The Start of a LONG Journey {Gastric Bypass, Lapband, etc.}



  • grajuit
    grajuit Posts: 1
    Hi all....I had gastric bypass 3.5 years ago. The smallest size I dropped down to was a size 6 jeans. (not for long). I stabilized at a size 8 and now comfortably sit at a size 10. I have not religiously followed the plan..., the reason I gained some weight back, I am not happy with the weight gain, and I need to get back on track. My goal is to feel comfortable at a size 8 jeans. A few girls from my Bunco team have started a weight loss jourmey. I want to get back on track so I can start feeling better about myself. My problem is that I started to reintroduce unhealthy eating to my daily diet....snacking and carbohydrates. I need to refocus my efforts on drinking more water, eating protein and vegetables first, carboihydrates last.

    Now that I know where I should focus on my efforts on, I hope to religiously track my foods and continue to exercise so I can lose the weight I have gained back. Thanks for yor support.
  • Hello Laura,

    I am a Lapbander and I wanted to share why I choose this over the bypass. Simply put I wanted to make sure my body could still absorbed nutrients in a normal manner. Take a look at post-op Bypass and Band diets you will see they look the same except for the amount of supplements you need to take. I invite you to look at my food log and see I eat a high protein diet lowish carb diet. No bread, pasta and little rice. Over Easter I ate too much chocolate and only lost .5 pounds but my band is still here and I am working it! Good luck with your choices, think long term and take your time in learning..check out yourtube vlogs and google melting Momma.

  • marypat819
    marypat819 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello-- I have a lapband. I got it last January (15 months ago)
    I have lost 70 pounds. From 269 to 198. I have not been in the hundreds for quite a while.
    I chose the lap band because
    1- it is the only one that is reversibel.
    2- it does not reroute my insides.
    3- it is adjustable (hence the name "Adjustable Gastric Band")
    4- I can eat whatever food I want. I do not have to worry about 'dumping'
    5- I do not have to worry about malabsorption. I get all my nutrients.

    Remember this...All weight loss surgeries are TOOLS to help you lose and all require work.
    My lapband - with proper restriction- lets me know when I have had enough.
    I could have lost a whole bunch more but I did eat stuff I probably should not have and had not really taken to exercising.
    Now that I have lost the weight I lost, I have more energy and am finding it easier to move and do some exercising..
    There are other options besides just the bypass and lapband. There is vsg (vertical sleeve gastrectomy), ds (duodenal switch), gastric plication...
    There is a site called Obesity Help. They have information about all the different options.

    Another point is with your insurance.. Some only cover certain surgeries and many needs a long prep time preop
    -I had to have a 6 month monitored diet with nutritionist.

    I hope this info helps :smooched: Oh and btw-- I am very very happy with my choice. Other routes might have been faster, but I know with the band that if (for example, I wnated to get pregnant) I could have the band loosened for baby sake.. :wink:
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    You are so young, and if I'm not mistaken you are not physically challenged. Why go for the surgery when you really CAN do it on your own? I hope the next 6 months of counseling teaches you that. The only good thing about the surgery IMO is the initial weight loss. Please interview many many people who are past the 5 yr mark of having the surgery. Hear what they have to say, not those that just had it in the last year. They are still experiencing the honey moon. Please reconsider. :flowerforyou:
  • heatherseona
    heatherseona Posts: 49 Member
    I am pre-op for the gastric-sleeve. I have to wait 6 months too for nutrition classes, etc. I have been researching this for about two years. At first I thought I wanted the lap band before I discovered the sleeve. My concerns were leaving a foreign object in my body for the rest of my life and what problems that might entail. I really didn't want the re-routing of my intestines and all the problems with nutrition deficiency. The only problems I have now is knee problems because of the excess weight. I have only been getting bigger over the past year with my lack of exercise.

    When I was 26 I lost over a hundred pounds and kept it off for over 5 years but now at 47 I need some help to get me jump started because of knee problems. It sounds like Laura needs that help like I do because she has quite a bit to lose eventhough she is young. But Laura weigh all your choices and choose what is right for you.

