2016 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • SamMarriottPT
    SamMarriottPT Posts: 33 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi guys! My name is Sam, I'm a 22 year old PT and Online Coach. I've previously helped a few people out on this adopt a noob thread, and I'd be more than happy to help a few more of you guys out!

    MyFitnessPal and tracking macros is my kind of thing, I spend most of my time teaching followers, subscribers and clients how to work with this app and how to track macros. I'm happy to share my knowledge with anyone!
  • Saltw8tersea
    Saltw8tersea Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I am new and looking for a mentor!

    About me:
    I am a 20-year-old college student living with my fiance and my adorable dog. I have always had questionable eating habits, and the past year especially I have gained a lot of weight. While I am far from being obese, I already feel the consequences of weight gain and I would really like to get back to a weight I am more comfortable at as well as learn how to eat healthier.

    What I'm looking for:
    I would love a female mentor that is at least slightly close to my age. I need someone who will hold me accountable for my diet and give me support when I am having a hard time resisting overeating. Bonus points to anyone who has overcome or is overcoming problems with binge eating! I will definitely want to focus on portion control as well as healthy eating.

    Thank you so much in advance!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi, I am new and looking for a mentor!

    About me:
    I am a 20-year-old college student living with my fiance and my adorable dog. I have always had questionable eating habits, and the past year especially I have gained a lot of weight. While I am far from being obese, I already feel the consequences of weight gain and I would really like to get back to a weight I am more comfortable at as well as learn how to eat healthier.

    What I'm looking for:
    I would love a female mentor that is at least slightly close to my age. I need someone who will hold me accountable for my diet and give me support when I am having a hard time resisting overeating. Bonus points to anyone who has overcome or is overcoming problems with binge eating! I will definitely want to focus on portion control as well as healthy eating.

    Thank you so much in advance!
    Welcome! Please feel free to take a gander at my Mentor Bio and tell me if you think we'd "click."
    Edited to mention that, although I don't share my struggles with binging on my Bio, I do understand stress-binging.
  • TattedMom2Vaeh
    TattedMom2Vaeh Posts: 1 Member
    I'd like a mentor! I'm a 23 year old stay at home mom and wife. I have a small home gym set up. I'm small already I just want major gains. I'd love to build muscle and lean out. Add me! I love seeing other people's meals since I never know what to prep.
  • beginforthelasttime16
    I would love a mentor! Not entirely a noob but I need a restart and the accountability to help me adjust my bad habits and aid with tracking/meal prep/ exercise routines etc.

    I'm 27, 5'5", no kids, I work full time in an administrative desk job, I've recently started going to the gym consistently and I'm terrible about meal planning and logging. Some days I'm great with the water intake, sometimes I stink at it. I want to get more purposeful, planned workouts in. I want to learn more about strength training and the best way to tone as I go. I have asthma so I have to control my cardio and some days can't do as much as I would like. I want to consistently track (maybe learn about macros) and meal plan so I'm not grabbing the frozen dinner at work bc I don't have time to go pick up food. I have very slowly lost 15.5 pounds and have about 45 more that I want to lose to get into the healthy weight range and then reassess my goals. I doubt I'll stop when I reach 155 pounds, but I want to get there first and then see what direction I want to go in!

    I have no gender pref in a mentor and not even an age preference. Just looking for someone who's accomplished their weightloss goals and is active. Someone who isn't afraid to call me out when I'm slacking but can offer encouragement when I'm trying my best!
  • JulieOnAJourney
    JulieOnAJourney Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I would love a mentor who can guide me on the fitness aspect. I got certified as a Nutritionist this last month to learn how to eat. I have lost 85lbs so far. I need someone who can help me exercise routines etc. Someone who is like a drill sergeant would work. I started at 404 and am down to 317.
  • Mimiof1
    Mimiof1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, Im new and looking for a mentor. My name is Tonya I'm 48 and I am ready to do this!!! My biggest reason right now besides the fact I want to feel better is my sons wedding in May2017. I refuse to be the fat mother of the groom. Any help is welcomed :)
  • mcw1313
    mcw1313 Posts: 9 Member
    I'd love a mentor if anyone is interested.

    About me: I'm 33. Homeschooling mom of 3. 5'10, 198 lbs. I've been using MFP since July (when I started my journey) but am just getting into the forums/community. I'm down 51lbs in the last 4.5 months. I track every day (except date night cheat dinner) and have never missed one. I am just starting to try to figure out how to add in exercising. I also would like to tweak my diet a bit. I think I'm off on my macros (in terms of what %ages should be vs. what they are.) I grew up as a competitive athlete and put all the weight on when I put the ball down as a new Mom in my early 20s. I'm currently doing cardio sporadically. I did ONE day of weight training with my (super fit) husband and threw my back out....

