MEN.................female confidence VS dominance



  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I thought I'd share part of my relationship with this subject as it is kind of fun to think about.

    I think my confidence actually comes from stability and progression in life. The more I do and accomplish the more confident I am. If things get chaotic then I can start to shake up a bit but I don't fall apart because of my husband. My husband is a rock, he never gets emotional and supports me 100% on positive things I decide to do. With us both working as a team sucessfully we tend to play off each other's confidence and really enjoy our hard work paying off. This didn't happen over night but we have been through hell and back and are amazed where we've come and have very clear goals. I like this in my life, lots of structure and things being black and white.

    As far as dominance goes I feel like I'm the dominant person in the relationship. My husband prefers me to have the final say on things and always expects me to decide our plans. That isn't to say that he doesn't hold his ground because he does but if we communicate enough we both compromise. I also feel I'm more dominant at home because I manage all the bills (husband thinks I'm better at finances), I do all the errands (husband works overtime every week), I schedule everything, and I get the ball rolling on things like a plan for saving up for things or what we are doing over the weekend. I also keep the house spotless so my husband can come home to a clean place but he is also perfectly willing to help at the drop of a hat. Outside of the house I think my husband is more dominant as he likes to be the one to talk to everyday people and drive the car. This isn't all cut in stone but seems to work really well! I don't care as long as in the end the bills are paid, we love each other, and we get stuff accomplished. =P
  • EliteDeeDee77
    Great conversation. Some very interesting points of view!
  • TheTeeWhy
    TheTeeWhy Posts: 186
    I dont mind a woman having confidence, but to me (and this is just in my experiences, so i'm not trying to diss anyone) the ones who try to dominate the relationship are a death sentence. It should be an equal relationship. I find confident women pretty attractive but I also dont want them to be so confident that theyre an absolute ***** if they dont get what they want cause they are trying to be all dominant and stuff and basically play god with the guy, and the whole relationship.

    Its a fine line, and more often than not it's crossed when it really shouldnt be.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    No a woman can be confident and still be submissive. Confidence comes from knowing what you can do and being happy with yourself. Submission has all to do with the roles you play. So a woman can be a "submissive'" wife and still be confident. Better yet a person is submissive when they go to their job and do what their job description is, but can still be confident in that they're good at it. So yes you can be both. be confident in yourself and what you've accomplished but submissive in the order of things, if that makes sense

    Well said.
  • Leothelioness
    A confident and strong lady is very sexy,love it when she is happy to make eye contact and let me know what she wants.
    At the same time that confidence will allow her to also be "submissive" at times if that is pleasing to both in the relationship.

    Have we met? you could almost be describing me. I class myself as confident, and strong. But at the same time, submissive when I need/want to be.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    as has been said, you can be confident in everyday life, and still be submissive in the bedroom, and you can also be sexually submissive and totally confident in that.
  • BrianTheNegotiator
    BrianTheNegotiator Posts: 25 Member
    To me, confidence is saying "here's me, here's my line. You don't cross it, and I don't cross it from this side. It's who I am." But dominance is saying "here's me. here's my line. You don't cross it, but I'm gonna cross over into your territory whenever I feel like it." Confidence is the mountain; dominance is the hurricane. The hurricane can tear a lot of things/people up - but it can't touch the mountain.

    As far as being submissive, there's the woman who is submissive because it's her nature, and there's the confident woman who says "okay, I'll do this submissive thing for a couple of hours and see if it's fun." The second one can be fun and exciting. The first gets old quickly.