Are you a cheater? I am.



  • gnu4liberty
    gnu4liberty Posts: 48 Member
    I have MS and have a very limited ability to exercise. Limiting food intake is my only way of losing weight. I stay honest. I wish I could walk again.
  • ShammersPink
    ShammersPink Posts: 215 Member
    I'm not doing this in order to see flattering numbers on MFP, it is simply a tool.

    It gives me the data I need to plan my future campaign. If I pad the numbers in any way, those data will be skewed, and not provide the good baseline I need.

    So I can say "in November, I ate X calories per day, expended Y calories in exercise, and lost Z weight". So then I can have a good idea what I need to do to maintain that rate of loss in future months. It also lets me see if I'm drifting away from the good habits I had early in my campaign. I am, a little bit, actually.

    There are times when I'm eating out or whatever, where my logging is, of necessity, a "best guess". I try not to be skewed to making that guess high or low, but who knows, really.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    The only person you are lying to is yourself.

    This. Even though we open our diaries and get likes and whatever when our workouts post to our timelines, nobody is looking at your stuff every day and forming a long term mental picture of how virtuous or not you are. And even if they did, you can't fake actual progress. There is literally zero point to what you are doing. Less than zero if you want to factor in injury risk.
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,978 Member
    The only person you are lying to is yourself.

    This. And not even successfully. You can't effectively lie to someone who already know the facts.
  • born_of_fire74
    born_of_fire74 Posts: 776 Member
    edited December 2016
    I cheat a little because I have my activity level set to sedentary even though I'm in the gym or pool 6-7 days a week. A 45 minute swim or half an hour of HIIT, my usual go-to's, are about 300cal so I figure I'm ahead 1800-2100cal a week. Rather than log with extreme precision, I use that 1800-2100cal as extra allowance so long as I'm meeting my macro's with what I do log. It's sloppy but it works for me. The one time in the last year that I got out of control using this method, I knew right away based on my weight and measurements that I was pushing it too far so cut back on my unlogged extras. YMMV.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,891 Member
    Just my opinions:
    1. You've recognized some facts about your behavior, and you're not in love with the implications. So, work on it. Do better when you can, forgive yourself & try again if you slip. When you work on things persistently and consistently, they improve.
    2. One thing that helps some people is to think of your future self, almost as if that's some other real person whom you really care very much about. In addition to thinking about your current gratification (or instead of it, if you can ;) ), think about that future-self person: What will make him happy? What will give him a better life? How much better? How might he benefit if current-self learns to manage and change behaviors and attitudes that he finds sub-optimal?
    3. If you have others around you whom you care about, think about them: Will it help them if you're healthier? Will modeling good character and behavior create a good example for them?

    Yeah, I've fallen off track sometimes while losing 1/3 of my body weight, and while maintaining at close to goal weight for around 10 months now. When I do, I analyze the "whys", and make a little script in my head about how I can handle it better next time; then I rehearse that script mentally until it's clear. After that, I just put the past in the past, don't agonize or guilt-trip, get back on track, and test out my new script next time the circumstances arise. If it works, swell - keep the strategy. If it doesn't work, make a new script to try. Rinse'n'repeat.

    It's a process.
  • Katiebabyangel
    Katiebabyangel Posts: 7 Member
    I definitely forget to log in sometimes. I'm always on the run and sometimes I drink a cup of water or a can of pop and don't think to put it in the tracker to really count it towards my caloric intake or anything. I've thought about cheating out of it, but who does it really impress if you lie? I know the draw of instant gratification that lets you see that you're under your count, but that doesn't actually help you live a healthy lifestyle or lose weight. The scale will tell the truth even if your log doesn't.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    Do you know, I think this is a really good question. So many people come on here and say "I log everything accurately and still don't lose weight", and there isn't the awareness of how flexible logging is, in the sense that how you log reflects your mental attitude.

