Extraordinarily Overweight

I'm very obese and just starting this weight loss adventure. There are just way too many diets to chise from. I know I'm trying to diminish sugar and go low carb. Is there anything specific that helped for someone in my same situation. I'm getting married in August and it would be so awesome to get some weight off so I felt happy and comfortable wearing my dress. I also want to start leading a much healthier in life as I am marrying my best friend and want us together and healthy.


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Hi! I'm only about 2 weeks in but the only comment I have is to actually log and calculate your food. I didn't realize just how much I was eating until I started and I feel I eat so much less just by paying attention to serving sizes and seeing it tallied up on this app. Good luck. You got this!

  • Hungry_Shopgirl
    Hungry_Shopgirl Posts: 329 Member
    Hi @MissAwsum88! Here's some great advice in a nutshell: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1

    Wishing you much success on your journey ;-)
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    I have always been a fan of flexible dieting. It's not food-based (this is a good food and this is a bad food). It's based around hitting specific calorie, protein/carb/fat, fiber, and nutrient goals for the day while eating the foods you like to do that. It's the most sustainable method I've found for healthy eating. Check out this podcast on the topic. Hit me up if you have some questions about it :)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    What @Sued0nim said.
  • leajas1
    leajas1 Posts: 823 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    So you're in that place where your head is spinning because there's so much stuff to know?


    Get rid of every little fact you think you know ..everything ..ignore the carb, ignore the sugar, meal timing, what your friends say what the papers or celebs say...clear your mind

    Then focus on calories

    ..just calories

    Log everything, by weight using a digital scale, double check entries on MFP against packs and other database. Choose foods you enjoy pad them out with low calorie vegetables...aim for your calorie amount

    And then move more...just walk places ...then walk some more

    Find an exercise you enjoy and go for it if you want to

    But mainly ....log your food and hit your defecit across the week

    I love this. Such great advice. Follow this and you can't go wrong, and congrats on your upcoming wedding.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    All of the above it's not one particular diet you need it's what works for you and us sustainable good luck
  • zorander6
    zorander6 Posts: 2,711 Member
    edited December 2016
    Take a week or two (two is better) and log EVERYTHING you eat. Look at the plans and start with a moderate loss (1lb is fine) and keep things you like in budget. If you do ok for two weeks then up to 2lbs. Some people find 1lb loss more sustainable. If you are hungry check your numbers. The goal here is not to starve to death but to eat until you are satiated but not full. Adjust macros as necessary.

    As you lose keep logging EVERYTHING you eat. Look at portion sizes and adjust. If you walk and exercise eat back HALF of what you burn. Keep logging everything.

    Oh and log and measure what you are eating. Short walks are fine, park at the furthest end of the parking lot when you go to work/school/store/etc and walk. Take stairs if you can, if there is a path somewhere find one that is a little longer. Every bit of movement burns calories.

    Make sure you log everything............

    Have I emphasized logging enough? :) If you have a bad day log it and move on, don't stress it. It will happen but don't make it a habit. Learn and keep moving.
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    edited December 2016
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    So you're in that place where your head is spinning because there's so much stuff to know?


    Get rid of every little fact you think you know ..everything ..ignore the carb, ignore the sugar, meal timing, what your friends say what the papers or celebs say...clear your mind

    Then focus on calories

    ..just calories

    Log everything, by weight using a digital scale, double check entries on MFP against packs and other database. Choose foods you enjoy pad them out with low calorie vegetables...aim for your calorie amount

    And then move more...just walk places ...then walk some more

    Find an exercise you enjoy and go for it if you want to

    But mainly ....log your food and hit your defecit across the week

    I agree. I would add that Whole30.com helped me understand better what I actually choose to eat, but sustained calorie deficit is the key.
  • moonchildisme
    moonchildisme Posts: 83 Member
    you got a lot of great advice, start sett GOOOOOO
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I started in January of 2016. I knew everything. After starting, I learned more. It's amazing how that works. I learned a lot more. I'm still learning. You do that, and you'll be too sexy for your shirt.
  • BigMamy
    BigMamy Posts: 43 Member
    Hi. I too have way too much too lose and need to do it sooner rather than later. I lost over 4 stone about 3 years ago with MFP but slowly but surely put it all back on again. So here I am trying again. 4 weeks in and I have lost nearly 11lbs. And here is how I do it - stick to the calories allocated. Be honest, very honest with logging every single bit that goes in your mouth. Remember to add things like butter, sauces, mayo. Also, get moving more, you don't need to join the gym or anything major like that, just get outside and walk and walk a little faster than you would normally do. Good luck. Please feel free to add me as a friend and we could encourage each other.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    You can do this. It's challenging at times, but it's not complicated. It's just a matter of eating a bit less, moving a bit more, and learning about your own body and what keeps you satisfied.

    Don't expect perfection. You will binge. You will slip up. You will have big calorie days. Just keep logging, never give up. Don't think "oh, I ate that so now I've ruined everything and might as well give up". So you ate it. Log it and carry on.

    Read the success stories forum, it's incredibly inspiring. Read this forum for facts and tips and illuminating arguments. Remember there is a whole industry that makes a profit by complicating weight loss - take all nutrition advice with a pinch of salt, even things you thought you knew. You really can keep eating sugar, and fat, and bread, and butter, and potatoes, and pizza, and ice cream. It's all about portions - no food is bad. Some foods might work better or worse for you, some will fill you up, others leave you hungry. So you choose the ones that work for you and help you in your way to eating a bit less, moving a bit more. It really is that simple.

    You'll get there. Good luck!
  • siraphine
    siraphine Posts: 185 Member
    The best diet?

    The one that you don't call a diet. If you really want to change this and change for good, you need to change your eating habits for good. Your relationship with food is what got you here. It's what got all of us here. You don't commit to a forever change, you're wasting your time because you're just going to balloon back up when you're done.

    Log. Log everything. Weigh your food. Make sure your calories in are less than your calories out and no matter what foods those calories are composed of, you WILL lose weight.

    Don't make excuses. Be honest with yourself, because you can't cheat your diet. You can only cheat yourself.