  • Gemini_at_36
    Gemini_at_36 Posts: 207
    Good morning.. I am pre op for gastric bypass. Another really cool website to look through is (I was referred to by another person on this site.) I also have been reading, very truthful, and informational. Tell me what you think after you've gone through that site a few times. Have you had nutrition class yet? I have completed the 3 hour class on weight loss surgery, completed my first consultation, 3 hour dietician class (which was very helpful ) I did go into it a little close minded, had my labs drawn, Yesterday had my chest xray and ultrasound of both legs due to ankle/feet swelling and elevated blood pressure. Still have some more stuff and my dietician/nurse thinks my insurance requires 6 months of medically supervised weight loss ( which means 6 consective months of visiting with a dietician). The really cool part is that starting this food logging on this site, I have actually lost like 8. something pounds, and it wasn't painful. I wish it always worked like that, but I do know better. I lost 78 pounds doing weight watchers and then something broke, I gained it back plus more, talk about feeling like a failure. I didn't care for some time. weight loss surgery has been in the back of my mind for a few years. When my blood pressure hit 180/108 and I couldn;t put my dansko's on to go to work, and I felt like total cramp, that was the turning point for me. I mean, I am a registered emergency nurse, working 40-60 hours a week out of necessity, and I'm telling patients to take there meds and watch what they are eating...I mean, really, sometimes I feel like a total lie. But I love my job, and I love taking care of people. The funny part is that I am very introverted, and if you took me out of my emergency department fish bowl, I do get a bit different and uncomfortable. So , that is a little about me...I'm hoping for surgery in October. Planning to take 6 weeks off post op, not because I think I need it after the surgical procedure but because I want to take care of me and the eating stages. Sorry so long, Hope this starts a great friendship:smile:
  • I had Gastric Bypass in July of 09. I've lost 165 lbs reached my goal and have maintained that weight loss. Here are things I've figured out on my own journey:

    The first year is the "Honeymoon Period and you can't stop your body from dropping weight rapidly.

    Respect the tool, you don't have this surgery done without consequences. Follow your Doctors instructions to the letter during the Honeymoon period.

    Seek out a therapist and find a support group in your area, this is an emotional roller-coaster.

    Take all your vitamins, get your Protein in first, and drink at least 64 ounces of liquid a day!

    Keep a food and exercise keeps you accountable.

    Now that I'm at my goal weight I have learned the tricks...they are the same as "normal" people. If you gain a few pounds over the holidays or on vacation you need to double up your exercise or cut out carbs to lose that weight again.
  • Hi everyone!

    I am pre-oping for gastric bypass (I think... haven't met with the surgeon yet to discuss the options, but that would be my choice). My center and insurance plan requires three months of supervised diet and counseling. I started in March, but missed April due to several (yes several) deaths in the family. So, May is my "start-over" month, and to be honest I'm glad for the extra month to get my act together.

    I've tried lots of diets -- you name it, I've done it kind of thing. But, nothing has ever really worked, either I lost 20lbs, plateaued and got discouraged or I got sick because the diet wasn't healthy. I'm coming into it this time with a whole new attitude though. I see the surgery as a crutch, a way to buy the time to make the lifestyle changes that I need to make without getting discouraged by a lack of success.

    I will admit that one of my biggest failings is in my journaling. I'm getting better using the MFP app, but need some friends on here who are willing to give me a kick in the butt if I haven't logged in for a few days! Please friend me if you are looking for support and people to share your journey with!

  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    i work with two gals who have had weight loss surgery... the one who had gastric bypass lost a ton of weight, but had medical issues because she could no longer absorb the nutrients her body needed. she actually died about 5 years ago, although i don't believe it was related to the surgery. the other girl had the lap band surgery about two years ago -- still eats way more than she should and is still very overweight.

