Stay-at-home moms 1/26-2/1



  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Good morning!!

    Well I am back to my old habits again. I have only gained .8 lbs back so far. But I am back to drinking my pop, not watching my calories, and eating fast food!!:mad: What is it going to take to whip my butt into shape, not to mention I am not working out because I am busy getting ready to put the house up on the market. :grumble:

    I hope I can turn myself around before its to late!! Thanks everyone just needed to vent.:flowerforyou:
  • ok I've gottat catch up on all the posts but I'm only on briefly to update my weight, n add my meals for tooday. I lost the weight I gained back n then two more pounds this week! I'm in the 140's!! ok 149 but still!! My pre-preggo weight was 135-140ish so I'm getting close, but I'd like to get down to 125.

    I have other good news as well!! Ayden has moved to sleeping in his own crib in his own room at night AND He only woke up ONCE during the night!!! ONLY ONE TIME!! I actually think Im feeling a bit tired because I got too much sleep haha just kidding. Praise God! I hope Ayden keeps this up! And his gas is less of a problem as well but I think hes definitely teething : ( I hope the Lord will comfort him because nothing I seem to do helps so hes just wailing for 10-15 min straight with me trying cooled teething rings, pacifiers, baby oragel, even offering the boob n he hates all of it n just looks at me as if to say "Mommy, why arent you msking me feel better???" It breaks my heart :sad:

    I hope everyone has a wondeful day!! I just cant seem to find time to get on here as often as I should but I'm still countin cals n tryin to fit in work outs like everyone else!
  • Good Morning Mommies!!!

    Supermom~ I hated that feeling of not knowing and not being able to help..It just hurts your heart..... I am glad to hear the transition from the bassinet to crib went so well! My oldest was hard heck I still have to kick her out of my bed, but Maeve the youngest almost 2 only wants her crib she tells me NuNite NuNite and she is ready to go take her nap or go to bed at night! So different they are oldest never wants to go to bed !

    MrsBuzz~ That pop is NO good ..... I used to drink 1-2 2liters a day ! I havent touched it in a while.. Try your hardest to stay away. The occasionally drink would be ok but not always..

    Tazzy~ You made me hungry for an Omelet!! So me and Maeve had one for breakfast this morning.. She loves them!! I put the plate in front of her and she had a giant smile and said Yumm yummy !! Have you ever tried the egg beaters?

    Drevans_Mom~ Isnt that a great feeling to get them done!! I filed mine on sunday! I was so happy!! The faster we do it the faster we get our money!!!

    I hope everyone has a great day!!
    I am gonna workout with Gilad on fittv today then when Maeve goes down for a nap I am gone do a mile on the treadmill!!

    I made cabbage soup for dinner last night MMMMMM I think that is what I will have for lunch and probably dinner tonight there cant be too many calories in it it is cabbage stewed tomatoes, barley, and lean hamburger Not much but some.

    Anyone suggest a workout that will move these pounds?

    Have a good day !!
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    I know the pop isn't good. I was doing pretty good not drinking the last 3 weeks, but the I got sick and everything has went downhill from there. I don't want to exercise and I don't care what I eat. I want to get back on track,but my motivation is gone:embarassed:
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    Good Morning Mommies,

    Ok so I have been MIA for a few days I am sorry:blushing: I realized yesterday that I had forgotten to take my anti depresant for a few days and I think that is what my problem was so back on track this morning. Good news Anthony doesn't have a broken leg they x-rayed it again and nothing wrong so I kept giving him motrin for a few days and I didn't give it to him unless he was complaining, he tried pulled the wool over me yesterday, I told him to get ready for school and all of the sudden he crabs his leg and starts whinning and says my leg hurts:laugh: don't think so buddy you are going to school and ghee guess what he was fine:tongue: turd butt:laugh: . Everything has been going ok in this house crazy choas but good. Austin the 10 year old got his butt chewed when we got home from conferences:grumble: and now he is doing better, other than that things are good. I made a deal with myself this morning,..... I can't get on the computer until my workout is done:happy: I am soooooo addicted to MFP:wink: that I spend all morning on here and then realize the time and I am like oh shoot and then I am in a rush to get everything done and don't end up with enough time to workout so no more getting on the computer in the morning until my workout is done......and yes I do have my workout done for this morning I did a 2 mile walk with WATPs.

    Hope everyone has a great day and now I am going to go read the other posts to catch up.:flowerforyou:
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    I just wanted to throw in a quick note---

    I got my taxes filed!!!!! WAHOO!!!!! I love getting them done before the end of Jan.

    Would you come do mine now:laugh: I hate doing them, I always start out the year real good and keep the book work caught up every month and then somewhere between March and May I lose it and then don't seem to get back to it until it is time to do taxes:grumble: Speaking of I need to make our appointment. We don't have all of our forms yet either:grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I made a deal with myself this morning,..... I can't get on the computer until my workout is done:happy: I am soooooo addicted to MFP:wink: that I spend all morning on here and then realize the time and I am like oh shoot and then I am in a rush to get everything done and don't end up with enough time to workout so no more getting on the computer in the morning until my workout is done......and yes I do have my workout done for this morning I did a 2 mile walk with WATPs.