    So, when you're faced with three different entries, do you take time to consider which one is most accurate, or do you pick a lower one, because it *might* be right and it hurts too much to pick the higher option and see your balance dwindle or turn red?

    When you exercised for half an hour, do you log the full half hour because you "earned it", or do you think of the warm up and the cool down and the toilet trip and the rest breaks and log 20 minutes instead?

    When you have to choose between two intensities of exercise, do you pick the higher one because it *felt* hard, or do u seek out information on what your intensity level really was?

    I learned a long time ago, through doing safety-critical engineering calculations, that you face decisions at every tiny step. Are you going to make the choice that makes it look good now, or the choice that really puts things to the test?

    Everyone who has done this kind of work knows that you can create a set of pretty numbers that make things look peachy by being a tiny bit optimistic at every little step, but that if you do that, it's going to come back and bite you later, because the real world isn't rosy like that.

    So instead, if you're good at your job, you pick the worst case every time. You don't exaggerate, but you think to yourself, "is this really the worst that can happen? Really?" And you tighten the numbers, a little more, and a little more, and it hurts, because the numbers go red, and it isn't as good as you thought it was, and you have to change things.

    But the alternative is that your project fails when it really counts, and no amount of pretty numbers can fix it.

    So to answer your question: no. I recognise those feelings and that temptation, but I know where padding the figures leads in the end, and it hurts a lot more than each tiny prick of honesty hurts now.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,891 Member
    Do you know, I think this is a really good question. So many people come on here and say "I log everything accurately and still don't lose weight", and there isn't the awareness of how flexible logging is, in the sense that how you log reflects your mental attitude.

    So, when you're faced with three different entries, do you take time to consider which one is most accurate, or do you pick a lower one, because it *might* be right and it hurts too much to pick the higher option and see your balance dwindle or turn red?

    When you exercised for half an hour, do you log the full half hour because you "earned it", or do you think of the warm up and the cool down and the toilet trip and the rest breaks and log 20 minutes instead?

    When you have to choose between two intensities of exercise, do you pick the higher one because it *felt* hard, or do u seek out information on what your intensity level really was?

    I learned a long time ago, through doing safety-critical engineering calculations, that you face decisions at every tiny step. Are you going to make the choice that makes it look good now, or the choice that really puts things to the test?

    Everyone who has done this kind of work knows that you can create a set of pretty numbers that make things look peachy by being a tiny bit optimistic at every little step, but that if you do that, it's going to come back and bite you later, because the real world isn't rosy like that.

    So instead, if you're good at your job, you pick the worst case every time. You don't exaggerate, but you think to yourself, "is this really the worst that can happen? Really?" And you tighten the numbers, a little more, and a little more, and it hurts, because the numbers go red, and it isn't as good as you thought it was, and you have to change things.

    But the alternative is that your project fails when it really counts, and no amount of pretty numbers can fix it.

    So to answer your question: no. I recognise those feelings and that temptation, but I know where padding the figures leads in the end, and it hurts a lot more than each tiny prick of honesty hurts now.

    Yes, yes, and more yes.

    I love data. It's useful. It isn't "good" when it says things I like, and "bad" when it says things I don't. The only good data is data as accurate as one can make it, because that makes it the most useful.

    When it comes to weight loss, or healthful eating, my body is a perfect measuring device. Lying to it is impossible. It will reflect the exact calories I ate, the exact nutrition, the exact exercise.

    I understand a decision to approximate on one's log, for ease. That's a reasonable choice, for some. But to misrepresent the data? Why? It's pointless. As you say, it will bite you later.

    Great post.

    P.S. Yes, I know "data" is technically plural. We rarely used it that way in the IT context where I worked before retirement. So sue me. I was a liberal arts major, but my profession beat some of that of me, it seems. ;)
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Just my opinions:
      [*] You've recognized some facts about your behavior, and you're not in love with the implications. So, work on it. Do better when you can, forgive yourself & try again if you slip. When you work on things persistently and consistently, they improve.
      [*] One thing that helps some people is to think of your future self, almost as if that's some other real person whom you really care very much about. In addition to thinking about your current gratification (or instead of it, if you can ;) ), think about that future-self person: What will make him happy? What will give him a better life? How much better? How might he benefit if current-self learns to manage and change behaviors and attitudes that he finds sub-optimal?
      [*] If you have others around you whom you care about, think about them: Will it help them if you're healthier? Will modeling good character and behavior create a good example for them?

