Want to eat more veggies but don't have the time, patience or energy...



  • sarko15
    sarko15 Posts: 330 Member
    edited December 2016
    Honestly, I find that preparing vegetables often takes WAY less time than preparing meat. I always chuckle a little when people think eating a meat-free diet is both complicated and expensive (spoiler: it's the complete opposite). You just have to get rid of that notion in your head because time isn't holding you back, it's your mindset.

    Like someone said before, frozen veggies are awesome, as long as it's just veggies and nothing added (it's always worth it to check the bag). Or you can chop up some zucchini and potatoes, throw them on a pan and roast them all together--prep time maybe 5 mins and then you have a whole dinner. A vegetarian diet is really one of the easiest things in the world.

    Also, you can use it as a way to involve the kids. Kids can toss a salad, or stuff rice in a bell pepper. And if hubby doesn't want it, he can make his own dinner because you don't always have to please everybody, and who says the woman always has to be the one cooking anyway?
  • bruckem
    bruckem Posts: 8 Member
    I have a hard time packing away enough nutrient dense dark greens so this is my saviour!

    Salad Smoothie

    Makes about 6 cups
    I use organic

    2 hearts of romaine lettuce (large) or two regular romaine lettuce, torn like a salad and then rinsed
    Put in blender

    1 cup unsweetened almond milk
    Pour over lettuce in blender, with lid on blend at medium speed, leave blender on.
    Measure out

    3 tablespoons of raw hulled hemp seeds
    Continue blending turning speed up,

    Now add
    2.5 to 3 cups frozen copped mixed greens (like a chard, kale & spinach mix)
    Make sure lid is very secure on blender and blast that sucker until totally smooth.

    It's also nice with the juice of a lemon, fresh ginger or garlic.

    Powerhouse! I'm on Keto so I also add 1 tbsp of coconut oil.

    Romaine lettuce
    Raw hulled hemp seeds
    Frozen chopped mixed greens
    Unsweetened almond milk

    Optional but great: lemon, ginger and garlic

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited December 2016
    You can buy frozen steamable veggies at Aldis for .99 a bag.Other stores don't usually include steamables in sale prices.I like to add certain frozen veggies to salad .Cheap way of getting good for you raw veggies plus more color.
    Cook dry beans,freeze portions flat in zip lock bags.Add to veggie salad.Canned beans also work,any kind is fine.Any veggie,fresh,frozen or canned is a winner.
  • eque_price
    eque_price Posts: 32 Member
    So for Christmas I got a TFal Actifry. Let me just say it is gods gift to man kind!! lol! The recipes are crazy easy, good and require minimal work. I'm so excited to get some meals made up for the work week and it not take hours and hours...
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I actually found being a "flexitarian"'is my ideal diet! Meat for dinner a few nights a week and vegetarian the rest of the week. I eat a lot if eggs, oatmeal was my breakfast until I suddenly couldn't handle the texture. Lots of quinoa salads- usually quinoa or another whole grain, a can of beans rinsed and drained, some onions, and various other veggies in a vinaigrette. I would make a big bowl and eat off it all week. Dinner I just learned a bunch of recipes-Pinterest is your friend. Frozen veggies are the bomb for quick and easy side dishes.