    i had considered weight loss surgery myself because i felt like i couldn't do it on my own and i really wanted a magic fix. what i learned from these two is... there is no such thing as an easy, magical fix for losing weight. i wish you the best in whatever you choose.
  • natmadc
    natmadc Posts: 116 Member
    I had gastric bypass surgery July 2, 2008 at my highest I was hovering around 300lbs I got down to around 155 after the first year. I slowly went up to 175.I've since started MFP and now I am back down to 160lbs and trying to get to my all time goal of 140lbs. If you have any questions concerning the surgery feel free to message me and/or friend me I love talking about my journey.The Good the bad and the ugly.
  • dawnmarieee
    dawnmarieee Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I've had my lap-band since March 2010. Although, it can be challenging, I do not regret it for a second. It really is just a tool to help me lose the weight, but what a great tool it has been for me.
  • Loveslady2
    Loveslady2 Posts: 13
    You mean people actually live a life without bread and pasta?! :P

    I have the lap band and I do eat bread and pasta. Its all in moderation and smaller bites. You learn what your body will tolerate and what it won't. You won't be able to scarf it down but you won't be able to do that with any food. For instance, I can't down fries the way I used to because it makes me throw up. You won't be able to drink food with meals. If you do the lap band. Please adjust to this before you get the surgery because you will definitely regret trying it.
  • CajunApril
    CajunApril Posts: 60 Member
    I have had the band, and I have had it for about 6 years now. I lost 75lbs. In the last 2 years I have gained some back, like some said earlier you can still cheat with the band. This was my thoughts going in for the band, I didn't want change the anatomy of my body plain and simple. I did not want anything cut out or re routed. I felt that if later in my life I have other complications I don't want to be restricted help due to already having altered my anatomy. Now I do not regret the band one bit and I will tell you that EVERYONE will have thier own experience. You cannot judge your surgery based on OTHERS experiences. You have to make the choice if you are going to do what you are suppose to do regardless of what surgery you get. I have a friend that did bypass and is now bigger than she was before because she lost it all quickly, got comfortable, and stretched out that tummy again. So like I said do not use those stories to judge, it was her bad choices that did that to her. For me, I found ways to eat things, like instead of saying ok im full, i feel full, i would just sit in front of my food for 15min with friends talking. Let the food go down for a bit and then get a few more bites in. Of course im going to gain, i have just defeated the entire purpose of my band, again my bad choices.

    Plain and simple, regardless of what surgery you choose you have to make good choices and change the person you are. You have to choose to eat healthier, you have th choose to excercise regularly. These 2 things have to be done with surgery as well. Surgery is only a tool to help you loose. If you abuse the tool then it is not a positive tool. It all comes down to your choices. If you can loose 40lbs prior to getting a surgery then I would say you have proven to yourself that you can do it without surgery. I would do the band again in a heart beat if I had to do it again, but if I did have to do it again then I would have made those eating habits and excercise habits a choice earlier than now. Good luck to you and your husband, its always a hard road to go down in regards to weight loose but you can do it if you want to, and MFP, the community, and constant reminder to do good here will help you!! :)

  • The first year is the "Honeymoon Period and you can't stop your body from dropping weight rapidly.

    Respect the tool, you don't have this surgery done without consequences. Follow your Doctors instructions to the letter during the Honeymoon period.

    Seek out a therapist and find a support group in your area, this is an emotional roller-coaster.

    Take all your vitamins, get your Protein in first, and drink at least 64 ounces of liquid a day!

    As someone who will be 5 years out from GBS next month, I totally agree with this advice, the so-called "pouch rules". The pouch works if you work the pouch rules. I have lost 125 pounds since my surgery, gained about 10 back, and then since joining MFP have lost 8 of those 10 back, and hope to lose a few more.

    Other advice that I have for pre-ops is DO YOUR RESEARCH! Decrease the chances of surgical complications by researching your surgeon- What is his/her complication rate? How many GB surgeries of the type you want to have do they do each year? How many surgical deaths have they had. I had one of the best surgeons in the country, and I have had ZERO complications. I am very grateful for this. This surgery was one of the best things I have ever done for myself.

    The other piece of advice that I would like to reiterate is that finding a therapist to assist you through this journey is very helpful. Many of us have underlying eating issues that need to be addressed. Additionally, many of us have been overweight/obese for a significant portion of our lives and the therapist was really helpful to me in dealing with body size perception issues and social issues that arise when you lose a lot of weight and now suddenly EVERYONE notices you, when before, you blended in to the scenery.
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