Hope for a picky eater?

Anyone here just a downright picky eater? I'm probably the most picky person I know. I don't need anyone to tell me to just eat different foods, trust me if I could bear to, I would.

I don't eat fruit, I don't like most vegetables, I don't touch fish, the only pork I will touch is bacon... It's not like I just want to eat the foods I like... I just don't want to eat the foods I can't stand.

Just frustrating.


  • Kmdforsythe
    Kmdforsythe Posts: 30 Member
    I too am a picky eater. I hate veggies! I know that I have to start eating better if I want to lose weight. I have heard that veggies are easy to hide if you blend them up and put them inside of something you are cooking. My hope is that if I start out with small amounts blended into sizes I can't even notice, maybe my taste buds will slowly grow accustomed to the tastes. Who knows? It's worth a shot!
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I am a picky eater as well but found some foods that I never thought I would eat... I love... like spagetti squash, fish, tuna, etc... you just have to try it out different ways... good luck... :flowerforyou:
  • ShunkyDave
    ShunkyDave Posts: 190 Member
    Mumma, you need to spend time tasting really well prepared foods, and learning how good things can taste. And you need to teach your children or they'll have a more difficult time with their weight than you are.

    Balance. Variation. That's the way to lose weight. Balance with your time, your hobbies, your interests, AND what's on your plate. Variation within the realms of balance reminds you that you're alive.

    You can do this! But you're going to have to work and do things that are unfamiliar to you. Your previous choices brought you here, new choices will get you out.
  • suzi67
    suzi67 Posts: 162 Member
    If you eat things with sauces, like spaghetti sauce, you can add in well blended vegetables into the sauces and it doesn't change the flavors enough to notice. It increases the vitamin and nutrient levels without having to choke down something you can't bear.
    Hope this idea helps.
  • juspid22
    juspid22 Posts: 7
    i used to be a very picky eater as well. I knew i had to start eating veggies. I tried different ways of cooking them really bring out different tastes. I love grilled veggies now. Also go to the store and try different seasonings. even a teaspoon of low sodium soy sauce can make a difference in the taste. The best advice i have is start exploring you might be surprised at what you like. Hope i was of some help! goodluck!
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    I personally have found that my tastes have changed since I adopted a healthy lifestyle a few years ago, so maybe you'll experience the same thing. The more healthy foods I eat and the more I exercise, the more I start to like flavours/textures I hated before. For example, I've always hated leafy greens, but now I eat about 5 cups of it a day because I crave it. It's absolutely bizarre. I've also started liking cilantro, which I LOATHED for years. Just absolutely loathed it! I hated eggs, too, but now I love the whites. (Still not a huge fan of the yolks.) The biggest one for me is multigrain breads and pastas; I used to tolerate them, but now I prefer them to white.

    So, who knows -- maybe you'll find yourself starting to like the things you can't stand. And if not, you can always disguise them! Flavourful, low-calorie sauces can go a long way. :smile:
  • coltonsmumma
    coltonsmumma Posts: 80 Member
    To the person that thinks my kids will be fat... no, they won't. Well, unless they decide to eat nothing but potato chips. They both have extremely severe food allergies and very limited diets. So, they will have a hard time getting fat. My 13yo has had a 6 pack his whole life, and is nothing but lean muscle without effort. My little man can only eat about 10% of the variety of my oldest. So, I guess all I'm saying is don't judge my babies because I'm an enormous failure, ok?