      Yeah, I've fallen off track sometimes while losing 1/3 of my body weight, and while maintaining at close to goal weight for around 10 months now. When I do, I analyze the "whys", and make a little script in my head about how I can handle it better next time; then I rehearse that script mentally until it's clear. After that, I just put the past in the past, don't agonize or guilt-trip, get back on track, and test out my new script next time the circumstances arise. If it works, swell - keep the strategy. If it doesn't work, make a new script to try. Rinse'n'repeat.

      It's a process.
      Do you know, I think this is a really good question. So many people come on here and say "I log everything accurately and still don't lose weight", and there isn't the awareness of how flexible logging is, in the sense that how you log reflects your mental attitude.

      So, when you're faced with three different entries, do you take time to consider which one is most accurate, or do you pick a lower one, because it *might* be right and it hurts too much to pick the higher option and see your balance dwindle or turn red?

      When you exercised for half an hour, do you log the full half hour because you "earned it", or do you think of the warm up and the cool down and the toilet trip and the rest breaks and log 20 minutes instead?

      When you have to choose between two intensities of exercise, do you pick the higher one because it *felt* hard, or do u seek out information on what your intensity level really was?

      I learned a long time ago, through doing safety-critical engineering calculations, that you face decisions at every tiny step. Are you going to make the choice that makes it look good now, or the choice that really puts things to the test?

      Everyone who has done this kind of work knows that you can create a set of pretty numbers that make things look peachy by being a tiny bit optimistic at every little step, but that if you do that, it's going to come back and bite you later, because the real world isn't rosy like that.

      So instead, if you're good at your job, you pick the worst case every time. You don't exaggerate, but you think to yourself, "is this really the worst that can happen? Really?" And you tighten the numbers, a little more, and a little more, and it hurts, because the numbers go red, and it isn't as good as you thought it was, and you have to change things.

      But the alternative is that your project fails when it really counts, and no amount of pretty numbers can fix it.

      So to answer your question: no. I recognise those feelings and that temptation, but I know where padding the figures leads in the end, and it hurts a lot more than each tiny prick of honesty hurts now.

      You two nailed exactly why I made the thread and recognized the motivation behind it. I'm not the numbers sloth and cheater that some are getting out of the OP - but I recognize the tendency, the cravings (food) and know full well from numerous threads I've read that a lot of folks deal with this, with varying degrees of success.

      That "tiny prick of honesty" doesn't hurt so bad when stacked agains the alternative of allowing a bad habit, a momentary temptation to develop full swing. That's all.

      <3 Both of you :)
    1. Christine_72
      Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
      I don't know if you'd call it cheating.. But I didn't log the bite of my husbands chicken wrap i had last night or the 2 grapes i popped in my mouth walking past the fruit bowl. Little bits and pieces like that i really couldn't be bothered logging.
    2. ShammersPink
      ShammersPink Posts: 215 Member
      I don't understand how data can "look good" in this context. Look good to whom, exactly?

      I'm no fonder of choosing a worst case scenario that, for example, puts a meal out at an unrealistically high calorie level than I am of choosing an unrealistically low one. It's not helpful to me to underestimate my intake and overestimate my exercise, nor to do the opposite of that. How would either approach help me to plan my ongoing campaign?

      Sometimes, I just don't have the data to make an accurate log. But I'll make my best guess.

      As for multiple entries on the database, my first action is always gross error check. Does the number look feasible for my experience of that food group? Does it have believable nutrient levels? If it's a labelled item, and new to my log, I will check against the label on my product - formulations change, sometimes by quite a lot. If there is no database entry for a labelled product, I add one.

