I Need Your Advice! Please? :) (Re: Plateau)



  • 4. I did mention that DIET IS #1 PRIORITY. I don't care how long you bike ride, how long you run outside in 100 degree heat and sweat. If your DIET is NOT in order, you will not lose weight.

    Any other questions?

    This is so true. Before I started MFP, I killed myself every night on the elliptical, with no weight loss. Diet (in my case, portion control) and exercise is the key.
  • WinderCD
    WinderCD Posts: 2
    I noticed on your diary that you ate almonds and low carb tortillas for breakfast. Where I'm sure that almonds are a great snack, they don't do much on the side of protein to start your day. The tortillas you picked are low carb, but that's about as much benefit as they have for you.

    Contrary to popular belief, having 1-2 eggs in the morning is not going to raise your cholesterol, plus they are a great source of protein which will help keep you full and increase ketosis (increase of your body burning your own fat).

    Try eating another form of protein, and for the tortillas, I've found a great brand. Tumaro's Gourmet Tortillas, low in carbs, garden vegetable. They not only have only 11g of carbs (less than half what the ones you ate had), but they also have 7g of fiber! This can also help you stay full longer and not crave during the day.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Please note:

    As much as I absolutely love MFP to track my foods and their calories, it is an absolute disgrace for giving you what your caloric maintenance is. This is something you need to find out for yourself.

    1. Either use a proven formula that is located online at different sites.

    2. Eat normally for 2-3 weeks while tracking your calories EVERY day and checking your weight ONCE a week on an empty stomach to see what your maintenance is.

    3. Buy a Bodymedia FIT or Bodybugg and have it track it for you. 90-93% accurate.

    Trust me, you burn more calories than you probably realize.

    Edit: Just read your response. Your very welcome. Your plateau'd and it will pass. Keep doing what your doing. If you are stuck at a certain weight for more than 4 weeks, drop your calorie intake by 250 calories and see if you lose weight the next 1-2 weeks.

    Actually, MFP uses what is considered one of the most accurate formulas for the general population (particularly those who are non-athletes - which is the majority of MFP's users), Mifflin-St Jeor.

    Four prediction equations were identified as the most commonly used in clinical practice (Harris-Benedict, Mifflin-St Jeor, Owen, and World Health Organization/Food and Agriculture Organization/United Nations University [WHO/FAO/UNU]). Of these equations, the Mifflin-St Jeor equation was the most reliable, predicting RMR within 10% of measured in more nonobese and obese individuals than any other equation, and it also had the narrowest error range.

    Obviously, all formulas have a margin of error because they are based on statistics, not individuals. But the one MFP uses has the least margin of error for the most people.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    To OP: What kind of exercise are you doing? If you're doing any strength training, try stopping for a week. This gives a rest period, and will let you know if you have water retention in the muscles. Also, while it wouldn't be my normal advice, if you're solely concerned with weight loss right now due to the military req's, cardio will be better strictly for weight loss (for a short period - depends on how far you have to reach goal weight for enlistment). If you still have a while (2-3 months or more) to reach goal weight, then strength training will be your friend. But I'd give it a rest for a week, if you're doing any.

    As for diet, it looks like you're zigzagging, which is fine. But for what I looked at, it's not very consistent zigzagging. You want to change things up, not create chaos :laugh: When you say you tried eating more, what was the deficit, and for how long?

    Also, your fats are really low most days. Try to incorporate more healthy fats with oils, fish, avocado (you've already got nuts, add in some other sources).
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    @WinderCD: I do like eggs and keep them around. I will switch up breakfast and look for some more nutritious tortillas. Thx!

    @Ladyhawk: I only do intermittent bike rides, maybe 1/week if that. I'd like to up it to 4-5x/week for 30 minutes each. Thank you for the suggestions! I can start cooking my chicken in olive oil and taking fish oil supplements so that might help a bit.

    I appreciate all the great suggestions! I'll report back when things start moving again. Thanks, all!

  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    I just read this last night about plateaus and found it very informative, it explains why they happen and mentioned that they can last 1 to 2 months! Yikes!! I thought I was in a plateau but think it must have just been a "stall" because I read in one forum that a true plateau is NO weight loss for 6-8 weeks. I have lost only 2 lbs. in the last 3 weeks so I know how frustrating it is!! Just hang in there and keep trying everything that people have mentioned it seems like great advice.
    Also I did some research and found some good information on the fit to fat ratio website...there was an audio clip about plateaus...I felt like I was in college again b/c I was taking notes! Here's what I got from it:
    Ways to break a plateau:
    1. Eat at your maintenance level for a week.
    2. Try the zigzag method. Do your normal calorie goal for 4 days, then have a 2,100 calorie day, back to normal for 4 then another 2,100 calorie day.
    3. Change your program- change your exercise routine and what you are eating. Some days eat more protein and less carbs, change it up to keep your body guessing.
    4. Don't do the same type of exercise every day.
    5. Eat 5 to 6 times a day to keep your metabolism going.
    6. Only do moderate calorie restriction- never eat less than 500 below your maintenance level or your body could go into starvation mode! (This is important I think, b/c MFP puts most people at 1200. Well I figured my maintenance and it was 1900, so I just changed mine from 1200 to 1400 this week and I have already lost a pound so eating more does help!)
    7. Take 1 or 2 rest days from exercise per week. (Gladly!!)
    8. Take time off from the diet. Have one "cheat day" per week! (I LOVE THIS ONE!!) :laugh:
    Here is the link to that article about plateuas:
    Good luck girl!!!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    @Kimberg75: Great, concise suggestions. Thank you very much! :drinker:
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    I too, have been stuck at 180 for almost a month now. It sucks, especially since the first 25 came off pretty easily and quickly.
    I have even increased how much I run and how many days. I know how frustrated you feel. If nothing else, switch it up a bit and try to exercise more. Maybe just pop a video in and get moving.
    At the end of the day, we will lose more weight and I am sure it won't be our last plateau:)

    Keep your head up!
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