Turbo Jam 10 Kick Start Plan Start 7/6. Anyone in?



  • leslie4health
    leslie4health Posts: 26 Member
    I was going to rest today but figured if I wanted any snacks I better do something. :tongue:

    Walked 40 minutes w/1,410 calories 7/13
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    If it's not too late, I'd like to join. Turbo Jam is my only form of cardio and I enjoy every minute of it. My favorite TJ dvd is cardio party 1 since I know all the moves from start to finish. Still working on cardio party 2 & 3. I actually burn less calories doing those two, because I end up pausing/rewinding the video.

    Best of luck to everyone!

    Height: 5'1"
    GW: 105
  • beccabuckle
    So last night (after a crappy day at work) my boyfriend and I decided to try racquetball instead of Turbo Jam. I worked out on the Arc Trainer for 20 minutes, did 45 squats, 30 crunches and 30 push-ups before he got to the gym and when we were finished I could believe what my heart-rate monitor said!

    Worked out: 1hr 18 min
    Calories Burned: 1132

    =D That just blew me away!! Thanks for telling me to get a monitor Till!!
  • leslie4health
    leslie4health Posts: 26 Member
    Cottonay, I think this ends tomorrow but I will do it with you until the 22nd if you want? My husband is coming home that night after being gone for over a month so I won't be on here much until he leaves again in a week. Let me know! :happy:

    Becca, that's great you burned so many calories! Its great having an HRM to see how many calories I'm burning. Did you get one with a chest strap? That's what I have and it falls a lot so that's annoying but other than that it does the job. :smile:

    Turbo Jam & Jillian six wk six pack completed w/1,338 calories 7/14
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    Leslie4health, that would be awesome if you could. I'd like to have a workout buddy. I wish there was an official Turbo Jam group dedicated to Turbo Jammers like ourselves, similar to the Turbo Fire thread. Everyone probably upgraded to that one after it came out, which is understandable, but I can't make myself give up on Turbo Jam. It's the first workout dvd that I have ever looked forward to doing everyday, it has become a daily routine for me just like brushing my teeth or taking a shower. Don't get me wrong there are days when my motivation is severely lacking, but those days are few in between.

    Anyway, I just finished Cardio Party Mix 2. My hrm says I burned 460 cals. I was burning a lot more when I restarted the prog a month ago. Go figure :P
  • tillNEWYEARS
    Hey guys...So it has been 10 days. I've met my calorie goal for each day! I only did turbo 5/10 days, but I did other exercises for 3/10 days...anyway..It was great to have you guys here in the group! Good luck continuing with turbo jam, cottonay and leslie!! And beccabuckle hope you are doing well too! I might decide to continue on with you..not sure. Anyway good luck!
  • leslie4health
    leslie4health Posts: 26 Member
    Till, thanks so much for starting this group. It has been fun! Good job and good luck with everythig. :flowerforyou:

    Cottonay, I agree, I'm totally hooked on doing Turbo Jam. I only have cardio party 1 and sculpt. I'm about to purchase Turbo Jam Lower body Jam to help tone. Wow, you burn way more calories than me. I burn about 300 doing cardio party. Well, I will keep posting my info. here so we can do this together. :smile:

    Turbo Jam & Jillian six wk six pack completed w/1,439 calories 7/15
  • leslie4health
    leslie4health Posts: 26 Member
    I took a break from working out 7/16 :smile:
  • leslie4health
    leslie4health Posts: 26 Member
    Turbo Jam & Jillian six wk six pack completed w/1,410 calories 7/17
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    Sorry for the lack of updates. My sis-in-law came over for the weekend so I skipped two of my scheduled workouts. Anyway, I weighed in today and lost 0.8 lbs. Not bad considering that I cheated a little bit. I had a couple extra serving of food and a melon ice bar. (I can't seem to give those up, because it taste soo good).
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    07/18/11: Cardio Party 1- 440 calories
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    07/19/11: Punch, Kick & Jam- 496 cals
  • leslie4health
    leslie4health Posts: 26 Member
    No problem, I've been busy myself. That's great that you lost weight and got to cheat a little. It would be hard to keep doing this if you couldn't indulge a little. My husbands coming home soon so that will be a test to see how well I can keep up with what I've been doing. It won't be easy! :smile:

    Turbo Jam w/1,400 calories 7/18

    Turbo Jam & Jillian six wk six pack completed w/1,399 calories 7/19
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    Decided to take my rest day today instead of Saturday. Will resume tomorrow.

    Leslie, I realized that perfection is not something one should strive for when it comes to weight loss. I will have days when I go over my calorie intake (by eating not so good foods) and skip scheduled workouts due to laziness or lack of motivation. Progress is progress, no matter how small or significant it may seem. Two weeks ago I only lost 0.3 lb instead of the usual 0.8 lb. I ate pretty badly (ice cream, chips, and hershey kisses), but I don't regret it one bit. It tasted so good and I savored every bite of the chocolate goodness.
  • leslie4health
    leslie4health Posts: 26 Member
    I totally agree! The only time I can eat and work out like I am right now is when my husband isn't around, and what I eat isn't perfect for that matter. For some reason it all goes out the window when he's around. Its not like we indulge every once in a while. Its every night, usually with Ice cream and brownies. Yummy! I need to learn to do this when he's around or I will just keep losing and gaining, losing and gaining. Its frustrating! Anywho, I'm tired and rambling. :yawn:

    Turbo Jam w/1,341 calories 7/20
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    07/21/11- Cardio Party Mix 3: 356 cals.

    My hrm kept losing signal. Maybe it's time for a battery change, I don't know. It was such a nuisance because it would stop reading my heart rate in the middle of my workout. I would have burned more calories if I hadn't lost momentum from trying to get it to read my heart rate.
  • leslie4health
    leslie4health Posts: 26 Member
    Today was a break day for me. I'm being slowed down because of TOM. Ugh! My HRM has done that to me too but only once so far. It is a pain when you are trying to work out and figure out what's going on with it. Annoying! :grumble:
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    07/22/11- Cardio Party 2: 430 cals

    Is today the last day? I wish I had joined earlier.

    I figured out that it wasn't the battery making my hrm lose signal, but my own sweat. I was sweating profusely during my workout and noticed that my hrm started to lose signal. It picked up my heart rate after I wiped the sweat off my body. Weird :laugh:

    I hate the TOTM! I suddenly get uncontrollable cravings for anything sweet a few days before my period start.
  • leslie4health
    leslie4health Posts: 26 Member
    Ha, I guess that's probably what was wrong with my HRM! Yeah, today was the last day. I'll be back in about a week when my husband leaves again though. :happy:

    Turbo Jam w/1,342 calories 7/23