The Biggest Loser Challenge at Work



  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited December 2016
    swagoner94 wrote: »
    sllm1 wrote: »
    Wow - all of the negativity on here - not sure I get it.

    Sounds like fun, OP.

    Fruits/vegetables - get a certain number of servings in a week?
    Sleep is important - get a certain number of hours per night for a week?
    Have a clean eating week - no processed foods? Or you could just make it "no sweets" week?

    Most of us realize that this does nothing to actually help the people, and in most cases (just like the real biggest loser) the person who wins is right back to where they started within a couple months. If you want to have a REAL competition, have a competition to see who can keep their BF% loss the closest to their actual weight lost. That would be a MUCH healthier challenge. But it's not as "appealing".

    This isn't a reality show. Nor are my employees obese. Nor am I bootcamp trainer making them do extreme workouts to lose excessive amounts of weight. Geez. It's an OFFICE HEALTH INITIATIVE that focuses on health. Plus, it's % of your own weight lost, not just overall lbs. Ya'll... this is seriously ridiculous. I worked on this closely with a medical healthcare provider... I think they would've advised against it if they thought it was unhealthy.

    The point is - for money - for competition - a small % of people will do stupid things. That small % can google Biggest Loser "tips." It's going to center around water weight & waste elimination....not exercise. But, most people are not going to do anything stupid.

    Shift the focus to health initiatives as much as possible (not weight loss). Make the $$ prizes relatively small. Give everyone a T-shirt, or "badges" for consistent behavior (steps, exercise, fruits & veggies).
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Do a preparticipation survey on their health habits and weight. Then do postparticipation surveys at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months to determine what parts of the program were helpful long term.
  • faithbabe21
    faithbabe21 Posts: 33 Member
    If your office is large enough and the atmosphere allows it maybe have an morning and afternoon walk around the building. We did this at my old job and it was great. It only took 5 minutes but it got your 250 steps an hour you should strive for, twice a day as well as gave employees a small break. Another suggestion was if you have any scheduled walks have mangers or bosses there and that way whosoever walking has an opportunity they may not have previously had to network and get to know leadership in your office. Personally this sounds like something fun that I would love to do. Have fun and good luck!1
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    You could buy all the participants fitness trackers and use steps taken as motivation to move more.
  • faithbabe21
    faithbabe21 Posts: 33 Member
    Also don't know if at all possible but a bunch of us had fitbits so if any of your signed up participants do as well they can have a work week challenge between them. We loved doing this and I can distinctly remember our front desk person standing at her desk walking in place trying to increase her steps and it was just a lot of fun.
  • JenSchimanski
    JenSchimanski Posts: 77 Member
    We have just finished Season 5 at work of a similar Weight Loss Challenge. There really wasn't any financial incentives and it was only a motivational tool. Out of 9 people one person lost a significant amount of weight in the course of the year and the other 8 yo-yo'd back and forth to their start weight. The most successful challenge was the Steptember 70,000 steps a week and our challenge was a minimum 10,000 per day (ie couldnt bank them up) this was done for charity and people were more motivated to achieve this than any of the other challenges for themselves. Good luck and I hope you have a lot of fun with this challenge.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    Never done a weight loss challenge at my office, but I have spearheaded a couple of was a step challenge and the other was this kind of fun thing where we picked a destination on the U.S map and participants could use any combination of walking, running, or cycling to reach the mileage necessary to reach that destination...we all had different colored pins to roughly mark on the map where we were.

    We also now have a policy that allows for 30 minutes of administrative leave four days per week to exercise...all someone has to do is fill out the contract and have their supervisor sign off and submit it to HR. A lot of people have been taking advantage of that and I now see many more of my colleagues out doing something...many of them combine it with the lunch break to get additional time in.
  • boothekm1
    boothekm1 Posts: 60 Member
    I think this is a great idea! Do not listen to the negativity. Adults should be held accountable for their own actions. Blaming the competition for a person's own bad decisions is ridiculous. A little friendly competition is a good thing and I do not think it promotes unhealthy weight loss.

    Not all healthcare providers are complete nuts. My oldest brother is a physician and my youngest is a nurse practitioner. Both have advised me NOT to take diet pills in order to lose weight. It's great that you've worked with one to insure the challenges promote healthy living.

    I also think the survey before, during, and after is an awesome idea. I do the same thing with my students. It's a great way for an individual to hold him/herself responsible.
  • shinycrazy
    shinycrazy Posts: 1,081 Member
    I did one of these that wasn't company wide, just in my department. It kicked off my weight loss in 2015 and I won, losing 10% in 3 months. I've kept up with it since and I've lost over 100lbs. For me, that simple game was greatly motivating and has completely changed my life.
  • ThreeLittleBalloons
    We don't really have many of these challenges here in the UK, although I would love to partake in one (I'm a little bit competitive). How about:
    - Weekly measurements of key areas and something silly like having horses on a track (like a chart on the wall) and they move forward by every inch lost. Winner is the one in front at the end of the 3 months. Other staff members can take bets and the prize money is split between the winner and the winning bets;
    - A step based pass the baton style race - split the competitors into teams and then each week one of the team gets a step counter - they have that week to get as many steps as possible before they pass it onto their team mates. Most steps achieved by a team wins;

    That is all I've got but hope it goes well for you!
  • BeautyDoll
    BeautyDoll Posts: 86 Member
    People are motivated in many ways. THIS IS A GREAT IDEA and you should keep on keeping on with it. What could be negative about providing motivation for people to explore a healthier lifestyle? No more attention towards the nay sayers.

    Anywho, it might be fun to track miles. So for instance get out a map of the US and let people "walk" or "run" to different states by logging steps. I hope this makes sense to you. It was a lot of fun. We went from the east coast to the west and back in an adjusted step situation. It was a lot of fun.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Sounds like plenty already- well thought out and lots to keep the motivation going. I think anything more might just be overkill.
  • swagoner94
    swagoner94 Posts: 220 Member
    We have had the best results already! Some have lost 30+ pounds, others 18 and 16, 10 and 5, etc. People are getting healthy, informed, and happier :) So great
  • catluvgal
    catluvgal Posts: 41 Member
    I signed up for this very thing at a prior job years ago and it was terrible. Nothing like co-workers watching each others' every move. It was distracting and not helpful at all. I hope your office atmosphere does not devolve like mine did...
  • swagoner94
    swagoner94 Posts: 220 Member
    catluvgal wrote: »
    I signed up for this very thing at a prior job years ago and it was terrible. Nothing like co-workers watching each others' every move. It was distracting and not helpful at all. I hope your office atmosphere does not devolve like mine did...

    Nope! It's brought so much cross departmental cohesion, excellent morale, and has been straight up fun!
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    How did the competition go? I think it's been 3 months now and I'm curious how it went. Hope everyone had a fun time :)
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    I would change it off biggest loser and have evryone who loses weight gets a raffle ticket. Everyone who goes to yoga class or nutrition class gets a raffle entry ect. Tie more to healthy behaviors and less to % weight loss.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    swagoner94 wrote: »
    catluvgal wrote: »
    I signed up for this very thing at a prior job years ago and it was terrible. Nothing like co-workers watching each others' every move. It was distracting and not helpful at all. I hope your office atmosphere does not devolve like mine did...

    Nope! It's brought so much cross departmental cohesion, excellent morale, and has been straight up fun!

    oh I see now how it went. that's good to hear. glad it worked out for you all and that they continue to have success after the competition is over.