    What I'm looking for: Input on my diet (I would love some new ideas) and suggestions for exercise. I could also use someone to just chat with about this whole huge part of my life. I'm super private IRL, so I'm feeling kinda isolated.
  • katanips
    katanips Posts: 6 Member
    Looking for mentors!
    I have had too many years of crash diets & im ready to finally buckle down & stay in it for the long run.
    I have no idea what I'm doing as far as meal preps, gym works, macros etc etc goes so I'll gladly accept any help I can get
    Thanks !
  • misstc_loselbs
    misstc_loselbs Posts: 4 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi All, I am looking for a mentor on this journey. I have used MFP before but not to it's full capacity.
    I am looking to get started tomorrow. Have lost 28lbs on weightwatchers but I am losing my way and looking to introduce exercise in to my routine :)
  • Brookieb1326
    Brookieb1326 Posts: 41 Member
    I am looking for a mentor (: need motivation lol
  • jahend08
    jahend08 Posts: 10 Member
    Looking for a mentor; more of an accountability partner in all of this. I've had previous success and was at my goal and then life happened.
  • SamMarriottPT
    SamMarriottPT Posts: 33 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hey everyone! I'm Sam, I'm 22 years old and I'm an Online Coach and PT, but I'm also one of the mentors in this thread! :)

    I've been a keen user of MFP for a few years now, as it's basically my right hand man in my form of dieting which I follow myself and teach to clients, which is Flexible Dieting. Basically I was once a clean eater with no clue about macros or tracking, and it led me to some bad places. However, a few years down the line I'm quite often referred to as 'Mr MyFitnessPal', and now I have a great relationship with food thanks to Flexible Dieting!

    If you guys need any help setting up your macros, or need any training or diet advice, I'll be more than happy to help out :D
  • JanTee19
    JanTee19 Posts: 3 Member
    Im willing to be a mentor for someone. I dont have any fitness qualifications or anything like that, i would like to get some in the future and use them to help people so i like the idea of this.

    I have a decent amount of experience, been working out for the last 4-5 years now. I was originally 220 lbs. Got that down to about 180 lbs over 6 months of no drinkin, clean eating and exercising. For a few years my weight went up and down through periods of excercise and non exercise. Earlier this year i was 203 lbs and got a coach. Im now 168 lbs and have learnt a lot while having a coach.

    Im no expert but would like to help anyone else looking to lose weight and exercise where i can so feel free to drop me a msg.
  • JessicaJFries
    JessicaJFries Posts: 20 Member
    Save my life!
    I'm 26. I've lost over 20 lbs and I'm serious! I just stepped out of 300 land and I'm never going back. I need help! I love healthy food and I've joined a gym. I need a community and support to keep logging everyday. I'm so much more successful when I have a support system.
    Please feel free to add me as a mentor or a friend. Just to have anyone message me and ask me how things are going is very helpful
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Save my life!
    I'm 26. I've lost over 20 lbs and I'm serious! I just stepped out of 300 land and I'm never going back. I need help! I love healthy food and I've joined a gym. I need a community and support to keep logging everyday. I'm so much more successful when I have a support system.
    Please feel free to add me as a mentor or a friend. Just to have anyone message me and ask me how things are going is very helpful
    I would be honored to help you! Please check out my introduction at the beginning of this discussion and let me know if you believe that we'd get along.
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    I would love to mentor!
    I have used MFP off and on for the last 3 years with great success. My all time biggest loss was 30lbs, but this time I am here to go all the way with my journey. (To the noobs reading this, I know it gets frustrating when you hit that first plateau, but I can help you past it this time!).
    I am working towards losing about 100lbs. I am a teacher, but still desk sit much of the day. I have Multiple Sclerosis, and still exercise (yoga is like my best friend). So if you have a long journey ahead, or need ideas for how to work out and stay safe due to health complications, I have tons of free time to help you research and stay on track. I'm also a daily logger.

    Good luck on your new journey!
  • jchae
    jchae Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there,

    My name is Jordan and I'm a 26 year old looking to get my life back on track. In the last two years I've overcome heroin addiction, been diagnosed with both Fibromyalgia and Bipolar Disorder and have gotten them both to a manageable level, quit smoking (half a pack/day habit) this week, and have moved back in with my mom to help get my finances in order.

    I'm a full-time psychology student with one semester left, and I work full-time at a car dealership. After normalizing all of the above mentioned problems, I'm finally realizing how much my body has suffered. In high school I was around 160/170..still overweight but VERY muscular as well from playing soccer and volleyball. I now am around 260 (havent officially weighed in yet). I have early osteoarthritis in my knees from having surgery 4 times on one knee, and the strain of carrying extra weight on the other knee. Because of the arthritis and Fibromyalgia, working out is extra painful for me, so I KNOW I have to get my diet right. But I need some accountability and would like to form a solid relationship with someone who could help me on my way.

    If you're interested, please reply back and we can talk.

  • GBO323
    GBO323 Posts: 336 Member
    I would be honored to mentor a few guys.

    I'm married, 47, lost ~80 pounds and have been on maintenance since August 2014. Used MFP for a few years and find calorie counting to be the best way to balance my eating lifestyle and weight loss/maintenance. Not a gym rat, but getting more active. It's important to learn our relationship with food and stay in the control seat. Many tools to learn along the road that will ensure success. I truly believe if I can do this, ANYONE can do this!

    Two key success tools I abide by are Accident Forgiveness and Consistency is Key. I'll give 100% if you commit 200%.

    Here's to a great 2017. Make this your year!
  • clairew931
    clairew931 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi everyone, just wanted to say if anyone is looking for a mentor feel free to look at my profile and my original message on here. I'd be happy to take on a few people to help achieve health and fitness goals...so if you're looking for some accountability of advice, get in touch!
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