there's a lot of like minded people that turn up when things are honestly shared.

    I'll never fix everything, but I can strive towards healthier regardless of that, and choose to in this manner. I like people, and we seem to work well together lol. Makes it easier, even fun sometimes. :)

    Yeah, I'm 53. I've always been healthy and pretty fit (depending on your definition of 'fit'). I was also at a healthy weight for most of my life so when I needed to lose weight I didn't see the point in adding in a bunch of new tasks to accomplish that goal because I know myself well enough to know that I wouldn't keep that up long term. Measuring and logging all my food was just way too time consuming for me.

    Knowing yourself and what will work with your personality and lifestyle is a huge thing IMO.

    Best of luck to you.
  • dfc4
    dfc4 Posts: 109 Member
    Cylphin60 wrote: »
    I'm not talking about occasionally busting my numbers, whether by forgetfulness or the one off planning.

    I'm talking about the chronic tendency to pad my numbers. This extends from honestly logging my food each day to the urge to give in to bad form during exercises just to crank out a couple of more reps, so I can say I did it.

    90-95% of the time I don't give in. I really do believe that diligent honesty with myself will yield the best long term gains for me, both physically and mentally - but that craving for the instant gratification is relentless. And tiring, and I occasionally give in.

    Cheating on my food could reverse the weight loss gains I've been working for, and cheating on form while lifting could actually injure me, potentially putting me in a position where I can't exercise at all.

    So why even think about it, much less give in to the temptations? Old dummy. LoL.

    I'd like to hear others input. Because misery loves company, and who knows...if a discussion breaks out I might learn something that can help me change.

    Cheers :)

    Hi, i like this one :)
    I don't cheat when logging cals..because i don't log them....or track maKros or anything like that.
    I stick to IF (18 Hours Fasting 6 Hours eating phase for 5 days a week)
    Cheating reps to get a full set! - no way.
    I do exactly the opposite, i try to make my reps even harder ,-slowing it down or holding half way or adding koordination challenges into my reps so that i reaaly have to work that much harder to get the full set done.
    for me.... 15 gut busting reps are better than 20( where the last 5 are just sloppy ones to make up the numbers)
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I'm brutally honest with this process. It does me no good to cut a corner or fudge a number or not do the work to finish an exercise to the best of my ability.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    Bad form can cause serious injury and you know that. In itself, that should be enough reason for you to stop doing that.

    As for the calories and your log, I don't cheat, but instead of banking calories beforehand if I go over one day whatever item put me over I log in the next day's log so I cut back the next day and am never over.

    It's not something that happens all the time, but if I'm hungry and don't have the calories I'll have a snack and just log it in the next day's log.

    If it's a treat I want and I don't have the calories and I'm not hungry, I just make myself wait until the next day to eat it. Not a big deal.
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    Thanks for the replies folks. As stated in the OP, the actual cheating is rare, as in Very rare. It's something a little different that I'm getting at. :)
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    There are things I wasn't logging because of complacency... things like sriracha sauce or soy sauce. But I don't consider that cheating. It was laziness. There were other things I was eyeballing. I don't consider that cheating either. Then again, I'm just dithering around with vanity weight at this point and don't really care badly if it comes off or not. I left a lot of exercise calories on the table to compensate for potential errors, though.

    In an effort to be doing true maintenance, I've tightened things way up.

  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    There are things I wasn't logging because of complacency... things like sriracha sauce or soy sauce. But I don't consider that cheating. It was laziness. There were other things I was eyeballing. I don't consider that cheating either. Then again, I'm just dithering around with vanity weight at this point and don't really care badly if it comes off or not. I left a lot of exercise calories on the table to compensate for potential errors, though.

    In an effort to be doing true maintenance, I've tightened things way up.
    I wouldn't consider laziness as cheating either. Thanks for the input. :)
  • texasleahgirl
    texasleahgirl Posts: 96 Member
    edited December 2016
    There are things I wasn't logging because of complacency... things like sriracha sauce or soy sauce. But I don't consider that cheating. It was laziness. There were other things I was eyeballing. I don't consider that cheating either. Then again, I'm just dithering around with vanity weight at this point and don't really care badly if it comes off or not. I left a lot of exercise calories on the table to compensate for potential errors, though.

    In an effort to be doing true maintenance, I've tightened things way up.

    Yes, this. In my way of thinking, it keeps me from going overly restrictive, which I have struggled terribly with in the past. In order to be at peace with food, I have to be okay with not being super precise every. single. day.

    It works both ways too...if I eat a restaurant and I eat more than half of the plate, I log the whole plate. I don't go back and change it to .75 etc. unless I eat half or less. Occasionally I cheat myself to the good, occasionally I cheat myself to the bad, most days I am exact. For me the benefit of logging is the awareness of the food I eat, not the preciseness of the food I log.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I never cheat myself, but am routinely not all that strict. I often use the default serving size instead of weighing. I've been weighing foods long enough to know if it's in the ballpark. I frequently go over my calories as well, but I did the math and know my maintenance calories are about 2600, so as long as I'm eating less than that I'll lose. Aiming for perfection sounds stressful.
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Hi, I havent read all of the replies but from your OP i think i get where you are coming from. ( i could be totally wrong)
    If you say that you did x amount of reps it makes you feel good, If you log only the food to keep you on the right side it makes you feel good. just because the figures you see in front of you are what looks good and you dont want to be seen to be failing. And its not just what other people will think, In your mind if thats what it says then thats what it must be.

    If this is what you mean then i would say take it one day at a time and try to be as honest with yourself as possible and perhaps get a friend or someone on here that can support you in moving forwards.

    Good Luck
  • PhiliswaM
    PhiliswaM Posts: 16 Member
    My thing is that if I do eat over my calories then I won't end the day because I don't want to see those red numbers.
    I also hate those red numbers, when I go over my calories, I "complete my day" just before I sleep cause I hate seeing all that red.