    This is so funny cuz I know how you feel, except being on MFP doesn't effect my workouts....just EVERYTHING else.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Good Morning Ladies

    Well, I don't think I have much to talk about this morning. It's just another day. Going to get my workout in, get son ready for school, do something productive this afternoon, and then it will be time to pick up son from school. Hubby has class tonight so it's just the kids and I....our normal Tuesday night routine is McDonalds for dinner and then I watch Biggest Loser. I love Tuesdays :love: I know McDs isn't a healthy thing but it's Happy Hour, kids meals are half price. I can feed my son and I for less than $5. I always make sure to allow for it in my cals. Lately I have been getting salads but tonight I'm thinking that double cheeseburger sounds good....with apples and water of course :laugh:

    I hope everyone has a great day!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Just wanted to pop in & say this will probably be my last post for awhile. My damn computer broke & we have to ship it out in the morning. BAHH!!! Could someone be kind enough to start the thread on Monday morning b/c I know I won't have it back before then. Thank you!

    Supermom - that is GREAT about Ayden sleeping so long! I hope it keeps up!

    MrsBuzz - Just remind yourself WHY you are doing this. You want to feel better, lose some weight, be a good example for your kids. All those reasons are more important than haivng a soda, right?

    Lyn - WHAT?! We don't even have Doug's W2 yet! Ugh! Mildly jealous over that one!

    ABetterMe - stay on those meds, girl! I know what going off those can do to a person. *hugs* Glad the kiddo's leg isn't broken, either!

    Hello to Beth, Lori, Marla, Dana, MM & everyone else out there! I'm behind (as usual) and need to go get my workout in before the monsters wake up! TTYL! I might try to pop in one more time tonight before my computer gets packed up. *sigh* Gonna be a LLOoooonnnngggg week.
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I haven't had time to read through all the posts but I had to share. Harley is now sitting up! For a couple weeks, I'd prop her up on her arms and she'd last maybe 2 seconds before flopping over. But the other day she sat for a good 30 seconds and if she starts to lean, she'll catch herself.

  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    OMG, I want to squeeze her!!!!!! :smooched:
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    I haven't had time to read through all the posts but I had to share. Harley is now sitting up! For a couple weeks, I'd prop her up on her arms and she'd last maybe 2 seconds before flopping over. But the other day she sat for a good 30 seconds and if she starts to lean, she'll catch herself.


    SOOOOOOOOO cute!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Harley is SO adorable. I love the look on her face. My daughter sucks on that bottom lip all the time.

    Sara I'm sorry your computer broke. I just got mine fixed after it sat for months, luckily hubby's works. I would be happy to start the thread on Monday....along with the other thread I have to start (oh you know which one :wink: )

    Adi just cut her 2nd tooth and I can already see a 3rd on the bottom but no signs of her top ones yet. She's growing up too quickly and it's all been in the last couple months. At Thanksgiving she learned to roll over, then she started sitting on her own, now she's sitting up and getting up on her hands and knees (sometimes toes). Not crawling quite yet but her legs have the motion down, just not her hands. Why can't they just stay babies???
  • LifesPilgrim
    LifesPilgrim Posts: 498 Member
    I'm sorry to intrude on you, but how did you get your support group started?
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Back a few months ago...actually I think September-ish...Audry posted a question on the Motivation & Support board asking if anyone was interested in a Stay-at-home mom group. A bunch of us replied & now we start up a new thread every week. Just ask around & you're likely to find someone going through the same thing. Good luck to you! Do you mind me asking what kind of group you're looking for? There might be one floating around right now!

    I'm off for now, ladies! Wish me luck surviving the next week. Thanks for starting up the thread next week, Lyn! I'll see you here & on TJ!

    I feel like I'm leaving on a trip or something. :laugh:
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Loree- she is so precious!!! Love it!!!:love:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    she's a dollbaby, Loree-- I want those cheeks!!
  • Winter23
    Winter23 Posts: 142
    Aw, she is so cute. My DD used to suck in her lip like that too, we called it her cabage patch face cause she had the round cheeks to with it.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    All these super cute adorable babies!! I am SOOOOOOO jealous!!!
    My youngest is 12! LOL Ok, maybe not so jealous about the mom with the baby thats teething...(poor little guy!! ) That is just no fun! He sure is adorable tho!!

    MsBuzz- Could it be close to that time of the month? I just went throught the no motivation thing last week, especially when it came to working out. I stuck to it tho...especially the gym part and had a couple days where i was over a little on cals and 1 day where I was just plain bad bad. So bad, that I saw a 2# spike in the WRONG direction on the scale. I didnt know what was going on but I was getting so mad that nothing was happening AND that I was getting discouraged. THEN... aunt flo stopped by and well 2 days later Ive lost the #2 of water weight and 2 more pounds fell off as well.
    Also, packing and moving is NOT an easy job. If you need some time to get moved and settled before you can recommit to your goal, then dont knock yourself. The important thing is that you get back on track to get to where you wanna be. You can do it!
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    i did it i did it i did it!!!! i've been so close to 20 pounds for weeks now, and yesterday i was at 19. this morning i got on the scale for my official weigh in for the week and i had lost 2 pounds!! since yesterday! i'm so excited. i've been wearing 16's for a little while, but this morning i got into the smallest 16's i own. i ran upstairs and started jumping on my bed, my poor hubby didn't know what was going on. :laugh: i just had to share. i hope you all have a great day.:happy:
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