      So, if my weight loss stalls or slows, and I wonder why, I can easily look back at my data - oh look, I only exercised on four days per week on average last month, compared to five on the previous month, and the average burn each time was less, too. And while I didn't go mad on intake, that was on average 100 calories more than the previous month, too.

      And I can correlate that with reasons - it was colder, and I was feeling the cold unless I ate a bit more, it is dark very early, so my (mostly outdoor) exercise is curtailed, the weather was also frequently pants and I had a cold and a couple of migraines and a birthday.

      So I might think, that's ok, that's what I needed to do at this time of year, I can go at it with renewed vigour after Christmas, but at least I have the reason for the stalling.

      If I tweak the data, I have no way to make those comparisons, and make rational decisions about what to change. I'd know about a major change in my behaviour, but I'd probably miss these creeping slackenings, and feel indignant, and that I was doing exactly the same as I had the previous month, but that I'd hit a "plateau".
    3. CattOfTheGarage
      CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
      For the first time today I cheated and ended up logging everything just so I could be more accountable and not let the rest of the day go to crap... That just proved to me that I need to track everything no matter how small so that I can stay accountable and it will hopefully keep deterring binges and overeating. I am counting today as a win even though I didn't eat what I had planned. I learned something about recovery and about how this app can really help me make changes!

      That is so powerful. I would go so far as to say it's the single biggest epiphany I ever had in weight loss. Eat whatever you want, but log it all. Never let it be invisible and mindless.
    4. Cylphin60
      Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
      I used to just stop logging for a day once I ate something that wasn't "good" for me or if I didn't stick to my meal plan that day. I would then proceed to eat anything and everything since my day was already "ruined." I have an eating disorder so I am very all-or-nothing when it comes to the food. It is a hard pattern to crack. For the first time today I cheated and ended up logging everything just so I could be more accountable and not let the rest of the day go to crap. When I logged it all I realized I was still under my calorie goal. My fats and sodium were higher than they were supposed to be but other than that it wasn't too bad. That just proved to me that I need to track everything no matter how small so that I can stay accountable and it will hopefully keep deterring binges and overeating. I am counting today as a win even though I didn't eat what I had planned. I learned something about recovery and about how this app can really help me make changes!

      Me too :)
    5. rosebarnalice
      rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
      edited December 2016
      The definition of "cheating" depends on what the game is: and for me, the game is being brutally and completely honest about what I put in my mouth.

      If I'm not honest about that, that's not cheating, it's forfeiting the game.
    6. bbell1985
      bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
      I'm a bit of a cheater, therefore I now suck at losing weight. I used to be very very accurate when it came to logging.
    7. Cylphin60
      Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
      The definition of "cheating" depends on what the game is: and for me, the game is being brutally and completely honest about what I put in my mouth.

      If I'm not honest about that, that's not cheating, it's forfeiting the game.
      I get your point, but the game isn't over for me until they're throwing dirt in my face.
    8. Cylphin60
      Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
      bbell1985 wrote: »
      I'm a bit of a cheater, therefore I now suck at losing weight. I used to be very very accurate when it came to logging.
      I'm just curious, are you cutting? Assuming that's you in your avatar, that looks like a fair amount of muscle showing and not a heck of a lot of fat. Limited view I know, but....
    9. bbell1985
      bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
      Cylphin60 wrote: »
      bbell1985 wrote: »
      I'm a bit of a cheater, therefore I now suck at losing weight. I used to be very very accurate when it came to logging.
      I'm just curious, are you cutting? Assuming that's you in your avatar, that looks like a fair amount of muscle showing and not a heck of a lot of fat. Limited view I know, but....

      I'm kind of cutting. I'd like to be a bit more lean. My calories are set for .5 lbs weight loss per week, but I also know I'll probably need to do this in order to eat/enjoy the holidays and not gain. I won't be surprised if I don't really start losing until mid January.